The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

Who has the most affect on global warming?

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So, you go out a measure with your Punk Meter? And you want to tell us the meaurements at 10,000 feet in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are from the volcano.

Hey, maybe Scripps thought of that? I mean it is the job to not be a horse ass, fake.

CO2 levels are measured by hundreds of stations scattered across 66 countries which all report the same rising trend.
Climate Myth...
CO2 measurements are suspect
"The Keeling curve, which is widely used to show the increase in CO2 emissions, is based on data from the top of Mount Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Mauna Loa is a volcano and it doesn’t seem to me that a volcano is the best place to be taking CO2 measurements"

ohh doer, you so cray cray.

that stupid graph is from Skeptical Science, a blog run by a communications undergrad with an agenda, it bears NO relation to the actual numbers which it purports to be based on


see how mine has a source?

yours is a FABRICATION created by dickhead with an agenda.

i just raked bucky over the coals for this one, and it was hilarious.
Huh? You mean taking measurements near Kilauea is not an accurate world wide indicator?
i had the same concerns, and cannabineer showed me their data, and their correction for the co2 noise from the volcano (which is what they originally came there to measure)

mona loa is ONE data set, there are others. co2 IS rising, but not nearly as fast or as high as the alarmists are claiming, and it is regulated by SEASONAL fluctuations
ohh doer, you so cray cray.

that stupid graph is from Skeptical Science, a blog run by a communications undergrad with an agenda, it bears NO relation to the actual numbers which it purports to be based on


see how mine has a source?

yours is a FABRICATION created by dickhead with an agenda.

i just raked bucky over the coals for this one, and it was hilarious.

if you think you raked me over the coals by posting a graph with the exact same numbers as mine, you are even more retarded than i suspected you to be.

do you not understand that years before present goes from zero on the left with your graph to 10,000 on the right, whereas mine go the opposite direction?

these are ALL the same graph saying the same thing (except yours omits the recent rise to 400 PPM).



We can only go back 80,000 years in the direct measurement.

So, I have no idea how you even think the Earth had higher CO2 than now.
fossil isotope readings, sedimentary strata, all manner of methods.

you might also wonder WHY ice core data only goes back 800k years... cuz they have been all melted away at several times in the past.

we are currently inside a Glaciation Period, with a beif respite of warmer weather (the last 10k years known as the Holocene epoch) eventually temps will resume their fall and we will freez our nuts off.
And if we follow that quote to it's point...

"The treaty itself set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no enforcement mechanisms. In that sense, the treaty is considered legally non-binding. Instead, the treaty provides a framework for negotiating specific international treaties (called "protocols") that may set binding limits on greenhouse gases."
such a "treaty" is a non-starter.

first we sign, and THEN the details are worked out by the UN...

only a lefty could think signing a contract before the contract is written is a good idea.
just follow nasa studies. They have weather satellite that photographs and tracks ocean and wind and air quality changes. There's a group of nasa scientists currently doing global warming studies. They are at the ice bridge that connects Alaska to Russia / Asia conducting their research.

youre either too high to make a cogent argument or too ignorant, i dont know which.

you burst into theis thread, where FACTS were being discussed, declared the OP's opinion piece by a well respected scientist was retarded, declared that scientist to be a fool, and then made wild claims which were entirely disproved, then you came back demanding PROOF failing to notice that such proof was already supplied and now your syaing some crazy nonsense about "nasa on the russian ice bridge" which does NOT exist.

not even in the depths of the coldest winters is there an "ice bridge" across the bering sea, and if there were, in some alternate reality, it would NOT be a place to do research unless that research is determining how long it takes for researchers to get eaten by polar bears.

i gotta say thank you though, your first blathering post was the perfect set up for my BuckTrap, presented below for thoise that missed it in the pissing match of shitposts:

the astute observer notes the image to which you refer, and the subsequent assertions made based on that image were UNSOURCED!

and that is unsual for me, when i post a positive claim, i always put up the source, at least for the first 10-20 times i have to repeat myself. .

ohh you didnt notice??

sorry bucky...


that graphic and it's attendant numbers and assertions are from a Global Warming Hysterics site:

and their numbers came from...
as they say themselves in the caption below the picture:

"(Source: Pre-industrial values from IPCC AR4 WGI Figure 7.3; 2000s values from Global Carbon Project)"

thats right their numbers for natural Co2 emissions and sinks came from the IPCC itself!

which is reiterated here in their latest report


sorry bucky, but this one is a suppository.
I don't know... that plan sounds flawed.

A certain Lajos M., a Hungarian prisoner, who spent about a
decade on the far northem Novaya Zemlya Island—^but who did not wish
to be identified by name—also related a number of gruesome incidents
of cannibalism.

I have also eaten human flesh. The head cook, Ivan Vasilievich.
This was still in the prisoner-of-war camp. They used to make bran
soup there every day, which should have heen cooked with oil.
Sunflower or god-knows-what-kind-of oil. Yes, but this Ivan stole
the oil. Instead of mixing it into the soup, he sold it to civilians.
Several of our men got to talking one day: We will screw this cook.
Of course, everyone was hungry. The soup was being cooked in a
huge cauldron. It was so large that the bran had to be poured into it
from the top of a table. Ivan would stand on the table, stirring
away, not caring a damn that half of the bran stuck together in
clumps as big as my two fists. They were like hig dumplings that
never got cooked. Well, as Ivan stood there stirring the bran, two
guys grabbed his legs and dumped him into the hot stuff. On with
the lid real quick. They screwed it on real tight. By morning it
boiled down, the meat coming off tender like. We ate it. We were
jumping with joy. 'Look, there is meat in the soup.' Of course,
those who knew about it wouldn't eat, but kept quiet. Ivan's bones
and jacket were found at the bottom of the cauldron. There was a
frantic head count. Roll call five times in every barrack. Who's
missing? Who was eaten? The Russians would count us repeatedly
and write down the results on match boxes. How many prisoners
are there? They don't add up.... Let's do it again. What a circus
this was! Finally they figured out that it was the cook who was
missing. But they never found out who cooked him.^'
hungarians huh?

