A heart felt "Thank You"

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Well-Known Member
They say you will never understand the meaning of "gratitude" until someone does something for you that you'll never be able to repay them for.

I was released a few days ago and I can't thank you all enough. The support I have received through all of this has humbled me. I am grateful and have a restored faith in people. Whether it was money, cards and letters, emails or simple wishes, it was all very meaningful to me. From the bottom of my heart I give you all a huge THANK YOU. I will carry this with me forever.

I'm on a tight leash for the next 3 years. Random drug testing and close monitoring. I probably won't post much here for now. But I will always be lurking. I just wanted to make sure I stopped in and let you all know what you mean to me. I love you all.

I'm not going to go into any details about what happened to me. It's over. I've moved on. I learned a lot. I will say, "Be careful". Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is against federal law to posses, or grow, or transport, or sell, or give away, or ... As long as this is the case you run the risk of trouble if you are doing any of these things. I'd hate for anyone to have to go through what I went through.

I've been clean and sober for 2 and a half years now. I feel great. I'm working a real job. I have a strong family and a secure home life. A fresh new outlook. I'm doing great and I plan on keeping it that way. There is life without marijuana. And I'm okay with that.

Once again, Thank You all. And Happy 4th of July.

They say you will never understand the meaning of "gratitude" until someone does something for you that you'll never be able to repay them for.

I was released a few days ago and I can't thank you all enough. The support I have received through all of this has humbled me. I am grateful and have a restored faith in people. Whether it was money, cards and letters, emails or simple wishes, it was all very meaningful to me. From the bottom of my heart I give you all a huge THANK YOU. I will carry this with me forever.

I'm on a tight leash for the next 3 years. Random drug testing and close monitoring. I probably won't post much here for now. But I will always be lurking. I just wanted to make sure I stopped in and let you all know what you mean to me. I love you all.

I'm not going to go into any details about what happened to me. It's over. I've moved on. I learned a lot. I will say, "Be careful". Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is against federal law to posses, or grow, or transport, or sell, or give away, or ... As long as this is the case you run the risk of trouble if you are doing any of these things. I'd hate for anyone to have to go through what I went through.

I've been clean and sober for 2 and a half years now. I feel great. I'm working a real job. I have a strong family and a secure home life. A fresh new outlook. I'm doing great and I plan on keeping it that way. There is life without marijuana. And I'm okay with that.

Once again, Thank You all. And Happy 4th of July.

Happy the fourth, butthole. Cheers.
Happy Independence Day FDD..... No one should be in prison for pot. I'm sorry you & your family had to endure that. Your arrest was a real eye opener for many of us. I would be very interested in learning more about how this happened to you. If you would take the time to post a thread on the legal page, I'm sure many (myself included) could learn from your experiences. And, I'd like to extend a personal invitation to the next BBQ. What has happened, happened...... we can all learn from it now....
Wow, Fdd2blk is out of jail, congrats!

I remember talking to Fdd2black in like the year 2008. I was posting using the names "We Tarded", and "We Love 1" back then. Maybe Fdd2blk remembers Me?

Fdd2blk is a legend. Everyone used to follow Fdd2blks grows. Whether it was his out door garden, hash making using a washer machine, or glass blowing, everyone would love to follow Fdd2blk.

Fdd2blk is the man!

I remember his old avatar, "America, fuck yeah", or something like that; with the chick doing the skeet shooting with the shotgun, or whatever.

I'm sorry that Fdd2blk got sent to prison, that really sucks. I went to prison in 2009 for 2 months and that was like hell.

But I'm glad Fdd2blk is out.

You're the man Fdd2blk, and you're a legend too.

Happy Independence Day FDD..... No one should be in prison for pot. I'm sorry you & your family had to endure that. Your arrest was a real eye opener for many of us. I would be very interested in learning more about how this happened to you. If you would take the time to post a thread on the legal page, I'm sure many (myself included) could learn from your experiences. And, I'd like to extend a personal invitation to the next BBQ. What has happened, happened...... we can all learn from it now....


Coming from someone else, this may have had a chance, but after your narcing out the field trip, it's smells like padawanker shit.
Coming from someone else, this may have had a chance, but after your narcing out the field trip, it's smells like padawanker shit.
That fieldtrip was doomed from the start...no one would have returned alive.
P.S. I didn't rat you out, they were on to you before the field trip....
That fieldtrip was doomed from the start...no one would have returned alive.
P.S. I didn't rat you out, they were on to you before the field trip....

If by "no one would have returned alive" you mean "born again", you are correct. What makes you think they were on to us? I have been there for two weeks, and they were NOT on to me, or the other few before the bus, and I suspect there are STILL a few under the radar. The ONLY way they would be on to "us" is if some serious Jesus defending person from here went there to tell them about the trip. I have always liked, and defended you, but this was a fat turd.
If by "no one would have returned alive" you mean "born again", you are correct. What makes you think they were on to us? I have been there for two weeks, and they were NOT on to me, or the other few before the bus, and I suspect there are STILL a few under the radar. The ONLY way they would be on to "us" is if some serious Jesus defending person from here went there to tell them about the trip. I have always liked, and defended you, but this was a fat turd.
No it wasn't me bro...I stand tall for my actions...and, I was meaning literally alive...they're nuts over there......
Alright Kemo, If you say you didn't, I believe you. They ARE nuts over there, and I hope they come here, where I can tell them what I really think, uncensored. I would love to choke a couple of the mods. They are pieces of shit bullies, who really got off on trying to keep an abused woman down. The worst of the worst, hiding behind a veil of christianity. I have no prob with christians, just the hypocrits and loons.
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