Lets talk stocks

Went in search of a nice dividend paying company. went with MRCC, a capital investment company. Less than 2 years public but paying a steady 10% div. the whole time. They seem to have a plan and are doing just dandy.
BIOF had a great day yesterday. once again I only had a few hundred in it so I didn't exactly get rich. I sold half anyways and might get in big next chance I get. I feel like it can grow into a big player in biofuels.
well those who have been watchin and those whose don't know

CANN was taken off the market for a few weeks pending an investigation.

Wells its back...opened @ $7 today... I snagged 1000 shares closed @ 18.50...can you say profit
As soon as hit its 100 which it will in time 7000 turned into 70,000 after taxes:)

Do not sell this stock as more and more states legalize.... this stock will continue to grow.... along with her sister stock CANV...they are now at thier low point..get in
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Hey guys, new here and just getting into pot stocks myself. I have a friend who's involved with Erbb. They're making moves, anyone have any opinion on them?
damn colon,, hope that pans out for ya.

so anyone consider the precious metal silver? at 20/oz kinda on the low end. ...not risky enuf for many, and too long term? i recall picking my nose when gold was under 300, seems like yesterday.
damn colon,, hope that pans out for ya.

so anyone consider the precious metal silver? at 20/oz kinda on the low end. ...not risky enuf for many, and too long term? i recall picking my nose when gold was under 300, seems like yesterday.
I buy physical silver as a long term thing, if you're gonna trade silver tho I'd be cautious.

She moves very quickly for short term trades and has been moving fairly sideways a lot for the last year or so if you're looking medium term.
Thinking of scooping up a new position or adding to my hemp. I bought it during that big pop like a fool and Im currently down pretty big. Pick up a bunch down here to get my price lower.

A bunch of the pot related ones are taking a dip right now. might be a good time to get In.
saw on tv yesterday, or maybe I read an article about the best performing stocks of the last 10 years. I think QUALCOMM was at the top of the list being something like 9000%higher at its peak. I would love to have put 1,000 into it and watch it grow to 90,000. I know its rare but it does happen. And only in 10 years!!

bought a bunch more hemp and got my price from .19 to .09 the stock is really @ .05 so im still down but getting closer. I do have faith in the stock so im going to stick it out and probly buy more.
Anyone investing in Cannabis now is buying in way too early

Widespread legalisation of a non-food renewable commodity = Price crash.
I think your right about Investing in growing it and thinking you will be making huge money for the rest of your life. Right now its still good and could be for another 10 years. But IMO it will be like tomatoes one day, some people will do it as a passion but most people will be fine getting the storebought. Price of bud is sure to decline. But these buisnesses that are starting up now in the industry are sure to grow to huge companies worth hundreds of billions. wether they do it themselves or get bought out its almost sure to happen.

Im in hemp, and one other similar company more on the medical side, but I also think that companies in the fertilizer business will do well too. If theres money to be made big business doesn't care about organic.
I think your right about Investing in growing it and thinking you will be making huge money for the rest of your life. Right now its still good and could be for another 10 years. But IMO it will be like tomatoes one day, some people will do it as a passion but most people will be fine getting the storebought. Price of bud is sure to decline. But these buisnesses that are starting up now in the industry are sure to grow to huge companies worth hundreds of billions. wether they do it themselves or get bought out its almost sure to happen.

Im in hemp, and one other similar company more on the medical side, but I also think that companies in the fertilizer business will do well too. If theres money to be made big business doesn't care about organic.
Noone should care about organic, chemically the nutrients are the same, the nutrients are just bound differently in organic and need to be broken down by the soil whereas "chemical" fertilisers are immediately available.

"Organic" is a buzzword designed to part hipsters with their cash.
Noone should care about organic, chemically the nutrients are the same, the nutrients are just bound differently in organic and need to be broken down by the soil whereas "chemical" fertilisers are immediately available.

"Organic" is a buzzword designed to part hipsters with their cash.
super-phosphates are salts, and kill the soil.
super-phosphates are salts, and kill the soil.
The soil is just a medium for holding the plant in place which absorbs water, nutrients and air.

Stop romanticizing them, they're bio-machines, you put the chemicals they need in and they grow.

Organic is not better, again, the ferts are chemically the same once theyre made available to the plant.
I don't think its a "buzzword", sure some yuppies take it too far. But I like the idea of recycling/composting old plant and food waste and using it as your own nutrients. And the soil ls healthier and alive with microbes. rather than the salty chems. (wich I heard of a company that dries out septic waste to make a chemical fertilizer) id rather not use human shit.

Im not an organic head by any means. I use growbig and tigerbloom, but if you can supply yourself with the material why not. My point was that even the big fertilizer companys (ones supplying MG with the chemicals) will be doing good with all the new growers to come.
it tastes better..........that's enough for me. and my ferts don't come from oil. you're the guy that doesn't care about people getting sick from coal plants.......right?
I don't think its a "buzzword", sure some yuppies take it too far. But I like the idea of recycling/composting old plant and food waste and using it as your own nutrients. And the soil ls healthier and alive with microbes. rather than the salty chems. (wich I heard of a company that dries out septic waste to make a chemical fertilizer) id rather not use human shit.

Im not an organic head by any means. I use growbig and tigerbloom, but if you can supply yourself with the material why not. My point was that even the big fertilizer companys (ones supplying MG with the chemicals) will be doing good with all the new growers to come.
Until the price is about $10 an ounce...
I don't think you grasp the idea of economics...or what im trying to say. what do you mean Untill the price is 10$ an oz.??

Like I said you wont be able to make a living growing bud, but there will be a huge new industry of people who want to grow there own bud. (country folk) and a bunch of people who perhaps want to do it themselves indoors.(city folk). just because the price of bud is sure to drop one day doesn't mean people aren't going to grow it.