The Irish Growers Thread!

fair play man,ive nought on the go meself at the moment...I just want ta get a harvest in for Christmas,ill post pics when I get ya know how ta erase the megadata??don't post pics if ya don't pal....
The whole reason I don't post pics is because I know nothing about computers and paranoid as fuck bud..i don't know how to up load nevermind about earasing stuff and all that..get me..but im sure the daughter will know..thanks for that bud...what would happen if they weren't erased..
The whole reason I don't post pics is because I know nothing about computers and paranoid as fuck bud..i don't know how to up load nevermind about earasing stuff and all that..get me..but im sure the daughter will know..thanks for that bud...what would happen if they weren't erased..
ye don't post pics till your sure bud,ghostdog is the computer man in the house,have a read of the links he put up.....if the megdata isn't erased they can track were the pics was uploaded from,now if its a old camera phone with gps and Bluetooth turned off I think its safe enough....but do your homework first before postin pics,better safe than sorry,the pics can wait !!!!!peace
The whole reason I don't post pics is because I know nothing about computers and paranoid as fuck bud..i don't know how to up load nevermind about earasing stuff and all that..get me..but im sure the daughter will know..thanks for that bud...what would happen if they weren't erased..
get a tor browser and get a proxy ip via hotspotshield, then scrub pics as suggested, safe as it gets unless u a vendor on the darknet this is pretty good security...recommend everyone does riu on tor

Just saw this show last week. Is this the silo you refer to MD ?
My first and only time taking it was in '99.
It was the first drug i ever took. Even before cannabis.
I have searched for it for 15 years and cant find it anywhere on this island :)

Yes that is the exact one and I have also seen it. I have had one bad trip on LSD, took an entire dropper full of undiluted liquid LSD while I was drunk (bad idea). And I had a bad trip on shrooms, I was at a music festival in the 90's with my wife at that time and I was in the Air Force. I hallucinated so hard the sky clouds in the sky looked as if they were moving hundreds of miles an hour, every time I looked at my wife her face looked really distorted and her voice was deep and evil sounding everything would speed and then go in slow motion over over so people walking looked like they were super speed walking for a few seconds and then looked like someone put the world in slow motion. My skin felt like it was crawling with bugs under the skin. Finally i couldn't take it, thought I was dying and told my wife we need to leave. She pissed and yelled at me the entire ride home while driving like a mad man. She said "you asshole I didn't even get to see Snoop Dogg"!

I didn't realize they didn't produce any LSD at the silo they just had the precursor ergotamine. So the LSD I got in Austin in High School must have came from New mexico when they made it there. New Mexico boarders texas.