i bet they used just the right amount of paprika.

that shit would have been delicious!
youre either too high to make a cogent argument or too ignorant, i dont know which.

you burst into theis thread, where FACTS were being discussed, declared the OP's opinion piece by a well respected scientist was retarded, declared that scientist to be a fool, and then made wild claims which were entirely disproved, then you came back demanding PROOF failing to notice that such proof was already supplied and now your syaing some crazy nonsense about "nasa on the russian ice bridge" which does NOT exist.

not even in the depths of the coldest winters is there an "ice bridge" across the bering sea, and if there were, in some alternate reality, it would NOT be a place to do research unless that research is determining how long it takes for researchers to get eaten by polar bears.

i gotta say thank you though, your first blathering post was the perfect set up for my BuckTrap, presented below for thoise that missed it in the pissing match of shitposts:

the ice bridge exists for only a certain part of year. NASA released reports 2 weeks ago about the research going on there. You are the ignorant one who is unableto recognize more educated people over your ability to use google. I didn't sew one bit of scientific proof. Just b.s. Graphs copy and pasted fro. A bullshit web site with no university or nasa credential. Another idiot spewing nonsense.
Tobacco is not that harmful. Benzine, arsenic and other main poisons are added in.
ha ha h ah ah ah a ohh man.

even home grown , natural, organic, small batch artisinal tobacco is full of "chemicals" which are toxic.

it is a NIGHTSHADE plant, and only tobacco root worms and horn worms can eat it, and anything that eats them gets sick and/or dies.

tobacco is POISONOUS, it always has been and always will be.
the ice bridge exists for only a certain part of year. NASA released reports 2 weeks ago about the research going on there. You are the ignorant one who is unableto recognize more educated people over your ability to use google. I didn't sew one bit of scientific proof. Just b.s. Graphs copy and pasted fro. A bullshit web site with no university or nasa credential. Another idiot spewing nonsense.
mm hmm, tell me more about this mysterious ice bridge, and why you havent provided a link to this bullshit

googles says NO, wikipedia says it is IMAGINARY and no results indicating that "nasa" is on this mythical "bridge" conducting "science".

if you look a the thread Numbnuts, youll see all my graphs are sourced, except the first one, which was a trap for bucky.

my sources are the motherfucking IPCC, nasa, noaa, and a wide array of published scientists.

your sources are......

you are shrill, ignorant and hilariously weak minded.
[QUOTE="Dr Kynes, post: 10631620, member: 432064" ]
it is a NIGHTSHADE plant, and only tobacco root worms and horn worms can eat it, and anything that eats them gets sick and/or dies. .
yes, and tomatoes too, both are also in the nightshade family.

of the potatoe, ONLY the tubers can be eaten, and only after they ar no longer green.
of the tomatoe, only the fruit can be eaten, and only after it is no longer green or after you cook it if still green.

otherwise youll get sick

if you eat the foliage of either plant, youll get sick.

if you make a salad from tobacco, you will DIE
How can it be my theory, when it is all over the news?

The timeline is this. You are right about the CO2, btw.

- 180 years ago the assumption was we were simply cooling in the vast expanse of space (they didn't know the sun was heating in the Main Sequence)

- a fellow challenges that notion and was met with similar venom, but the Ice Age Theory was born then. The hunt was on to knock it down, but, no. It has stood every test so far.

- Carl Sagan sees a connection between an obscure idea in the peer review, of climate change, and what he is seeing on Venus, he thinks. Worth a paper. And sure enough, it got us thinking Greenhouse.

- The question is looked at according to the baseline of Earth's Orbit. It is known by then the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn in their slow orbits have an effect over about 21,000 years. Basically, we are now being pulled outward by that effect. Each orbit is a bit more round than the last, and we don't get to ellipse in for a Summer Run.

- So, the baseline should be cooling and it is not. That is vexing.

- By now, the ice core from the glaciers are showing we are well above the recent (10,000 years ago, CO2 levels)

- Surveys are conducted and 2/3s of the stations reporting are heating, but the data is crappy. Historical records are are compared, but data is crappy. New Sat data won't match.

- Satellites are sent up and laser and radar telemetry of all sorts are gathered,

- The portion that man contributes is shown to be identifiable by radio-carbon techniques.

The conclusion is that:

1) The next glaciation period, when the Ice begins to move down is in 1500 years. But, we are holding that up. And we need to stop that. (why?)

2) the Ice Shelves will let go and the seas will rise in about 150 years. Nothing at all perhaps, that we can do. We will get a 5c rise in global average temp.

3) If we don't stop burning the fossil fuel, it will run out in about 300 years and no matter what we do the ice age can only be delayed about 500 years anyway. The orbit is moving outward, for a long, long time.

4) If we put the breaks on the oil economy and emergency downshift to crash research for advanced plentiful fuel like hydrogen, a few will possibly survive,

But, then we will have the Ice Age faster and lose that prep time for the majority of mankind that won't be allowed to burn wood. They can't afford the Carbon Credit.

The Carbon Trader colonies will survive and in 30,000 years the Earth will be nice again.

So, tell me how I am wrong.


That should be 300,000 years, not 30,000