HoMe BreWed CRee CXA3050


Well-Known Member
Just got threw making my second CXA3050 2700k. Here are some pics.





Nice DIY!

Thanks, I thought it turned out quit well. Better then the first one, going to change that one a bit one night. Make it have better airflow like my 2nd model.

I was pretty baked when i posted this last night forgot to add some info.

First off i built these after checking out this thread https://www.rollitup.org/t/cree-cxa3050-100w-custom-led-grow-journal-with-dinafem-blue-widow.733157/. So Props to bbspills for doing the journal with the CXA3050 2700k and killing it.

Link to LED Chips http://www.digikey.com/product-deta...0N00W227F/CXA3050-0000-000N00W227F-ND/4009920

Link to Drivers http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2101315_-1

Link to LED Holder http://www.newark.com/ideal/50-2234c/led-holder-cxa30-array-series/dp/90W0065

I have only had the first light up for 3 days now but i swear the buds are getting fatter under the Cree lights. Maybe i am just tripping I guess a bit more time will tell.

Some more pics



Some Strawberry Cough

Candy Kush

Older pic before the second Cree was added , Candy Kush back left , Got a Indica Back right and front are both Strawberry Coughs
nice^^^^^ grow going on, and great diy panels. How do you like the eshine growsun so far? Is it me are some of the "cob" modules are more red leaning???

be safe
I like the idea of the crees adding supplementals to your 'coloured' panels...or maybe itz the other way round....get that hit of white in there....lovely... :)
Somebody's a machinist. That's very cool the way you incorporated the 3-prong receptacle.

If it was me I'd pop a big hole in that plate covering the fan and install a fan grille rather than inhibiting air flow to the fan. I'm sure what you have works fine though
Thanks Guys

nice^^^^^ grow going on, and great diy panels. How do you like the eshine growsun so far? Is it me are some of the "cob" modules are more red leaning???

be safe

The grow sun has been working pretty good. There is one light on it though the ladies seem to really like. I believe it is a cree. Here is a pic with it circled. But the bud right under that Cob has been getting fatter then the others. Today i took the lens off and all the buds in that area turned right towards that light. I would like to add three more of those jokers. I got the light straight from the factory so if i would have known i could have it custom built with 4 of those. Hell maybe even all 8. I can still order More of those cobs from the factory. You take out 4 screws and the cob will unplug so you can replace a burnt out one. Got to see how much they want for some first. Hoping they tell me what chip it is then maybe i can pick some up and DIY them.

Somebody's a machinist. That's very cool the way you incorporated the 3-prong receptacle.

If it was me I'd pop a big hole in that plate covering the fan and install a fan grille rather than inhibiting air flow to the fan. I'm sure what you have works fine though

Used to be a machinist for awhile way back when. But I do have a small shop set up mini mill and lathe. There not the greatest but as long as you dont try to hog out a bunch of metal at one time they get the job done.

That fan can breath just fine like that. In fact i would put money on it that if you used a grill right next to the fan like they usually are put on, that it would impede air flow more then the way i did it.

Here is what i was working on today. A DIY dehumidifier made with a 60 watt peltier. Here it is after a hour running.

It is on a timer so it turns off for 5 minutes every hour then the water melts into the tray.

Flycutting a heatsink with mini mill

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Just got threw making my second CXA3050 2700k. Here are some pics.





WOW , That's nice DIY and best quality DIY I have ever seen . Cree LED chips are the best in the World , Meanwell led drivers are also the famous LED drivers in led driver Market . All you use is real top quality components .
Thanks, I thought it turned out quit well. Better then the first one, going to change that one a bit one night. Make it have better airflow like my 2nd model.

I was pretty baked when i posted this last night forgot to add some info.

First off i built these after checking out this thread https://www.rollitup.org/t/cree-cxa3050-100w-custom-led-grow-journal-with-dinafem-blue-widow.733157/. So Props to bbspills for doing the journal with the CXA3050 2700k and killing it.

Link to LED Chips http://www.digikey.com/product-deta...0N00W227F/CXA3050-0000-000N00W227F-ND/4009920

Link to Drivers http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2101315_-1

Link to LED Holder http://www.newark.com/ideal/50-2234c/led-holder-cxa30-array-series/dp/90W0065

I have only had the first light up for 3 days now but i swear the buds are getting fatter under the Cree lights. Maybe i am just tripping I guess a bit more time will tell.

Some more pics



Some Strawberry Cough

Candy Kush

Older pic before the second Cree was added , Candy Kush back left , Got a Indica Back right and front are both Strawberry Coughs
Compare your DIY LED light with those Chinese LED grow lights , they seems weak. Nice !!!
Thanks Hgrow,

Bit of a update, I went and got me some etching primer and painted the bottom of the light flat white. Mainly i just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting any hot spots off all the shinny bare metal also flat white is a excellent reflective surface color.

Here is a pic from a few minutes ago. Strawberry Cough is in the front she been under the cxa3050 Since it was built. The Indica in the back was under the ebay LED most of flower going to be interesting to see the next run under a CXA if she grows fatter. Loving these CXA's They grow some FaT BuDs

Very cool use with the Peltier, literally! Are you still using it?

I had looked at one of these a while ago, a very small one in fact, but it used so much power, I went away from the idea....but very cool to see it in play :peace:
Very cool use with the Peltier, literally! Are you still using it?

I had looked at one of these a while ago, a very small one in fact, but it used so much power, I went away from the idea....but very cool to see it in play :peace:

I fried it awhile back so no peltier. I got some more on the way they are really cheap off ebay. I paid 7 bucks for three 60 watters shipped via the slow boat from china. going to be more careful with those. I wont have to use it all the time usually just rainy days when the humidity gets high and really it takes a couple rain days in row. So no too worried about the power. Most of the time i can keep the room in the low 40's. Going to add one more intake fan too see if that helps out any when the humidity is high.