Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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BIG KING.jpg HERE :) haha I love anything he makes, be it a novel or a movie. His stuff is BOMB imo.
ever read the taltos novels by steven brust? each book happens at a different time, forward or backward... that can get confusing if you're new to the series!

robert jordan did a good job with the chronology of the wheel of time series. wish he'd lived long enough to see it completed...
Dank, just want to let you know I'm hard at work over here...got a lot of info for you when we talk ;)
a whole lot ;) been up all night working on it...
let him know about askapro's shenanigans as well, i'm sure he'll be amused... and disappointed... but mostly amused.
i reported that thread as spam, and reported askapro as a nuisance. :D
if I ever talk to him....:lol: lol
Shew.. I know what its like to have to take meds. I would just suggest to be careful with it. Dont overdue it. Cool deal:confused: that stuff can hype ya up to the point of a HT. I don't want to log in & read that shit!! I may be just tripping, I hope I am. :) just dont want anything to happen to anyone.

lol, calm down, take it bit by bit... for all i know, i'm typing in greek right now :p

i'm experimenting with a drug i've never tried before, concerta, aka time release ritalin.

i was wondering if you ever watched an episode of game of thrones, and if so, whether it's any good or not. i've never watched an episode of game of thrones.

i just read what i typed in this post, and i'm comprehending it, but it may not be english... i'm a little fuzzy atm :p
BY run. explain. :confused: I use to shoot heroin. 6 YEARS clean.. TG!!! Your not doing what I think your doing.. are you :confused: Just making sure lol.
i feel like i've got a minor vibration going on throughout my body, like a caffeine high, but without the jitters and anxiety. i'm running a high (and hopefully safe) dose, adding a little at a time to find a tolerance/dosage balance. this will be the only time i run this stuff, i'm not feeling like it's worth doing again in the future. i do have a better understanding of what's going on with a lot of these kids with (or without) adhd though...crappy pharmaceuticals... ;)
Remember those days.. haha I cant say I didnt enjoy. Or that would be a lie. However I certainly dont miss being dope sick @ all!!!! that shits 4 the birds!!
said t

that one went over my head... lol

supposed to be like a cocaine high, and it is, but not as strong or fun. up without the accompanying super powers, if you will. not bad for a drug, but not outstanding either. def not something i would pay for.
i'm a book worm, i may see if i can find the series. i'll have to watch the show first though; if i read the books and the show doesn't do them justice, i'll have a hard time watching it.

is there a site with all episodes that you know of?
couchtuner dot something... has all the good shows streaming ;)
man a nice fat line of some high grade coke would be super right now. Too bad I quit the stuff. ;) :lol:
the link isn't available.. :( Nope hadnt seen that shit.. lol Oh well, looks like that's out the window. lol However, its still not even close to what we spoke about. :) haha
ugh...please talk to me on the pm..:lol: you're driving me crazy right now..;)
Remember those days.. haha I cant say I didnt enjoy. Or that would be a lie. However I certainly dont miss being dope sick @ all!!!! that shits 4 the birds!!
Agreed. But coke never made me sick. Crank did..;) I am really wanting some coke really really bad right now. Talk me out of it...? ;)
Shew.. I know what its like to have to take meds. I would just suggest to be careful with it. Dont overdue it. Cool deal:confused: that stuff can hype ya up to the point of a HT. I don't want to log in & read that shit!! I may be just tripping, I hope I am. :) just dont want anything to happen to anyone.
i'm a firm believer in the 'slow and steady wins the race' philosophy. i've been taking small amount, learning the feel, and i shouldn't have enough to od, even if i took it all at once. ;)

your concern tickles my heart strings! 'they love me! they REALLY love me!!' :D
BY run. explain. :confused: I use to shoot heroin. 6 YEARS clean.. TG!!! Your not doing what I think your doing.. are you :confused: Just making sure lol.
bad terminology; running= doing... i had 50mg to insuffulate, and the hard cr type to eat. ate em first (and on a full stomach) to judge effect and longevity. then started with 5-10mg bumps, testing effects and waiting for peak to pass before trying again.

i don't combine needles and drugs; nose, mouth, or lungs, that's about it..
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