Why hasnt Obama come out and made public comments on the VA scandal?


Well-Known Member
This has been going on for decades with the VAs, blaming Obama isn't fair, he's just the poor sap who happened to hold office when the shit finally hit the fan. It has nothing to do with party, the VA is pretty bipartisan in their shittyness and both parties have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. Gov takeover of healthcare is a tougher sell if the elephant in the room gets acknowledged. The solution from both parties will be to throw some money at it and pretty much nothing more than symbolic gestures.

LOL at gov being more efficient than the private sector. It would take an anarcho-big government/statist to actually even consider any truth in that.


Well-Known Member
dems had control of congress at the end of bush jr's term they didn't really do anything with it though. maybe they don't want to spend the money.
I thought it was the cheaper than shit Republicans that were "trimming" the cost of government, not the Democrats, that were causing the backlog in VA responses, by the reduction in Government employees.. Or was that only with Medicare and Medicaid, or any other social program designed to assist the indigent, homeless, powerless Americans that live in this country, which seems to be getting worse every day that the Republicans control the house. Go ahead, blame ALL the reductions in items that are needed for this country to exist on the Democrats. Bullshit. GOP want's a smaller government, well there you go.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was the cheaper than shit Republicans that were "trimming" the cost of government, not the Democrats, that were causing the backlog in VA responses, by the reduction in Government employees.. Or was that only with Medicare and Medicaid, or any other social program designed to assist the indigent, homeless, powerless Americans that live in this country, which seems to be getting worse every day that the Republicans control the house. Go ahead, blame ALL the reductions in items that are needed for this country to exist on the Democrats. Bullshit. GOP want's a smaller government, well there you go.
don't get mad at me that democrats had control of the house and didn't do anything for vets. that's on them.


Well-Known Member
they probably didn't think so after what bush said in his campaign.

Hell, if there was ZERO chance of going to war, I probably would have signed up. Good thing I didn't or I might have went to the gulf in '91.

Fuck, with ZERO chance of going to war, millions more might have signed up. Good thing I'm smarter than the average bear.


Well-Known Member
Hell, if there was ZERO chance of going to war, I probably would have signed up. Good thing I didn't or I might have went to the gulf in '91.

Fuck, with ZERO chance of going to war, millions more might have signed up. Good thing I'm smarter than the average bear.
bunch of free loaders


Well-Known Member
they sure did.

which party led the charge to send them off to dance with bullets?
With respect to only the number KIA, Iraq was not much more dangerous than existing.

Similar proportions of people die in auto or other accidents than died in Iraq.

There was about 40,000 injured. That proportion is much higher amongst those who go to work and drive cars in the United states.


Well-Known Member
1st of all, the VA shit has been going on at least since Viet Nam. Actually since we fought in any war, but the beginning of the present SNAFU started 20 year ago in the Gulf wars, which again were started by a Republican, also named Bush. Secondly, Obama is again blamed by the GOP, for a situation they fucking created. Lastly, who did you have to blow to get a card the 2nd day after a injury. I want that doctor.

But the guy who ran on Hope and Change has done nothing to fix/change anything..

Job creation by hiring part time IRS agents.

Unemployment decline because 100,000s no longer eligible, so no longer can be counted

VA, getting worse, not better (see Agenda 21)

Bin Laden joke, dead ~ 10 years prior to the staged event...


Well-Known Member
This has been going on for decades with the VAs, blaming Obama isn't fair, he's just the poor sap who happened to hold office when the shit finally hit the fan. It has nothing to do with party, the VA is pretty bipartisan in their shittyness and both parties have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. Gov takeover of healthcare is a tougher sell if the elephant in the room gets acknowledged. The solution from both parties will be to throw some money at it and pretty much nothing more than symbolic gestures.

LOL at gov being more efficient than the private sector. It would take an anarcho-big government/statist to actually even consider any truth in that.
In his 2008 Campaign Barak Obama promised to fix it... He lied... *shocker!!*

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
So leave them at the mercy of private companies which operate for profit?
Why not? Obama spent half a billion tax payer dollars, that's MY money, on private corp cronies such as the Solyndra debacle, and that's just a start.

You have something against corporate America and not against one of the most corrupt presidents in America's history?

I can turn down or accept what a private company has to offer. It's called free choice. I am forced under duress to live under Obama's totalitarian rule and thievery. That pisses me off, greatly.