Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
what kind of feet you got??
Where DO you find this stuff? :) Egyptian here, though god knows how that came about...one of those Italian invasions...
Greek for me.

This reminds of how I convinced the singer from my first band how I had a foot fetish (I don't but it was fun to mess with her). One day we were sitting in the living room hanging out before practice, and she threw her feet in my lap. Now since I was (and currently still am) with my girlfriend I saw this as crossing a line. So I pushed her feet off me. And she put them right back. After going back and forth for a while I finally got tired of it so I grabbed her ankle so she couldn't pull her foot away. SLOWLY pulled her sock off. Then smiled and started sucking on my finger. After a getting my finger soaked in spit. I drug it up the bottom of her foot from hill to toe, then between her toes. Oh she flipped out and started squirming and trying to pull away. She never did cross that "friends line" again after that.
Sort of Roman AND Egyptian…Toes descend in order from biggest to smallest, but big toe slightly shorter than middle (Roman) but then all descend in a line (Egyptian)

I hate feet in general. mine included.