Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman will not get anything. He should go back to painting by numbers.
Zimmerman is a loser being supported by losers. What grown ass man plays cops and ends up getting his ass beat by a kid.
Same group that says how they feel so violated by the government for being nosy and don't want people in their business, are the same group who defends the action of this creepy ass guy. Very confusing and telling at he same damn time!!!
I chose carefully the people I defend in life. Zimmerman the loser, wanna be cop, no life having is not one of them.

what do they call that group again?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
We actually don't know who touched who first...I guess you actually believe Casey Anthony was innocent too. The courts can get it wrong... would you not agree ??
We do have the physical evidence in the Zimmerman case, though. Only one person had signs of being "touched".


Well-Known Member
For the record:

LF: supports "honest" reporting by MSNBC

Skylard: wants a margarita and sparkly toes.
I don't support all of any news stations...I do support the right for a private citizen to walk home from the store without being followed or harassed. Why do you support stalking ?? Why do you support someone following another person whom is just minding their own business. Are you a nosy neighbor who wants to know what your neighbors are doing. Do you call the police on your neighbors when they are just walking in the neighborhood..From what I hear you just might.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it will be an oppressed minority...........doing the doling out of homelands. I hear the Northern Marianas are really nice though :)