Look out superthrive - Organic Competition

i will order you the BMO off ebay if you would like i will then send it to you as long as you pay for shipping and stuff ? deal
shit is awesome in my opinion i can see tiny roots on 3 of my 5 clones its been nine days i will post pictures good quality! in 48 hours i am trying to capture how fast they will grow once they have roots that can actually absorb the BMO and water solution.

I also put two seedlings in the bubbler to start vegging for lack of a better place to put them. I also planted two more seeds in a hempy pot to get started i will later transfer to the bubbler (the thing is awesome) one is sour diesel :) either way i should see some growth in the next two days.
Yes..Awesome is the correct description for Blue Mountain Organics " Super Plant Tonic ". Just got my third bottle today. I like the new mixing ratio. Much easier to remember when I'm stoned. One ounce to one gallon. Makes figuring the cuts easier, like half strength, quarter strength..etc.. I'm glad it's more concentrated now, cause it saves a few bucks on the shipping cost. Plus you can get the large bottle for about what the small bottle used to cost. I'm F-R-U-G-A-L, so that appeals to me.
ya he is gonna send me 2 32 oz bottles which equals one gallon of the old regular stuff for 35 bucks total not too bad!
ya he is gonna send me 2 32 oz bottles which equals one gallon of the old regular stuff for 35 bucks total not too bad!
Man.. that's 64 gallons at regular strenth or 128 gallons at half strength. That is a super sweet price. How did you manage that ? Are you dating his sister ? Did you send his Mom some roses ? I am jealous !
ha no i just asked it is still kinda expensive making my total water cost about 75 cents a gallon. My plants are showing some burning very little. I'm giving it RO water only at next watering and then 1/2 strength BMO until i repot with better soil, then she will get full strength all the way to one week before harvest. many budsites are developing
grapeoptimo.. when you get within two weeks of harvest, stop using the BMO. It's kind of a waste if you do. Don't get me wrong.. it's great stuff... but there is no real ground to be gained with it - the last two weeks. Your plants rootball will already be pretty much maxed out. The plants internal functions are focused on flowering & root development takes a back seat at that point. I got this advice from a guy who has been using it for over four years. I stood under some of his Thai ladies the other day & looked ...UP... only 10 feet tall, wider than the back of a Cadillac, and looking sweet. He says - he used to get up to a pound (dried bud) per plant, from this strain, now he get's two or better. BMO SPT - is going to stay in my toolbox....
I think I'll send a nice email & try sweet talkin that guy in to giving me a deal like yours. I won't mention your deal, mums the word. I'll just tell him, I've been plugging his tonic, I'm a repeat customer & my birthday is coming up soon. Think that will work ?
Hey..the next person on this site, that buys some BMO Super Plant Tonic..tell the seller.. Craig from Little Rock (a loyal customer) has been plugging his product. Send Craig a free bottle...he's frugal..& his birthday is coming up. Thank you in advance.
I just ordered mine yesterday. It was about $14 w/ S&H. It wasn't from a Craig though.

Is anyone useing BMO in a hydroponic setup? I have a DIY areo set up. Right now I'm useing GH Maxigrow and bloom and Koolbloom. But I'm seriously considering useing organics in my areo setup.

Can anyone say how this can be used in hydro? How much should I use? Do I have to make a tea?

Also can gauno or casting teas be used in a hydro setup? What can I use as a bloom booster that is organic?
I just ordered mine yesterday. It was about $14 w/ S&H. It wasn't from a Craig though.

Is anyone useing BMO in a hydroponic setup? I have a DIY areo set up. Right now I'm useing GH Maxigrow and bloom and Koolbloom. But I'm seriously considering useing organics in my areo setup.

Can anyone say how this can be used in hydro? How much should I use? Do I have to make a tea?

