Note to self thread


NTS: Stop telling strangers about your drinking problem.
What's the problem? did ya run out? ;) LOL j/k bro :lol:
Hey guys thought I'd swing by and say hi too :). Been working on a bunch of projects lately havn't been on much. Glad to hear things are goin good.
Been going good beech :). I have been getting over there like once a week some times twice. I've made a couple bowls, there are pictures of the first one on my thread. I've made a few pendants and a couple marbles too which has been real fun. He's been hosting some classes last week and again this week so I havn't been able to work in over a week making me itch :). Seriously though, I really need to set up myself or find a way to get over there more. I need more time on the torch to continue to progress I think. When I'm working on something I have been able to see/feel certain techniques getting easier to do and turning out better each time. I would love to set up a little shop in my garage. I don't really know when thats gonna happen though money is tighter then ever. I have been trading oil for my torch time which has been great, because there is no way I could have afforded it otherwise.
NTS: Be smarter then the bacon and don't use your hands to put it into a hot greasy pan :facepalm:.

The arm is doing really well too, thanks for asking. Technically my wrist is still broken I found out last month. But the screw is still holding it together and there is blood flow which is good. The Dr. talked about doing another surgery but I don't wanna cross that bridge yet. I'm not in pain unless I do alot with it(which I'm not supposed to do....) Otherwise I do alright, I'm trying to get the strength back in my arm without hurting the wrist...... its been a frustrating balance to keep. The Dr. okay'd me to go back to therapy though so thats sweet and should help alot.