The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol i was joking with my pal the other day. what did we do before pillreports lol. we shovelled E's down our necks without a care in the world. that's what.
Same lol didn't know about pill report till last week lol id alway bought 5 seen how fast n hard I came up b4 I took a second unless I knew it then I'd double drop the shiz

If these fuckers have any speed in em imma sell em.
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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye fuck a speedy E, fuck speed in general. we've got e's with ice cream cones printed on em doing the rounds up north at the moment. in white or pink lol

i was told that .1 of a gram is a dose for normal adults the gurn and eye ball rolling etc is your body basically OD'ing on a poison. the more over the .1 the more severe the 'symptoms' lol. try double dropping those 220's you'd be messed reet up.


Well-Known Member
Yeh and me I know a few a birds that would love a bit a pink weed wouldn't mind a dabble myself long do u have to leave your soil to cook for?
i make it so it can b used immediately, cant b fuked to have to wait 6 weeks so i use fewer hot products like blood and more slow release shiz and lots of compost tea and airing and turning the soil, the compost tea is the key makes it instantly useable


Well-Known Member
them 220s im chewing me face off with the first one so fuck double dropping them, them androids are some strong pills i had the green ones a while back, me n mate had 8 he munched his 4 but i only managed 3 lol


Well-Known Member
healthy lowers, i keep these bottom leaves for diagnostics, i gave a tea feed to this SLH cut after this photoDSC_0093.JPG


Well-Known Member
tea would eat pm, plants only get pm when they re stressed and the enviro is fuked imo, never had it with organics

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah DE i see. aye that stuff makes a mess. i top dressed my pots with it and it literally just made a hard layer across the top of the coco. watering was a reet ballache.

I think PM is systemic & only shows when the environment is right. once it's in, it's in. I've shut shop to get rid before. it's no fun. pm and fungus gnats are the worst shit that can happen to your grow imo. nightmare to get shot of.


Well-Known Member
Afternoon chaps just got up....nice plants lads looking shweeet as a usual

Yeh if I haven't gotta let the soil cook think I'll buy the gear this weekend then I can start knocking it up. Ever since I started growing I've wanted to go all organic but always felt like a big step but fuck it I'm taking the plunge man...oh me ascorbic acid came this morning as well so I'll be using that on my next feed see how much it pH's down like


Well-Known Member
id put a funnel in the medium before covering the soil with anything, then u can just feed thru the funnel
saves fucking about

the dog is frosting like fuk don, very nice, il keep eyes out for nanners, and one seed aint shit. how far thru was that?

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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it didn't work anyway man the gnats just took to using the drain holes on the bottom to get into the roots. little bastards.

which or rather who's cut did you get of the dog? the one pip in my fireballs i noticed at about 7 weeks i'm going to nip it out and dissect it tonight.