Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

He ditched us. I can't believe him without his own pics. He was posting a bunch of Tom Hill's pics and other grows, but not is. Idk if he was trolling, trying to look boss for the "new crowd" he was introducing himself to, or telling the truth. If he had his own pics it would have helped alot.
oh i see, well it looked ike fun while it lasted:dunce:
he alluded to steep penalties in Aus and how that had lightened up some recently... he sounded a bit sketch about authorities. he may have gotten spooked and had little patience to trifle. cld have been all bs...

Did Anyone jot down his amended soil recipe?

#1 tom hill ? to demonstrate add. lighting technique
image.jpg image.jpg
What were some of the claims, up to 6 consistently but he knew legends doing 8. he brought up the amount of hrs of light being a significant contributor. he liked chicken-shit by the heaping pounds for compost, along with other meals, for over winter site prep. [dug wider than deep], as shallow as 6-8" only and emphasized that this was key to Lg. Yields. /save and re-use fertile top soil./ Also thought planting in rows became more natural looking (??) from above, demonstrated by final image. { that's about all i remember.. } he didn't say if he used his 'quad' to assist in moving water from lower ground, just only to get to remote location(s). mentioned he worked multiple outdoor spots (one 'outback' heh), during a season but ONLY NOT these shown above.
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I felt like u guys on here that help me out with advice might consider myself a bully but I seen straight through the holes in his posts instantly...that kinda makes me an intelligent aussie that would be cool to have over at one of your famous bbqs haha...if only to smoke some wonder woman n gsc while I have to do the cooking....bloody aussies lol
24" inches deep Abe... The aerial photo was demonstrating plants planted randomly in an opening with clearly defined edges are very visible from air... Plants planted together hard against natural vegetation look like one large bush and are less visible from air....
im done here trying to pick holes in your thread guerilla...if your dinkum good luck and my apologies to you for thinking your a bullshit artist...if you are a bullshit artist,i can tell you ive followed threads and grows from all these guys here and they know what they are talking about : )
The only hole anyone has picked is people telling me I can't carry 20 litres of water up a hill. Even if you disagree with this and don't believe the numbers all the information given was correct and good info on using coco coir to substitute expensive soil, a soil recipe, explaining about bigger holes producing bigger plants ect... No one disagreed with one piece of actual information. Just a bunch of people who didn't like someone new to the site telling people there were better ways of doing things and upsetting the balance... The reason I deleted everything was a bunch of armchair experts who have never done a real guerrilla grow telling me I can't do things like carry 20 litres of water... People doing stage flooring, the floor boards each weigh 25kg you carry them from the truck to the stage and lay board, on minimum you lay 70-80 boards a day... I'm just struggling to see how carrying 20 litres of water is impossible...
I felt like u guys on here that help me out with advice might consider myself a bully but I seen straight through the holes in his posts instantly...that kinda makes me an intelligent aussie that would be cool to have over at one of your famous bbqs haha...if only to smoke some wonder woman n gsc while I have to do the cooking....bloody aussies lol
Your Invited!
2nd Saturday in December 2014 you can stay at my place (near Yosemite) I'll tour you around the west coast of California, visit the famous Humboldt County! You need to share the cooking duties with jj, he BBQ's a mean pig!
See you in December,
P,S. You would be a lock for the "furthest traveled prize!
The only hole anyone has picked is people telling me I can't carry 20 litres of water up a hill. Even if you disagree with this and don't believe the numbers all the information given was correct and good info on using coco coir to substitute expensive soil, a soil recipe, explaining about bigger holes producing bigger plants ect... No one disagreed with one piece of actual information. Just a bunch of people who didn't like someone new to the site telling people there were better ways of doing things and upsetting the balance... The reason I deleted everything was a bunch of armchair experts who have never done a real guerrilla grow telling me I can't do things like carry 20 litres of water... People doing stage flooring, the floor boards each weigh 25kg you carry them from the truck to the stage and lay board, on minimum you lay 70-80 boards a day... I'm just struggling to see how carrying 20 litres of water is impossible...

20 litres? Is that per plant?
3 different people in this thread have said you can't carry that much water!! I was going to take photos as I prepared and went along as stated in first post and about 8 times after that... How people can not see Doublejj was being a dick from the very start beats me... We are not in high school if someone is being a passive aggressive dick call them out on it...
Yes 20 litres per plant, 5 plants in total every second day...
I'm not saying you can yield 8lbs, but carrying 20L of water up a hill is feasible.
Maybe watering every other day is too much if you have your plants in the ground.
Here we get around 1-2 lbs per plant with no amendments to the soil and with weekly watering.
Some farmers do not even water, have lower yields but produce the highest quality buds and resin for hashish. Namely what you guys call red lebanese in Amsterdam coffee shops
24" inches deep Abe... The aerial photo was demonstrating plants planted randomly in an opening with clearly defined edges are very visible from air... Plants planted together hard against natural vegetation look like one large bush and are less visible from air....

24" inches that makes more sense!
Thanks for the clarification... I'm more interested in learning new things than scrutinizing right out the gate.. As far as outdoor, we're a newer med state here and I don't have much outdoor experience. We also have somewhat short seasons and moderate overall sunlight in Michigan. GH's tend to do much better here than going wild.

Cld you repost that custom soil mix ratio when you have time. peace
people tend to be skeptical here at RIU because, for some reason, many outlandish epic stories have played out here over the years... and a percentage of the time they are simply fiction. why someone would waste their time making up stuff in great detail is beyond me. usually it's a bored kid goofing.

stick around (GOP)
let's all bounce ideas about.. we all can afford to learn from one another.
Husseinps this is why growers never used to take photos as I stated penalties in Australia where very severe for commercial amounts... Authorities also have huge power here all it would take is suspicion of growing and that's enough to get a warrant seize computers, cameras ect and you are gone... Loose the house the lot. It was one of the first rules... It's also why I have a little laugh to myself when people on forums think they they are "OG's" lol there are 5 or 6 real growers I've seen to be active on forums that's tom, Noey, butte, humbolt and a couple of others and I think none of them are still active, they all have documented grows producing 8-12 pounders consistently outdoors... All the rest of us have lots to learn... I can not find one even half decent gorilla grow on the internet. That's why I wanted to make this thread in the first place...
Here is the soil mix I use Abe:

-5x 5kg coco coir bricks
-16lbs of chicken manure
-16lbs of perlite
-8lbs of steamed bonemeal
-8lbs of fish meal
-5lbs of gypsum
-400 grams of water crystals

This is per 4 foot x 4 foot hole but should be fine to scale up... If this was used somewhere with access to good water... I wouldn't worry about water crystals but this is a safety net if I miss a days watering, remember we get temperates of 43 Celsius or 109 Fahrenheit regularly...