DA opens dispensary


Active Member
My local District Attorney who has put over 10k people (cultivators, consumers) in jail/prison throughout his 12 year tenure is now the proud owner of a dispensary!!!? FUCKING CAPITALIST COCKSUCKER! These people were just victims of the time. Just trying to make a few dollars and smoke some herb. Now that he has eliminated most of his competitors, all hes gotta do is sit back and rake it in once they open in july. FUCK! Rich get richer. Keep it illegal/decriminalized and go fuck yourself! Im going to stock up on seeds and run to the hills. I cant stand this shit.
Where did that fuck you button go

Haha. Not even the almighty fuck you button can get rid of scum like that. I hope our currency inflates to the point where people burn it just to stay warm. Money is an intangible asset when you think about it. Absolute horse puckey imo.
Haha. Not even the almighty fuck you button can get rid of scum like that. I hope our currency inflates to the point where people burn it just to stay warm. Money is an intangible asset when you think about it. Absolute horse puckey imo.

If we are burning it to stay warm, you would likely be in the pot...

I am not sure why people pray for the destruction of America.
If we are burning it to stay warm, you would likely be in the pot...

I am not sure why people pray for the destruction of America.

Well pennys wont burn and thats about all I have. Haha. Its not necessarily the destruction of america that I pray for. Its the re awakening that I look forward to. When we stop investing in genetically engineered designer fruit and fuckin glow-in-the-dark cats and start investing in renewable and sustainable resources. When people understand theyre being exploited by their "elected" officials. When we stop killing for finite resources and currency. (Oh but were fighting for our freedom. From what? The boogey man?) Were fighting middle eastern teenagers who listen to deff leopard and wear chuck taylors for fucks sake. Theyre as american as we are but, we depict them as terrorists because they have what "we" want.
I would enjoy if we mind our own business, were able to stake our claim, make a life wherever we please, grow our own food and herb without the legislature deciding what we can do. What happened to the basic laws? Dont kill people, dont steal, be truthful, be happy. The 4 commandments lol.

Ill stop it here. Political conversations always end up disastrous. These are just my opinions.
My local District Attorney who has put over 10k people (cultivators, consumers) in jail/prison throughout his 12 year tenure is now the proud owner of a dispensary!!!? FUCKING CAPITALIST COCKSUCKER! These people were just victims of the time. Just trying to make a few dollars and smoke some herb. Now that he has eliminated most of his competitors, all hes gotta do is sit back and rake it in once they open in july. FUCK! Rich get richer. Keep it illegal/decriminalized and go fuck yourself! Im going to stock up on seeds and run to the hills. I cant stand this shit.

piece of shit..it's like a cop that goes to jail..time will take care of his investment..you wait and see.

Well pennys wont burn and thats about all I have. Haha. Its not necessarily the destruction of america that I pray for. Its the re awakening that I look forward to. When we stop investing in genetically engineered designer fruit and fuckin glow-in-the-dark cats and start investing in renewable and sustainable resources. When people understand theyre being exploited by their "elected" officials. When we stop killing for finite resources and currency. (Oh but were fighting for our freedom. From what? The boogey man?) Were fighting middle eastern teenagers who listen to deff leopard and wear chuck taylors for fucks sake. Theyre as american as we are but, we depict them as terrorists because they have what "we" want.
I would enjoy if we mind our own business, were able to stake our claim, make a life wherever we please, grow our own food and herb without the legislature deciding what we can do. What happened to the basic laws? Dont kill people, dont steal, be truthful, be happy. The 4 commandments lol.

Ill stop it here. Political conversations always end up disastrous. These are just my opinions.

They're hellbent on privatizing everything so that it has a Barcode on it. They can't have you selling something with out them getting a cut.
They're hellbent on privatizing everything so that it has a Barcode on it. They can't have you selling something with out them getting a cut.

Just like the federally funded "private" prisons. Soon all inmates will have yellow tags on their ears like cattle. Moooo. Trading prisoners for money. Mandatory minimum sentences for all offenses. Prisoners are just another long term investment for these assholes.
Just like the federally funded "private" prisons. Soon all inmates will have yellow tags on their ears like cattle. Moooo. Trading prisoners for money. Mandatory minimum sentences for all offenses. Prisoners are just another long term investment for these assholes.

what the fuck is a private federal prison?
barcode? oh no, no, no we have something waaaaaaaay better now:

what the fuck is a private federal prison?
google Wackenhut. (now re-branded "The Geo Group")

the largest player in the for-profit prison racket, as well as "private security", "military contractors" and pretty much any other racket that gets their hands into government pockets.