Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

Ok, I just got up off the floor, Thanks a lot Harrekin !i

Buck, good to see your chores are done I hope.

Yes dude it caused lots of personal and National harm. For quite some time too. But look where it`s gone. Take a close look at the "Gangsta Rap Movement" Songs and albums galore that contain the "n" word in every other line. I mean they blast it out loud driving down the street, over the radio it sounds horrible with all those beep outs. Why do the radio stations beep out the "N" word buck ?
The "N" word is now being exploited by the Black Gangsta move. They are making millions and millions selling records to the young Brother up an coming. It`s now a word that the Black man can use daily or hourly and if the White man or Asian man uses it......the Black man cries.

The Black man cries buck. Now why is it Buck that this is common in all States and accepted as well but if the White man dare say the "N" word, the Black man cries ?

When you get done with that one, maybe you can give us a word that if the black man uses in song and language, it will make the White man cry too.

Money, money, me, me, my, my with I, I and mine flooded throughout their songs, and it`s not about you and I,....it`s about making the Black man cry !i ......Right ?

A little too complicated or maybe outta your league Buck ?
Is the right to controlling your own property and your own body worth protecting ? I think it is.

You have confused granted privileges from government with rights. Nobody has a right to steal your gerbil and you shouldn't let them.

Your premise is saying that failing to provide something for somebody is an actionable harm. I'm kind of hungry right now, could you run down to Wendy's and pick me up a large fry and some burgers? The government said you can't deny me a service.

Of course nobody has a right to cause harm. Everybody has the right to be indifferent though. HEY, where's my fucking burger??!!! Are you just going to sit there and be indifferent to my needs, you fucking racist!!

premise 1: racists' denial of service based on skin color caused harm.
premise 2: no one has a right to cause harm, even on their own property.

conclusion: racists' denial of service is not a protected right.

Moms in her eighties. The Nanny state does the monitoring,

Hey wait a minute, that wasn't one of those "you're a nerd living in your moms basement things was it"?
I was concerned that a group of men with labcoats and butterfly nets might descend on you. Or the SPCA (gerbils r people too). I'd hate to pay for cable again.
now if only those blacks in the 1960's had your good sense to demand to be treated like second class citizens.
poor analogy. that was state-supported segregation. we're talking individuals here. if business owners deny service to ANYONE, they will be shunned by all progressive patrons, picketed by rights groups, and become a mecca for those opposed to their view. that business will not last.
if business owners deny service to ANYONE, they will be shunned by all progressive patrons, picketed by rights groups, and become a mecca for those opposed to their view. that business will not last.

that's demonstrably false.

the wedding cake shop that denied service to a gay couple up in oregon is still in business, as is the flower shop that denied service to a gay couple in washington, as is the wedding photographer who denied service to a gay couple getting married in colorado.

businesses that denied service to blacks did just fine for themselves, even as black people protested with sit ins. thy were spat on by white customers and sometimes violence ensued against them.

might want to check up on history before making such silly claims.