I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

I just had a brilliant idea n420 ( i have those often; they should hook me up to a supercomputer and data-mine my brain for briliant ideas and save mankind from themselves)

How about this: get on a plane to the Phillipines before next Easter. They crucify people their regularly. You could do your thing and bring us all to bliss.

How about it champ? Ready to take one for the team? Don't let us down amigo. We are counting on you.
Remember: junta. siempre. pa' todo tiempo (hope i got that last bit right)

Like I said in the other post; I would allow Myself to be crucified while I am 33 years old.

I am not scared of death, I will embrace death and sleep until I am reincarnated at the next AGE. The reason why I want to die (although I never WANT to die) at 33 years old is because Jesus allegedly died at 33 years old, and Jesus is known as the Christ. I want to prove to everyone, including the Christians, that I will be the ultimate Sacrifice. It sounds crazy, but Im going to die one day, I just want to go out in an epic way that will show My Love for everyone, including YOU.

I dont have a death wish, even though it seems like it. I just want to be remembered after I die. The reason why I want to be remembered is because I can help a lot if people would just read all of My prophecies. I can answer many peoples questions that are pertinent to Myself. I have many solutions that can benifit everyone, including everyone.

I am ready to die when I turn 33 years old, if I must die to be the Sacrifice for sins. But I can forgive sins while I am alive, I dont need to die to forgive sins. But some people are crazy and would like for Me to die, and I will die for the crazy people too.

My Message is complete.

I dont need to say anything else in order to leave My Newest Testament, its a complete work. But I do plan on talking online as much as I want until the day I die. If people would just read everything that I have said, I could turn this world into Garden Paradise.

Either way, I am enjoying Myself, thats all that matters. I really enjoy blogging and reading all of your comments. I kind of have a boring Life: I have plenty of time on My hands because I am currently unemployed. So I like to bullshit about the craziest shit, because it amuses Me.

If I am crucified at 33 years old, who will remember Me? I dont want to die if no one cares about Me, or no one pays attention to My death. I want My death to be a worthy Sacrifice. Of course I dont want to be crucified, that would hurt like hell, but if I can change the world for the best; it would be worth every pain that I ever went through.

Maybe Im better off to stay alive until I die the natural death, but would I gain as much from My death? Maybe I will take a poll, and if the majority of people want Me crucified, I will get crucified. If the majority of people want Me alive so I can teach, I might do that too.

I just want My death to show how much Love I have for YOU and YOU and YOU.

Yes actually, for thinking someone with your mental problems should EVER be behind the wheel of a 40+ton truck , let alone on public roads!! I can just imagine it now, you driving your lorry down the road, all of a sudden see one of your visions/aliens/whatever the fuck it is you reckon you see, start confirming to yourself in your own head that what you are seeing is real and that you are indeed christ and by the time you realise you are off in your own head n not paying attention to the road you have wiped out a whole line of traffic and multiple families.....

So yes, you are a fucking moron if you think going n getting your CDL is anywhere remotely close to a good idea until you have sorted out your mental problems

I dont really have mental problems. But I do have some problems, like everyone does.

If you knew Me in real life, you would think that Im just an average guy. I dont talk like this in person.

I just like to have some fun on the internet. People would think that Im crazy if I talkes about this stuff in real life, so I save My rhetoric for the internet, where I can be somewhat anonymous. Sure, you can see My picture in My avatar, and I plan on showing you guys My youtube videos, but I dont have to deal with any of you guys in real life, haha, lol. I can say whatever I want and I dont care what people say on the internet, for the most part: I dont have to deal with you guys in real life.

I will be a good truck driver. I own a Jeep, and I can drive that just fine. Plus I need a job, and truck driving seems easy; I just need to pay attention to the road. Its worth a shot to Me. Dont worry, you cant drive a commercial truck if you have too many accidents that are your falt, so I NEED to be safe or I wont be able to drive trucks.

