Well-Known Member
I just had a brilliant idea n420 ( i have those often; they should hook me up to a supercomputer and data-mine my brain for briliant ideas and save mankind from themselves)
How about this: get on a plane to the Phillipines before next Easter. They crucify people their regularly. You could do your thing and bring us all to bliss.
How about it champ? Ready to take one for the team? Don't let us down amigo. We are counting on you.
Remember: junta. siempre. pa' todo tiempo (hope i got that last bit right)
Yes actually, for thinking someone with your mental problems should EVER be behind the wheel of a 40+ton truck , let alone on public roads!! I can just imagine it now, you driving your lorry down the road, all of a sudden see one of your visions/aliens/whatever the fuck it is you reckon you see, start confirming to yourself in your own head that what you are seeing is real and that you are indeed christ and by the time you realise you are off in your own head n not paying attention to the road you have wiped out a whole line of traffic and multiple families.....
So yes, you are a fucking moron if you think going n getting your CDL is anywhere remotely close to a good idea until you have sorted out your mental problems
oh My Lord, this Guy is a Wanker
get you one of these, you do not look like god
On one of your videos, at the very end you say something like "the whole sky was filled with clouds, except there was a blue strip" then it cuts out.
What was up with that? Way to leave us hangin.....
I would like to have a mass debate on why You are a wankerWould you like to debate why I am a "wanker"?
You guys must not get it!
I am totally normal in real life, I get bored easy so I like to debate about the craziest shit on the internet.
I like to play My game, which is to talk about My Christ complex. It entertains Me. I totally believe that I am the Christ, but I can only talk about it on the internet because I dont want to scare anyone in real life. I used to talk about My Christ complex in person, and some people called Me "Jesus", God, or Christ. I had the biggest "following" while I was in prison in 2009: everyone in prison called Me "Jesus". By the way, even though I served 2 months in prison, I wasnt convicted of any crime: I got into a fight with My dad.
Why am I a "wanker"?
Of course some of you guys are going to think Im crazy, its because I only want to talk about crazy entertaining shit on the internet. I dont want to talk about boring shit while Im online, I dont get My kicks that way. I like to put the most insane ideas out there and then read your responses. But in real life, I tend to just talk about whats on topic.
I dont mind being called a "wanker", just tell Me why I am a "wanker". Wanker is a funny word, lol. WANKER!
Lets have a debate.