Also can gauno or casting teas be used in a hydro setup? What can I use as a bloom booster that is organic?
Oh...I'm Craig..not the guy selling the BMO SPT...darn.. A missed opportunity to get a free bottle.
Acea74, I have only used the stuff in soil & a aerocloner (short time frame). I could not tell you the best mixing ratios for that, sorry.
I just know from experience. Once you introduce it into your growing medium - it bonds to you roots & your rootball practically doubles in size in no time.
My advice, if no one else comes forward, is this. Mix up a gallon at regular strength, introduce it into your res. tank. If after two days, you don't notice a difference in your plants appearance, repeat that. Until you do, start low, build slow. Because, once this stuff establishes itself, your plants let you know - growth is prompt, bushy & vigorous. Then cut back on your fertilizer doses, because your plants become very efficent at taking up the nutrients after BMO does it's thing.
Then I would just do, a half strength shot, every week, up until two weeks before finishing.
Hope this helps.. If someone has a better answer - Help this Guy.
I'm a S-O-I-L Man myself.
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oh so green can you give me a perfect mix yourself soil for a plant that will be given only bmo as nutrients in order to allow good uptake of water and drainage, i am thinking about going hempy, it has looked promising, btw it will be a clone going into my makeshift flower room until i order the procyon and a hut within the month
Oh...I'm Craig..not the guy selling the BMO SPT...darn.. A missed opportunity to get a free bottle.
Acea74, I have only used the stuff in soil & a aerocloner (short time frame). I could not tell you the best mixing ratios for that, sorry.
I just know from experience. Once you introduce it into your growing medium - it bonds to you roots & your rootball practically doubles in size in no time.
My advice, if no one else comes forward, is this. Mix up a gallon at regular strength, introduce it into your res. tank. If after two days, you don't notice a difference in your plants appearance, repeat that. Until you do, start low, build slow. Because, once this stuff establishes itself, your plants let you know - growth is prompt, bushy & vigorous. Then cut back on your fertilizer doses, because your plants become very efficent at taking up the nutrients after BMO does it's thing.
Then I would just do, a half strength shot, every week, up until two weeks before finishing.
Hope this helps.. If someone has a better answer - Help this Guy.
I'm a S-O-I-L Man myself.

Ohsogreen (Craig), Sorry about the mix up. I still haven't recieved my bottle yet. I still can throw in a good word for you if you'd like. We are a community and should help one another out so we all can "grow together". :) as a community of course.

I have a DIY bubbler for clones. I'll try it in there as well. Just to make sure I got this right... you want me to make a gal. of reg. strength and ad the whole gallon to my rez tank?

What do you consider a "shot"? like in a shot glass? I use shot glasses for rooting hormones and taking samples from the rez tank. I believe a standar shot glass is 2oz
how big is your res, if your res for the clones is < 3 gallons that would make the BMO strength in your res +.33 percent that is too much in my opinion my clones love just about a half ounce to 2 1/2 gallons, but i also add frozen RO ice chunks to cool the res on the hot days
My clone rez is 3 gallons (6-15 plant bubbler). My veg rez is 4 gallons (2-6 plant areo). and my mother rez is 6 gallons (1-3 plant bubbler). My flowering rez is 20 gallons (4 plant areo).

If I go total organic I might keep the mothers in soil. Right now I'm having some good sucess not keeping any mothers. I usally take the cuttings from "topping" or "lollipoping" my plants to make clones. Most of the time my plants grow to fast so I just cut them down to size to even out the growth. I'm still trying to perfect my timing so I don't have to many clones with too many tall plants (waste of time, energy, and money). If this tonic does what everyone sez it does, then I'm gonna need even more practice perfecting my timing.

Anyone experiment with reduced lighting while useing this tonic. Or should I never cut down on lighting? I wouldn't cut down in lighthing my flowering room. But I think 4 30watt T8 tubes is over kill for 6 plants that are not even a foot high yet.
I have a DIY bubbler for clones. I'll try it in there as well. Just to make sure I got this right... you want me to make a gal. of reg. strength and ad the whole gallon to my rez tank?