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If you're crucified... I'm gonna be crucified right next to you. But I'm gonna be wearing a pink speedo and a tophat... And I'm gonna be singng "she'll be comin round the mountain when she comes" the whole time.

So they'll remember me > you 8-)
I just made a new avatar, with My face.

Maybe someone can transplant My face onto something funny again.

You guys are cracking Me up in laughter, with My pictures being transplanted onto funny scenes, lol.

Keep up the good work guys.

I might continue to change My avatar: so do your best to make another funny picture, quickly: thanks, lol.

I am going to try and play My youtube videos.

The reason why I said that I am going to "TRY" and play My youtube videos is because I havent played a single video yet, since RIU changed its website or format for playing videos.

Feel free to try and debunk anything that I say in My videos; Im always game to have a debate with rational people.

This video was from about 2 years ago or so.

You can see My face and hear My voice.

I look like My picture in My avatar because I just took that picture. But I still sound the same as in the youtube videos of Myself. I will have to play more youtube videos of Myself.

Its like you guys can actually know Me.

oh My Lord, this Guy is a Wanker

Would you like to debate why I am a "wanker"?

You guys must not get it!

I am totally normal in real life, I get bored easy so I like to debate about the craziest shit on the internet.

I like to play My game, which is to talk about My Christ complex. It entertains Me. I totally believe that I am the Christ, but I can only talk about it on the internet because I dont want to scare anyone in real life. I used to talk about My Christ complex in person, and some people called Me "Jesus", God, or Christ. I had the biggest "following" while I was in prison in 2009: everyone in prison called Me "Jesus". By the way, even though I served 2 months in prison, I wasnt convicted of any crime: I got into a fight with My dad.

Why am I a "wanker"?

Of course some of you guys are going to think Im crazy, its because I only want to talk about crazy entertaining shit on the internet. I dont want to talk about boring shit while Im online, I dont get My kicks that way. I like to put the most insane ideas out there and then read your responses. But in real life, I tend to just talk about whats on topic.

I dont mind being called a "wanker", just tell Me why I am a "wanker". Wanker is a funny word, lol. WANKER!

Lets have a debate.

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On one of your videos, at the very end you say something like "the whole sky was filled with clouds, except there was a blue strip" then it cuts out.

What was up with that? Way to leave us hangin.....
get you one of these, you do not look like god


What does God look like anyways?

As far as I know, no one has ever taken a picture or a video of God. Some people say that God is an invisible Spirit. Until someone comes up with a picture of God, you cant compare Me to God.

Hypothetically, if the Bible is true, I am made in the image and likeness of God: so if you see a picture of Me, you are seeing a picture of God. And if I am made in the likeness of God, you can watch videos of Me- the likeness of God. Im sure God would be somewhat like Me if God was 100% human. I am god-like. I am godly. I would hope that God would be like Me because Im a wonderful Person and if God was like Me, then I could relate to Him. But the fact is that we dont know anything about God; for all I know, I could be God. And we all could be gods.

Sometimes reality is much stranger then fiction. Im sure everyone in the world, including the Atheists, would want to see a picture or a video of God. But God is apparently very shy, so thats not possible. But you can see pictures and videos of Me, and I am the Christ. You can get to know Me on a very personal level.

In a way, I am greater then God because I am demonstrable and provable. God apparently isnt demonstrable or provable. You should treat Me the same way you would treat Christ. You should look at Me the way you would look at Christ.

You guys can KNOW that you KNOW that you KNOW Me- the Christ. I have posted thousands of posts on the internet, surely you can get to know someone by what they have to say.

At the very least, I am much greater then Jesus.

On one of your videos, at the very end you say something like "the whole sky was filled with clouds, except there was a blue strip" then it cuts out.

What was up with that? Way to leave us hangin.....

Ahh, yes, I know exactly what youre talking about and I can explain.

