Our lawless president


Well-Known Member
Fuck that. Between an over-reaching president and them using "the nuclear option" in the Senate, everything a previous party has done will be undone every time there is a shift in power.

I completely agree.

Simply ludicrous!

They would be shooting themselves in the foot doing this anyway, what happens when their guy is in office?

Double edged blade wielded poorly.

They need another plan.


Well-Known Member
go back to merlinmiller.com and anunews.net, desertdude.

we don't welcome white suprmacists like you here.


Well-Known Member
we get it.

you're so engulfed in your white supremacy that you took the cicero quote as true. it was, after all, on all those those white supremacy sites you frequent.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read the thread lately, I figured it was filled with poo flinging instead of addressing the points. Has anyone claimed it's not true yet?
you fucking idiot.

there have been no points made. i invited desert dude to detail any high crimes or misdemeanors, he failed to do so.

maybe you would like to take a stab at the case for impeachment, since your white supremacist buddy can't.


Well-Known Member
you fucking idiot.

there have been no points made. i invited desert dude to detail any high crimes or misdemeanors, he failed to do so.

maybe you would like to take a stab at the case for impeachment, since your white supremacist buddy can't.
Not impeachment, imprisonment. A citizen hit list is vile. He played judge, jury and executioner.


Well-Known Member
Not impeachment, imprisonment. A citizen hit list is vile. He played judge, jury and executioner.
the racists really are riled.

sue him! impeach him! imprison him!

mind you, none of this will happen, it's only a bunch of racist idiots ginning up their best manufactured outrage.

ginwilly won't even have the mental faculties to articulate a case for any of his addle-brained racist nonsense, nor will he be able to describe any 'high crimes or misdemeanors'.

but let's all laugh while we watch him try.


Well-Known Member
The posts before mine were stating that I should avoid Stormfront, that it may corrupt me.

My answer to their statements that I will be corrupted:
-White supremacists love their skin color

-A select group of people may be allowed into these white supremacist groups, they are white

-My father was born in Germany, he had a child with an American Indian women, my mother. This is a cardinal sin in the world of hate.

-I am automatically disqualified from being in their hate club due to heritage

I will continue to educate myself. The day I don't learn anything new is the day I die.
Some people here have said bigoted things and may actually be bigots. Now, racists... Havent seen many of those.

To be a racist you have to actually believe another race is inferior.

That stupid basketball owner? Not a racist... A bigot for sure. Old and senile probably. But not a racist. A racist would not make dozens of black men millionaires...

Racism is an extremely over used term.

In the case of this site, the left and particularly Uncle Buck like to tag people with the term racist so when he is losing an argument which is usually all the time he can pull out his race card in an attempt to sidetrack the conversation. It is successful quite often which is why you will see him call almost everyone racist at one time or another. Or a pedophile or gay or mock their income or a hundred other things.

UB is just an alcoholic troll lashing out in impotent rage on the political section of a pot website. Watch his rantings like you watch the crazy guy on the street corner preaching about Jesus...