Club 600


Well-Known Member
I don't drink anymore, but that looks like a lot of fun. I miss empty bottles. Have one for me.

Gonna smoke on some Headband now, hooked my subwoofer up for the first time in a few months. Enjoying some music while the wife and kid are away. :)

Hope everyone's having/had a good Wednesday. At least I think it's wednesday.


Well-Known Member
I had an awesome day jig, I miss my sub lol. I used to have quite the setup up but kids changed that. I still have fun though :).

I love just jamming to music, matter of fact that's what I'm doing now on my Bluetooth speaker.

Well here's some porn, KR, bitch is getting huge. Think I better flower her, what ya guys think lol...

or maybe throw her outside............:shock:



Well-Known Member
She's outta control bro, I'm telling ya. She's 43 inches already! She's 48 days old and I've taken over 40 cuts from her trying to slow her down, but nope she just keeps on a truckin.

I can't wait to see her full bloom :D That' will be epic.....

Think 3 6's can penetrate a 6 ft monster? hahaha...

What's your guys thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I had an awesome day jig, I miss my sub lol. I used to have quite the setup up but kids changed that. I still have fun though :).

I love just jamming to music, matter of fact that's what I'm doing now on my Bluetooth speaker.

Well here's some porn, KR, bitch is getting huge. Think I better flower her, what ya guys think lol...

or maybe throw her outside............:shock:

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thats a nice bush giggles, have you flowered her before?. i have a feeling she may outgrow the tent if it stretches like most cookie strains i see. might do better outdoors maybe, then it will surely end up a tree!.

i'm dealing with some big indoor ladies at the minute, it's hard work controlling big plants but it's nice once you have them cut and dried lol


Well-Known Member
You can make it work gigs.

Those bluetooth speakers are pretty nice. Wifey has a bose thingy and it sounds really great. I couldn't beleive when I found out how much the little fucker cost. She earns the money though, so no complaints from me. :)


Well-Known Member
ha thats what i thought, it is technically morning where you are i suppose. have a good one people, weather looking strange here, it is summer apparently, not where i am though.


Well-Known Member
get to bed Jig! :)

Bose is expensive, I have one of their entertainment centres, shit loads of €'s, and the QC15 headphones. The headphones are good, but like Mercedes, they have shit build quality imo. Not sure if I would but another pair as I have had to replace the lead, and now the (apparently not leather) earpieces have worn away and leave black marks on my ears on some occassions....ffs. Great sound though!


Well-Known Member
I been to bed, back up. :) Got an assignment due in 4.5 hours so I'm working hard.

Wife also has a bose speaker set for her PC, with the sub and the two little satellite speakers. Those are amazing. And a small enough package to bring with us on road trips. However if you want to talk cost, my whole home stereo setup including receiver and sub amp cost around the same as her PC setup.


Well-Known Member
What the... Its a holyday of somekind today. Got woken by the sound of lawn movers :)
Well Goodmorning :)
Incredible sound from those small bose speakers! But damn you have to pay for it :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning guys, back from Rome, and astonishingly i've not put any weight on. i must be slipping... food was epic scenery was beaut even found some good beer spots. anyone want to see a few pics?

on the Bose talk, I have one of their ipod docking stations in the kitchen and it's a fine piece of kit. only bit that gripes is most of the tunes i have are 320kb rips, i keep saying i'll replace it all and buy the discs but never get round to it.
plant sitter has done a fine job, no deaths, a little overwatering on a couple seedlings maybe but all in all great job done. get this, the guys a plumber and i was telling him it takes ages to fill the watering can in the bathroom as the pressure's crap. he's only gone and fixed it while i was away!

some pr0n for breakfast.

first up Fireballs, the earthy smell is sweetening and getting more cherry to it. but the frost is great
Dog #1 still throwing new growth at 11, it's coming down tomorrow
dog #2 should have come down a week ago.


Well-Known Member
Get downstairs young man. It's national Lawn Mowing day! Oh wait, you don't have stairs do you? How's the knee and all. It's your knee right? lol
Haha nope no stairs :)
I just got the trimmer out to cut some square bushes. I did the lawn yesterday :)
Thanks m8 its the same fucking thing. Seem to cope with it better now. Im just restricted to doing things with a twist so that it dont get to my knee too much. Ive been at a new specialist and got on paper that this will be a life thing. It wont get better. So thats nice for my "case" still waiting on them deciding whether or not it is because of work and how i should be compensated.
Next Monday i start on truck-crane >25Tons/Meter. I really really hope im able to find a job with a somewhat new truck and automatic gear... My knee cant handle stick.. So nothings certain. All this extra driver education might be a total loss. I wont really know until i get to drive it a couple days. Just hope i get paid good for them fucking my knee. Then i might be able to become my own boss with my own truck of choosing.. But if they decline i might just drown in depression..
Ey Don! Get them pics up! :) Your plumber friend sounds great.. Plants look good.. Yassas :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol. no i didn't i was going to but the missus reasoned me out of it. said it won't be as nice as yours and it'll be a poor deal. i was going to hunt down some moroccans see if they had some nice blonde. had the italian phrases i needed down pat. haha didn't really need a smoke but i do like to try wherever i go.


Well-Known Member
The story and memories of trying to get/ getting some grass form the 'locals' is always fun. My highlights of Mexico have been as such. Wish I could buy a t shirt too "I bought street weed from a dude on a corner in Mexico.... and all I got was this t shirt" hahaha.

And I was actually referring to the kitsch they sell, all the wooden shit, and statues that light up. But I liked the question you answered better anyhow.

Duchie spent way too much on a bowl thing. I would have demanded he not pay as much as he did for the thing, but he was more than willing... so who's to throw salt on a hustlers business. I asked the guy for a bracelet for my wife back home.... he tried to tell me to pay him for it. I gave him a look and said something like you know you got enough money here tonight. And he gave me 3 bracelets and said we were friends. lol

And Hydro... no spiraling down into depression. It's not a nice place as I'm sure you know. New hobbies mate, new directions, no snortable materials, and staying close to the ones who care. That'll get you through anything. Hoping it works out.