I thought youtube had a 15 minute time limit to personal videos. That video, that I will play in this post, was over the 15 minutes. I thought that I was going to have to remake that video because I thought I went over the 15 minute time limit. I honestly dont know what the time limit is for youtube videos.

Anyways, about the last Sign in the clouds that I saw. I was in prison for fighting with My dad: I was in prison for about 2 months. I actually saw 2 Signs in the clouds while I was in prison, but thats in the video that I will play. So, the final Sign in the clouds was the sky was parted, the sky was full of clouds on one side and also the other side, but there was a strip of blue sky in the middle. The reason why I interpreted that as a Sign was because within that same hour I found a picture of Jesus, and there was a strip of cloud in the backround of that picture: so what I saw was the total opposite of the picture of Jesus. Like I said, in the picture with Jesus, there was blue skies with a strip of cloud in the middle; the Sign that I saw was the total opposite with the whole sky being cloudy except a strip of blue sky in the middle.

I would consider this Sign to be the least of the 5 Signs that I saw in the clouds. Both of the two Signs that I saw in the clouds, while I was in prison, were when I was going through the courtyard to get to the chow hall, at lunch time.

I will now play the video that you are talking about so other members can see what I am talking about. I did make one mistake though, in the video. I actually saw the black cloud on the eve of Good Friday, and NOT Black Friday.

Start watching this video at 9 minutes and 30 seconds to see about the 5 Signs in the clouds: unless you want to watch about My encounter with some invisible/translucent being. (I was going to play this video last, because I needed a haircut and I look awful in this video, lol.)

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

I hope I answered your question Skuxx.

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I have a question N.
If i were you, the idea of being called N would excite me. It would me make think that I was a creation of Albert Broccoli.
Do you see where I'm headed with this N?

btw: no one trusts a man with a goatee. especially if he's wearing chaps.

Here are a series of questions I want you to think over. No need to answer here.
do you own a cowboy hat? ever been to vegas? milked a cow?
fallen asleep on a bus? or while driving?
cats or dogs? burgers or hot dogs? pudding: chocolate or vanilla?
speak any languages? tongues?

further: fire that barber N. or pay him with broccoli next time.
Would you like to debate why I am a "wanker"?

You guys must not get it!

I am totally normal in real life, I get bored easy so I like to debate about the craziest shit on the internet.

I like to play My game, which is to talk about My Christ complex. It entertains Me. I totally believe that I am the Christ, but I can only talk about it on the internet because I dont want to scare anyone in real life. I used to talk about My Christ complex in person, and some people called Me "Jesus", God, or Christ. I had the biggest "following" while I was in prison in 2009: everyone in prison called Me "Jesus". By the way, even though I served 2 months in prison, I wasnt convicted of any crime: I got into a fight with My dad.

Why am I a "wanker"?

Of course some of you guys are going to think Im crazy, its because I only want to talk about crazy entertaining shit on the internet. I dont want to talk about boring shit while Im online, I dont get My kicks that way. I like to put the most insane ideas out there and then read your responses. But in real life, I tend to just talk about whats on topic.

I dont mind being called a "wanker", just tell Me why I am a "wanker". Wanker is a funny word, lol. WANKER!

Lets have a debate.

I would like to have a mass debate on why You are a wanker

Lmao, this picture is priceless!

Good work, LetsGetCritical!

I think I decent looking, Im not the best looking but Im not ugly either.

I even look like Christ in this picture, with the crown of thorns.

Its not easy to be so sexy, like Me, lmao! Im just kidding, Im not that vain.

I think that I could pass for a chubby Jesus; if we actually knew what Jesus looked like. Since we dont know what Jesus looks like, we have to pretend and imagine. But for all I know, I could be the first Christ, because most of what the Christians believe about Jesus is myths anyways. If Jesus didnt perform any miracles, would the Christians still believe in Jesus?

Anyways, I love this picture. I look great with a crown of thorns, lol.

I made a new avatar the other day, maybe you can do the same thing with this new avatar?
