Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
if you go to settings > extensions you can manage extensions
if you go settings > settings then scroll all the way down there is a reset button at the bottom


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yeh there hard to grow I sure know that. But once you get them going, they are so rewarding. :)
I can only imagine ;) that one was really beautiful..can I see the others?
Damn that sure has lasted you a long time. lol I know how it is though. Hell a g of that shit lasted me a 4 day period. lol and you know how I smoke. I try and toke on my other, and or mix the good good with it to save on the good good. ;)
I had a lil left and mixed it with my mids I had left over..;) so now I have several more vapes :)
Oops I 4 got. TY ;)
you're very welcome ;)
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Well-Known Member
so I need to uninstall Google & re install it? I have the malware bytes protector installed, but 4 some reason it got jacked, and things are nuts. all these damn adds everywhere now, and things are slow..
Just do a system restore to the week before and it will fix you right up ;)

shew I'm glad I didn't end up working today, not doing so great today lol


Well-Known Member
Its all good.. Point the blame at me.. haha.. I thought he was a good ole boy himself? :lol:

This one takes me back
oh he is!! just saw what you said when I went back to see what Dank was thanking me for ;) lol
he's just not into country, though I've tried to convince him! :lol:Haha
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