What do you consider a "shot"? like in a shot glass? I use shot glasses for rooting hormones and taking samples from the rez tank. I believe a standar shot glass is 2oz
Acea74.. It sounds like what GrapeOptimo is telling you - sounds right on track. He's been using it with a hydro bubbler with a few clones. There is no replacement for experience. I have hydro'd in the past, but was not using BMO SPT back then; wished I had of been. My experience with it has been with soil & semi-soilless mixes.
I just always air on the safe side, with fertilizers & tonics. Experience has taught me, start low & build as you go. Or the really old school growers (who I bought off of in the 60's) always said " Feed Weakly / Weekly ".
Hope this helps a little... +rep to GrapeOptimo for his advice.
Acea74... Using fluro's for seedlings is smart. (160-210 watts is enough). Just make sure you have your seedlings centered under them. Fluro light is only good out to a foot (max) & the center of the bulbs throw out the most light. So park you plants dead center. It really saves on the electric bill; a plus in my book.
Once you go to veg., never reduce your light levels - use at least a 250 watt MH or HPS, then if anything add to it. or switch up to a 400 - 430 watts (HPS) which is perfect for 6-8 small plants. The truth has always been, less light equals less buddage. The exception being, these new LED light sources. Since, they throw out only light in two specific ranges - they give plants exactly what they need - with reduced electrical consumption. No wasted light - Very Efficent. I plan on getting some of them in the future...after the prices level off or drop.
With the BMO SPT, start with a half strength dose - if the bottle you bought is the new more concentrated formula - that's half a ounce (1 tablespoon) to one gallon of unchlorinated water. I would then only add a quart of it to my 3 gallon res., wait two days, then add more, spaced out over a fews days. I did not realize when you first posted, your res. was that small. GrapeOptimo should be dropping back in soon, I'd bounce that ideal off him & see what he thinks...
Plus Thanks in advance for any plug you throw the seller. I think he's going to hook me up, deesbarrett brought up my name & it seems he liked that. He's a good guy to buy from, he ships fast & adds stuff after you buy from him a couple of times. I agree with us all growing as a community. I look forward to the day our Government takes it's head out of it's *ss & legalizes this very helpful plant. (stress reduction, pain reduction, & cancer fighting properties) All wanted by the Big-Pharma's but only if they can patient it & get rich. Greedy Bast*ards...
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Attention - Blue Mountain Organics...just kicked out another batch of super plant tonic. I just saw several bottles for sale on Ebay earlier, why I was buying some Guano. If you were wanting one, grab them before some other guys does...
Thank You.. This has been a Public Service Announcement from the Hard Core Organics Network .. Please Standby for additional important updates....He...He..He..
Thanks to all the fellow surfers who dropped my name to Willieonthehill. I bought some guano from him & found out BMO is giving me a bottle of Super Plant Tonic for talking nice about their products. Whoo...Who... I just love free stuff........
I'm Feeling the Love.....
:cry:ok guys i have bad news, i was arrested yesterday on some bs thing spent 28 hours in there. once i finally got a phone call 20+ hours in i figured out that a officer called my friend and got him to go get my car so it didn't get towed pretty nice but the bad part was the officer wouldnt tell my friend while i was in jail so for safety he cut my girls and took down the equipment . the rest was fucked up tho!:cry::cry:

i am gonna wait to get threw this and then i'll have plenty of money saved up to get a led :)
ok,, so if the hippies came up with this bmo,,im wondering if they would have it at a hippie fest im attending next month :peace:
ok,, so if the hippies came up with this bmo,,im wondering if they would have it at a hippie fest im attending next month :peace:
If it's in northern Arkansas or Southern Missouri - I'd say you have a good change of getting sum. They might even have some BMO SPT too...LOL...
Free Love is good - but back it up with a condum......:hump: