she done?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what you think, think she's done? I'm fighting pm so idk if I should just chop or continue the fight but I will have to call the fight off for a week when I'm out of town think it could destroy my girl? Here she is.1403109717332.jpg1403109760418.jpg 1403109789907.jpg


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Looks like a nice plant.
Have you grown the strain b4?
How close is it to a known finish?
Trichomes look pretty clear.
Can u hold out a few weeks?
If you have powdery mildew, why do you keep it with your other plants? As to ripeness, I don't see any amber in those trichs.

It looks like webbing in the last pic. Do you have pests as well? If you have mildew and bugs, I'd cut it down.
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It looks like it could take a week or two more. If you've got PM I'd prolly just take it now though and try to save as much as possible rather then risk loosing it all. I know I would be pissed if I left it and went on vacation and came back to a useless plant. You also don't want to chance getting PM on the other plants.
I been checking the trichs and the tips are 25% amber maybe more and the lower is prolly 10 or less% and idk I didn't know powder mildew spread like that but maybe I'll seclud her but my backyard is kinda small at the same.time so idk how well that will help lol and every time I see any sign of it I spray her doesn matter if it's the heat of the day or not lol I just mist her and pound the mildew spot. And the strain is HOLY GRAIL KUSH.
If you've got actual amber trichs, and not just damaged trichs from messing with it I would definitely pull it. The HGK I've seen pics of don't get big fat chunky buds so it may not bulk up more. They have been reported as smelling and tasting amazing with an awesome high.

I try to harvest my plants when they are at maximum potancy which is with a completely cloudy trichome head. Maximum potancy has nothing to do with amber trichomes. Amber comes from degradation. If you want a stoney couch lock strain grow one, don't let your plant degrade to try to achieve that effect.

I suppose my official vote is chop it the day before you leave. Hang the whole plant to dry and then trim and cure it when you get back next week.
If you've got actual amber trichs, and not just damaged trichs from messing with it I would definitely pull it. The HGK I've seen pics of don't get big fat chunky buds so it may not bulk up more. They have been reported as smelling and tasting amazing with an awesome high.

I try to harvest my plants when they are at maximum potancy which is with a completely cloudy trichome head. Maximum potancy has nothing to do with amber trichomes. Amber comes from degradation. If you want a stoney couch lock strain grow one, don't let your plant degrade to try to achieve that effect.

I suppose my official vote is chop it the day before you leave. Hang the whole plant to dry and then trim and cure it when you get back next week.
Exactly what I was thinking of but I was gonna trim her the same day to keep the moisture down as.much as possible the bottom nugs are basically all cloudy and the top Nug is a little amber but I think it has thickened up a lot since a few weeks when I first noticed the mildew..
The only reason I said to hang it whole was so that it didn't over dry while your gone. If you are in a humid area, then you may want to trim it first. I usually trim before I dry this time of year because its so humid, at other times I can dry it just as fast with the trim on it and I think I get better flavor trimming after.
Just for your knowledge.
Horse Tail grass tea.....available on-line as an herbal tea......brew as directed on the label and cool down. Load your sprayer and let her have it. Safe for use at any time and the PM is,,,,,,,BOOM,,,done!
The plant likes the tea too!

Looks to nice to early harvest!!! do what you need to do and save it...