The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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LOL a typo? Is that the argument you're going to stick with? I just want to make sure..

And the "They show an increasing trend since the beginning of the industrialization mainly due to increasing anthropogenic sources." bit? Was that all a typo too?

ohh you really are a helpless little baby bird.

nobody is suggesting that "manmade co2" doesnt exist you dolt.

this particular nuanced pissing match is over whether co2 was "stable and flat" for the last 10k years like bucky's skeptical science bullshit graph claims , or whether noaa was lying.
so if the NOAA is a good source, why do you not accept their finding that CO2 levels were at about 280 PPM for the last 10,000 years and recently rocketed up to 400 PPM?
cuz that aint their findings you fool. thats cook's interpretation, as demonstrated in his bullshit grpahs, while Noaa's data clearly demonstrates a wide fluctuation through time.
is that some butthurt over your inane gabbling about the koch briothers and big tobacco being my source for co2 emissions?

cuz that was some hilarious shit.

natural sources: 771 gigatonnes per year
man made sources 34 gigatonnes a year.

yep. we are small potatoes
even termites beat us like suckers at 50 gigatonnes a year.

that 4% number you are citing comes from the CATO institute (a political front group) citing the national center for policy analysis, a koch brothers and exxon mobil funded group.

you've still never answered me about the wild and disparate variance of termite farts in the studies you have cited.
cuz that aint their findings you fool. thats cook's interpretation, as demonstrated in his bullshit grpahs, while Noaa's data clearly demonstrates a wide fluctuation through time.

no, NOAA clearly shows CO2 at about 280 PPM over the last 10,000 years.


that clear enough for ya, denialist?
nobody is suggesting that "manmade co2" doesnt exist you dolt.

this particular nuanced pissing match is over whether co2 was "stable and flat" for the last 10k years like bucky's skeptical science bullshit graph claims , or whether noaa was lying.

"They show an increasing trend since the beginning of the industrialization mainly due to increasing anthropogenic sources."

His graph doesn't show the climate was "flat" as you say, I just posted a picture showing the clear upward trend. If you don't believe me, get a piece of paper, put it up against your 1998 monitor, account for the screen bulge, and measure horizontally. You should find, if you did the experiment correctly, that the left side of the graph sets below the right side of the graph. Since we know that in a "flat line" both sides should end up equal, we can reasonably conclude that the line is not flat.

If that's to much for ya to follow, I'll let Brian Regan here explain it for ya;

this is just getting sad now.

a man (manness under review) who can't do exponents is denying NOAA's findings.

at least he has nontheist to help him, just like the white supremacists had nontheist to help them.

woooops, kynes IS a white supremacist. so no change really.
that 4% number you are citing comes from the CATO institute (a political front group) citing the national center for policy analysis, a koch brothers and exxon mobil funded group.

you've still never answered me about the wild and disparate variance of termite farts in the studies you have cited.

did i say 4%? NO.
did my numbers come from Cato? NO
were my numbers from any oil front group? NO.

my numbers were from the IPCC and a global warming hysterics site.

and the termite fart variance was, as heckler explained, based on the 4 gigatonne number coming from a study of ONE species of termites, while the 50 gigatonne number was from ALL termites.

and you still havent explained why your unsourced graph (which is secretly from a BLOG run by a dipshit) reproduced here for the edification of those who missed it :

looks nothing like this one from Noaa:


despite both covering the same time frame, and your laughable assertion that they come from the same source, which they DO NOT.

your canard of slapping out an 800,000 year timeline with wild projections into the future is simply retarded and transparent.
this is just getting sad now.

a man (manness under review) who can't do exponents is denying NOAA's findings.

at least he has nontheist to help him, just like the white supremacists had nontheist to help them.

woooops, kynes IS a white supremacist. so no change really.

what's ridiculous projections of a snitch that has to have his wife to back him up on cannabis forums.
just proves your memory is as bad as your debating skill.

lol fucking lame childish shit.

so you deny acting all buddy buddy with the holocaust denying white supremacists?

because you guys look pretty friendly from what i see.

can you point me to a single post where you spoke out against the neo-nazis we had?
did i say 4%? NO.
did my numbers come from Cato? NO
were my numbers from any oil front group? NO.

my numbers were from the IPCC and a global warming hysterics site.

and the termite fart variance was, as heckler explained, based on the 4 gigatonne number coming from a study of ONE species of termites, while the 50 gigatonne number was from ALL termites.

and you still havent explained why your unsourced graph (which is secretly from a BLOG run by a dipshit) reproduced here for the edification of those who missed it :

looks nothing like this one from Noaa:


despite both covering the same time frame, and your laughable assertion that they come from the same source, which they DO NOT.

your canard of slapping out an 800,000 year timeline with wild projections into the future is simply retarded and transparent.

looks like NOAA has it pegged at 280 PPM or so for the last 10,000 years.

and yes, your numbers come out to 4%, same claim that the CATO institute and their exxonmobil funded front group magically came to.

why are you trying to deny reality now?
you're an idiot

that may be, but you were very, very friendly with the holocaust denying white supremacists. you were active on the forums at the same time they were, and you never said a word against them.

are you always so friendly with holocaust denying white supremacists?
that may be, but you were very, very friendly with the holocaust denying white supremacists. you were active on the forums at the same time they were, and you never said a word against them.

are you always so friendly with holocaust denying white supremacists?

One of you will have to dump your account, RIU has one retard per house policy.