its crazy once they busted Pickard and took away his lab resulted in 90% less LSD in the world so he was making 90% of the LSD in the world and I was close to the epicenter. When I was in high School it was easier to get LSD then alcohol or cannabis everybody had it. It got to the point you couldn't sell it because everybody had it. Maybe thats why Austin is so cool and weird, Austin's motto is "keep Austin weird"
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so when gps is turned off it should be ok.
Technically yes. Real world no. When you set gps off on your phone you are telling your phone os to stop gps tracking. Thats not to say a certain app wont re-enable gps for its own reasons. Its far more certain to just take the pics and then just scrub them before upload. If uploading pic's makes you feel uncomfortable, then just dont do it. I just went for a run and had my runing app on, and even though I have zero credit it still mapped it, down to about 2m accuarcy, which should be impossible as I have no data cred.
TOR and other protocols are often promoted as being somehow hack proof. This makes me uneasy. Using tor is like driving down main street in an abrams/challanger tank. Yes, you are secure, but you also stand out like a sore thumb, a sore thumb with a flashing blue light and a sign that says "something to hide". I know what I am saying is gonna rankle a few nerves but its just the way it is. TOR anonomises the traffic, but not the end to end points of contact.
But hey, thats just my opinion. And at the end of the day everyone is entitled to
Technically yes. Real world no. When you set gps off on your phone you are telling your phone os to stop gps tracking. Thats not to say a certain app wont re-enable gps for its own reasons. Its far more certain to just take the pics and then just scrub them before upload. If uploading pic's makes you feel uncomfortable, then just dont do it. I just went for a run and had my runing app on, and even though I have zero credit it still mapped it, down to about 2m accuarcy, which should be impossible as I have no data cred.
TOR and other protocols are often promoted as being somehow hack proof. This makes me uneasy. Using tor is like driving down main street in an abrams/challanger tank. Yes, you are secure, but you also stand out like a sore thumb, a sore thumb with a flashing blue light and a sign that says "something to hide". I know what I am saying is gonna rankle a few nerves but its just the way it is. TOR anonomises the traffic, but not the end to end points of contact.
But hey, thats just my opinion. And at the end of the day everyone is entitled to
I will definitely scrub before I upload thanks..what if you were just using a phone for taking pics and uploading and removing the battery till your using it to upload again could you be caught that way
Battery in or out dont matter. Just break it down to its parts. You take a pic with your phone. The phone saves it as a file. Depending on your phone settings, certain info is stored in the file.
Whats important now is what you do with the file. If you upload it straight, then the file contains a lot of info you might not want. The best thing to do is to scrub the file with software to remove that data, so that all thats left is just a pure image file. Simple..right?
But....and this depends on your level of acceptable paranoia.....uploading anything to anywhere leaves a trail. This is the same for a user on rollitup as it is for a secretary in the white house.
At the end of the day if "they" want to track you down, they will. The point maybe is in not becoming a "thing" that "they" want to track.
This is of course all theory. You will never hear this in a court of law. Its not like the crucial bit of evidence in your court trial will be the pic you uploaded. What will get you nailed is the plants growing in you gaff, all the light kit and the stuff you have bagged. The pics will be just part of the chain that brought you to "their" attention. Or maybe not. Maybe its the unpaid parking ticket, the speeding fine or any one of a thousand issues.
My point is, the flock rocks. Be a sheep. You ever meet a sheep with a criminal record?
Here in the states the supreme court ruled that cops must have a search warrant to get your phone.
I think its the same here. But there is a big difference between the evidence gathered that is presented for court, and the evidence that is known and not recorded as official.
I think @ReLaX has put it well in previous posts. Just dont stand out and dont give a reason to be "interesting"
Technically yes. Real world no. When you set gps off on your phone you are telling your phone os to stop gps tracking. Thats not to say a certain app wont re-enable gps for its own reasons. Its far more certain to just take the pics and then just scrub them before upload. If uploading pic's makes you feel uncomfortable, then just dont do it. I just went for a run and had my runing app on, and even though I have zero credit it still mapped it, down to about 2m accuarcy, which should be impossible as I have no data cred.
TOR and other protocols are often promoted as being somehow hack proof. This makes me uneasy. Using tor is like driving down main street in an abrams/challanger tank. Yes, you are secure, but you also stand out like a sore thumb, a sore thumb with a flashing blue light and a sign that says "something to hide". I know what I am saying is gonna rankle a few nerves but its just the way it is. TOR anonomises the traffic, but not the end to end points of contact.
But hey, thats just my opinion. And at the end of the day everyone is entitled to
good point man, spose thats why more people should use tor imo, its not perfect but its pretty good for everyday tittle tattle lol
good point man, spose thats why more people should use tor imo, its not perfect but its pretty good for everyday tittle tattle lol
Bang on. And it wouldnt take much....just a single large corp running a lot of traffic through tor. The problem is that while the traffic in a tor is anon, where the traffic enters and leaves is public. A tor is a network WITHIN the internet, but you have to travel to it on the internet, and your data exits on the internet. The number of tor nodes is miniscule in comparison to the amount of internet nodes. And a note to all our US cousins, all tor nodes that enter/exit through servers on US soil can legally be tapped. And a note to all our non-US cousins, all tor nodes are probably being monitored anyway. And dont start me on the elephant in the room.....the Chinese probably own all the nodes anyway.
Right.....nerdy internet lecture over.
Tip of the day? When your 2 year shit's in the bath, dont tell your missus to use a metal colander to strain the water because she will throw it at you.