My first grow


Well-Known Member
Have u thought about, yur flush....or, the run up too! It???? Applejuice, molasses, or water??? Db.~tlb! :) waffles has seen the light.!!! Lol :)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just read your journal. nice job randy.
Good for you going with the males. Too many people think they have no value at all and just pull 'em then throw 'em away. There are risks involved, you just have to take them into account. Mine are planted outside away from the house.
Nice grow.


Well-Known Member
Just read your journal. nice job randy.
Good for you going with the males. Too many people think they have no value at all and just pull 'em then throw 'em away. There are risks involved, you just have to take them into account. Mine are planted outside away from the house.
Nice grow.
thanks Barking Mad,

This grow was little risk, I want seeds this time. The males have been keeping me stoned for weeks. It's just a little harsh and you have to smoke a little more. The buzz is very good. I've had buds that were less potent.

I can't wait to try the hash but I may save it for next weekend. Our friend were going to come over tonight but we all went to the movies instead.

I will definately keep all my future male until 11 -13 days after they show sex, thats when thc is the highest.


Well-Known Member
Todays heighet:
1) 42.5
3) 48.38
5) 42.5

It looks like everyone is correct, they have slowed their vertical growth. The buds are starting to get bigger. The parts I pollinated looks like I can see some seeds! YES!


Well-Known Member
Cheers for your feedback on my grow Randy. Your plants look beautiful mate! You'll get a very nice yield from those! Good luck to you mate!


Well-Known Member
Todays heighet:
1) 42.5 +0 today

3) 48.38 +3/8 today
5) 42.5 +1/2 today

This is good news I can live with this slower growth.