What to do when your close friends want a share of your harvest?


Well-Known Member
If it were me i'd do a 60/40 split with the 40% going to your bud & i'll tell ya why,it was stupid of you in the 1st place to let him know about the grow,now that he's helped you he feels entitled to a Large Portionof the harvest,people who feel entitled then do not get what they feel they deserve allways lash out,these type people make phone calls to the police tip line telling them about the grow,they tell everybody in sight how they gave you all the know how then you fuked them,they stay angry then they get even.

Its out there now & he said what he said for a reason,he fully expects to be hooked up & an 1/8th sack & he will see the offering as a direct slap to his face,you know what comes next,dont get greedy,weather he deserves 40% or not isnt the issue,the real issue here is keeping somebody happy who has th potential to put you in jail,dont even think because he's a cool guy he wouldnt fuk you over because he will & after your locked up he'll tell himself he did the right thing ause you were greedy.

He meant what he said,things that fly out of peoples mouths in general conversation should not be overlooked so quickly as the comments generally represent their true feelings about things.

You want to ruin the friendship & create a potential enemy then offer him an 1/8th,you want to sleep at night & have many more grows then give it up.


Well-Known Member
I've got a couple of buds that know I grow. One of them helps me move heavy shit around like getting a 50lb CO2 tank out of my little ass trunk. The other guy let me get a couple of packs of seeds sent to his house. I kick each one of them a little bud but they both know I don't grow enough to get it from all the time but when times are hard for them & if I can spare it why not. If your friend has helped you out give him a little but make it clear you don't have a lot to give, remember that's what friends do.


Well-Known Member
Target acquired. Unfriendly, lightly-armed, numskull in the open. Requesting permission to fire, over.
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Well-Known Member
an unhappy friend is a talkative friend you have to give some up not a direct handover but you have to smoke him out whenever he shows up to turn this into your advantage set him up with a light and tray take some clones and plant out at his house this entitles you to 50% of his crop its a win win situation and keeps every1 happy and feelin special.


Well-Known Member
sure toss him a bone, i mean u cant tell somone to come look at the steaks your cooking and you both are just droolin over them together and not smoke it with him and if you want toss him a few buds, if not just let him know you appreciate his support and he knows you will be tostin him out all the time anyway

i mean your going to do another grow right?

how much to u smoke per month? youll have another harvest in 2 months

my first grow i got 1b, i gave my boy 1 oz, hes the only one that knows about it, shit i think i shot him another oz before he left to go back to his state

plus he wasnt necessarly tyin to shake u down more like a freidly "yo u gonna hook me up with a lil homy?" i think rather than a jail house type " yo nigga i better be getin some of this" kinda thing


Well-Known Member
Yea, let me clarify things. First off, I want to say THANKS FOR ALL YOUR RESPONSES. I found them very helpful.

Here is a couple things I left out in the beginning that you guys might want to know...

I got my HTGSupply stuff delivered to his grandma's house, with his credit card. I paid him in cash. As for the setup and maintenance of the grow, it's been all me. I learned everything I know about growing from RIU. I believe if anything I owe Garden_Gnowm like 30% of my grow. That said, my friend has been there for advice about the matter and what not. He did not teach me how to grow, or even really take part in it. He did, however, convince me to move my grow setup out of my bedroom and into another room. (I was running 18/6 in my damned bedroom, with the fan on 24/7... talk about a pain in the ass to sleep)

He knows I'm not a moocher, and he never has really been a moocher off me. He gave me the seeds that I'm using in my second grow, for free. He's a pretty stubborn guy, but the more I'm thinking about it, the more I think he would be more than happy with a few nugs. I will respond to some of you comments in a bit...

P.S. Another thing, I'm colorblind with certain colors (I still see them fine, I just have trouble distinguishing certain colors from others, e.g. I used to think peanut butter was green). Today when I showed him my plant, he told me that some of the hairs were starting to turn red. That shocked me, because I thought I still had 4-5 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Too late. He's gone.

About the same time he was erased from existence I figured out who he was: The Shithouse Grower. The Weed Baron himself.

I hope he didn't misbehave from his buddy's ISP.
Nah dude my buddy is at work right now... haha

Trust me, I'm one of his good friends. He calls me basically every time he gets off work, while he drives back home.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Besides all of you people and my hubby, 2 others know I grow. They are 2 very close friends that also grow. So we share info, bounce ideas and what not, look at each other's grow. Every harvest we always trade a few buds. It is just a given thing with us. My other friends that don't grow but smoke, I do smoke them up when they are around as with anyone that may be over and vice versa at their places. In our circle it is given that it will come back around to you. We are all pretty fair. You have to be fair. I would shoot him a couple of buds for sure. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
If you do not take charge of this situation immediately, you will forever be this guy's weed bank.

This dude has enormous leverage over you now and you BOTH know it. If you continue your relationship, do not ever discuss your grow with him again. Change the subject when he brings it up, or lie like a rug. 'I had to give it up. Too much risk.'

Never allow him anywhere near your grow, ever.

Another thing, if he's such an expert, where is his grow? Trading nugs between growers is quite common. Based on your description, your friend is a shithouse grower. A Weed Baron who knows all, but has never seriously grown.
i LOVE your advice, because it covers the worst case scenario.

To clarify more, this guy is a good friend of mine. He was the first friend at the hospital when my dad died earlier this year. In a way, he is very protective of me. I recently told him I was going to try acid in a couple weeks, and he said he was worried about me doing it, saying he wasn't sure it was such a good idea, since sometimes I get paranoid and stuff when I get high.

Although one time he did delete some of my WoW characters (online mmorpg game) because he felt I was getting too addicted to the game.

I hope that helps. :razz:
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Well-Known Member
Dabu... first, I'm very sorry to read about your dad, please accept my condolences.

It's kind of weird, that you have a friend you say took it upon himself to delete your characters because he felt you were too addicted is.. weird. Either you have trouble controlling yourself or you're choosing friends who try to control you. Either way, from my perspective it's a bit over the line, that's just to me of course. But, the guy who's the first one there for you at the toughest times is a friend to be cherished. Lines do need to be drawn, but after reading your descriptions of him I don't think he's trying to strong-arm you in any way. I like the following idea. :)
an unhappy friend is a talkative friend you have to give some up not a direct handover but you have to smoke him out whenever he shows up to turn this into your advantage set him up with a light and tray take some clones and plant out at his house this entitles you to 50% of his crop its a win win situation and keeps every1 happy and feelin special.
Too late. He's gone.

About the same time he was erased from existence I figured out who he was: The Shithouse Grower. The Weed Baron himself.

I hope he didn't misbehave from his buddy's ISP.
I think I hit a button, and it's quoting you all over the place for me now.. :lol: Anyway! Oh..? You sure have piqued my curiosity, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
My first grew netted me 4 oz's, I gave my bro an O.Z. of the best..... It has came back to me several times since. It sounds as if your friend hooked you up on many levels of your grow, I say treat him right.:joint::bigjoint::weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me that this friend of yours is a close friend, that has been there for you when times have been tough and times have been good.
You used his credit card to pay for some of the things you needed for your grow and have it delivered to his grandma's house, and he's also given you seeds.

If I was in your shoes, I would give him half of your grow if he helps with the trimming. :mrgreen:

Yes, you did all the work.
Yes, you did all the research.
Yes, you set it all up.

But, good friends are hard to come by. Do the right thing and give him more than what he deserves.