The only hole anyone has picked is people telling me I can't carry 20 litres of water up a hill. Even if you disagree with this and don't believe the numbers all the information given was correct and good info on using coco coir to substitute expensive soil, a soil recipe, explaining about bigger holes producing bigger plants ect... No one disagreed with one piece of actual information. Just a bunch of people who didn't like someone new to the site telling people there were better ways of doing things and upsetting the balance... The reason I deleted everything was a bunch of armchair experts who have never done a real guerrilla grow telling me I can't do things like carry 20 litres of water... People doing stage flooring, the floor boards each weigh 25kg you carry them from the truck to the stage and lay board, on minimum you lay 70-80 boards a day... I'm just struggling to see how carrying 20 litres of water is impossible...