I'm so sick and tired of your shit.


Well-Known Member
I've never been censored on Here until I try to leave lol. Mods never even talk to me barely ever! we have kind of an unspoken agreement. I can do whatever I want, so long as I dont try to leave. Who deleted the thread?


Well-Known Member
But but you never talk to me Sunni. What's the story behind No "goodbye" threads? I have to threaten to leave to get mod interaction?


Well-Known Member
http://rollitup.org/t/goodbye-threads.16130/ are you seriously that hurt i have no common ground to speak with you on? sorry? i dunno what to tell you
we have plenty of "common ground" and I was mainly talking about all the mods, I rarely get any kind of editing or thread deletion. All the sudden I say I'm leaving and I get the business. I literally made a thread talking shit to everyone on this site that went on forever and probably still exists. I make a thread about my exodus and it gets deleted?