New Grow Room Build 4 x 2.4 x 2.7


Well-Known Member

All the electrical work done, AC installed, all holes cut and drilled, Light hoods installed, Air filter hung up.

To Do: Finish ventilation, setup autopots, transplant clone - should be done tomorrow.

Our Power Cable

Power distribution board


What a mess

That's a big fan


Well-Known Member
So after many delays, the room is finished and clones are in. This was actually finished last week, but I've been lazy.

Ventilation for the lights finished:

Lights on and hydrotrays put in (spacing and irrigation not done yet):

cO2 Set up:

Plants in:

Feel free to ask any questions or comment. I'll be starting a grow journal soon to track this run.

*EDIT* Grow Journal Here
Last edited:

Le Cochon

Active Member
Hi all, I've just recently come back to RIU and thought that I would share a new project that I'm currently working on.

The plan is a L4 * W2.4 * H2.7 completely sealed grow room running 6kW for 20 autopot twin hydro trays.

The idea is to have a room that doesn't require much in the way of maintenance and with the the autopots, it's simply a matter of ensuring there is enough nutrient solution in the res and that the lights are at the correct height. No daily checks of PH or EC, no watering, no lifting pots, just set up and enjoy the show.

The room it self is custom built by me using 50mm refrigeration panelling and aluminium angle. The size of the room was determined by the space that I had to build it in, I would have liked to make it bigger but it was not possible. I do plan on building more of these in the future if this one runs well, so consider this a test for a much bigger set up.

So first, we have our raw material

And some really rough sketching (after a few bowls, so I had to recheck all the math, haha.)

Then to the computer to create a set of schematics

I didnt get any photos of us cutting the panals, but it was messy and unpleasent, here are the walls up

And the roof going on, a fork lift makes things a lot easier.

And the last two are the inside angle being riveted and a picture of the room completed.

All that's left for the room itself is for the doors to be built and attached, and holes to be cut for the ventilation system and AC, that should all be done by the end of this week with the equipment going in over the weekend. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask.
You did and excellent job worthy of accolades from any engineer/builder! I don't even know you and I am proud of you (saying things like that make one realize, "I am getting old."


Well-Known Member
You did and excellent job worthy of accolades from any engineer/builder! I don't even know you and I am proud of you (saying things like that make one realize, "I am getting old."
Haha, thanks, a little weird, but thanks, Lol.


Well-Known Member
That's cool. That's a healthy project that you got going on there. Hope it works out for ya. Looks pretty well thought out.


Well-Known Member
this is very well done. how much did all this cost and how did you learn to build a room? ive never built a room before but i want to learn how this looks really good


So after many delays, the room is finished and clones are in. This was actually finished last week, but I've been lazy.

Ventilation for the lights finished:

Lights on and hydrotrays put in (spacing and irrigation not done yet):

cO2 Set up:

Plants in:

Feel free to ask any questions or comment. I'll be starting a grow journal soon to track this run.

*EDIT* Grow Journal Here
I just got hard :)


Well-Known Member
Not weird young brother, it is fellowship. Something we need more of throughout our land ;)
Haha, I think so to.
this is very well done. how much did all this cost and how did you learn to build a room? ive never built a room before but i want to learn how this looks really good
All together, the room owes me a little over 10k. I have a background in engineering so designing the room was easy, but it turns out that designing and building are not the same thing so I just had to learn as we went.

I've done rooms the traditional way as well, with a timber frame and plasterboard, this method was way easier to assemble and is already insulated.
I just got hard :)
Haha, I'm glad your excited.