Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
and that genetic trait will not shine with a bad grow..ect

organic taste better than chem right? and may give more high/stone?
or LED grown bud vs hps buds vs sun grown buds?

what do you put in your soil? or hydro system?

it's all on the grower.....
Wrong... It's all genetics.

Grow a sativa next to an indica. Same room, same condition. Same food but altered to suit the plant.

You will taste the difference. I don't care who you are.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
and that genetic trait will not shine with a bad grow..ect

organic taste better than chem right? and may give more high/stone?
or LED grown bud vs hps buds vs sun grown buds?

what do you put in your soil? or hydro system?

it's all on the grower.....
Then it's a freekin' miracle I got lime slurpee 3 out of 3 times w/ TGA Chernobyl ! Surely you know about my 'spaghetti sauce' approach ?


Well-Known Member
Wrong... It's all genetics.

Grow a sativa next to an indica. Same room, same condition. Same food but altered to suit the plant.

You will taste the difference. I don't care who you are.
what's wrong?

indica & sativa are very different are they not?

that convo was about a said cross...grown in a good room vs a bad room.

again what's your point?..other than trying to find something to be upset about.

Got the link to the write up?
no link,but hear you go.....
GGG plant grower.
Sup Guys its been a Minute, been busy as hell

marijuana is full swing here in the box state. Recreational sales are estimated to a 100+ Million dollars in tax money by the end of the year

Ok. so back to the log. enjoying my first winter here. First off cold weather= free a/c

Popped these packs about 4 Months ago. and now I'm about 50 days into flower with the 2 phenos that i kept. Ill go through and describe the Veg Characteristics (briefly)

10 popped
5 males
4 Female
1 lost to natural selection

I will be back soon with more updates!!

pheno #3
Very OG structure, Medium node space. Extremly fast Growth.

Pheno #2
Similar growth pattern to #3. nice lateral growth, vigor is speedy. i suggest a 45 day veg.

pheno #3 &4

Identical to #3, Great growth, Keep humidity levels in check. with this one. she is fine if on preventative sprays


pheno #1,3,4 in flower day 50

Og Growth all the way, Somewhat Lanky through first 3 weeks. She really puts on Resin, and trich production is superb. days 30-40 are a daily difference on the amout of frost she puts on.
Aroma- Og fuel to the nose, with that distinct Chem greatness. def got the terp profile to be a great hash plant. Im looking forward to the nug's.

I will be back soon with more updates on the garden!

it's not just me getting these smells/flavors.truth be told..........

how many people have been to the site?all the info/grows/pics/ect...are right there for who ever wants the honest truth.


Well-Known Member
I think you got me all wrong. Not in the least bit am I upset. I just think that what your saying is false.

My point about sativa and indica is that you can taste the genetic profile. You can taste the difference no matter who grows them.

You shouldn't have to grow grape stomper at extremely high brix levels to taste the grape terps.

I completely understand that a plant grown to its genetic potential will be better than not.

But the flavors you experience are genetically programmed in the strain.

Therefore, it's about the genetics.

I'm here to learn and debate. If you think I'm upset you've got me totally wrong. I just felt your comment was a load of bullshit.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
If fellas could kindly refer a couple of pages back, I already mentioned that the whole 'descriptions are off' thing is being worked on as we speak. Guys are aware of your complaints and are working on it, to the level of engaging directly with customers that hold specific standards.

It is VERY much about the GENETICS in the eyes of the breeders! This is why constructive feedback is appreciated. These guys do not want to stagnate and repeat the same old song like a stuck record. They want you to tell them where they are lacking, and they want to sharpen up.

Of course many things influence a plant. But the goal is to not create expectations that can possibly not be met. As a customer, this just sucks. As the guy selling, not really something you enjoy hearing either.

So overall, all points duly noted, and being worked on. Let's see what happens with the NEXT drops then shall we?... The current one has MANY people pleased as hell already.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
And I just want to add, I don't think anybody here can really knock anybody else's methods. I will be very truthful here, even the fellas I don't like, all pretty jacked.

That is just one line I would love it nobody crosses. Please don't knock another guy's SKILLS. The rest, go mad, but that is holy ground.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
this is true,when a grower chops his/her plants,when a grower hang/drys his/her plants,when a grower cures his/her plants....all plays a roll in how the nugs turn out.
Yes. I would imagine if you follow the breeder times on harvest you could be chopping some phenos too early or too late. That could affect taste/smell.

The length of time hanging to dry before jarring for cure makes a huge difference for me too.

Another thing people seem to take for granted is the amount of genes passed on by the mother (usually a clone only strain).

Like the GrapeStomper BX. 50% grapestomper genes and 50% Chemdawg Sour Diesel (headband x sourdiesel)

So that means 50% of the genes will be from the grape stomper, 25% from headband, and 25% from sour diesel.

Some people would assume that would mean that 50% of their plants are going to have the grapestomper taste/smell but the sour diesel and headband are contributing genes to it as well.

The dominance of the genes that control smell and taste will determine if the smell taste shows in the cross.

I wish we could map out the cannabis dna. Then we would be able to identify dominant and recessive traits, and that would lead to some amazing breeding potential.

As far as I know tho, the only way to be sure you will get a repeat of the mother is to cube her.

(I am not a science major.. just talking)

Each grain of pollen has a different split of dna too. Life is amazing.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If fellas could kindly refer a couple of pages back, I already mentioned that the whole 'descriptions are off' thing is being worked on as we speak. Guys are aware of your complaints and are working on it, to the level of engaging directly with customers that hold specific standards.

It is VERY much about the GENETICS in the eyes of the breeders! This is why constructive feedback is appreciated. These guys do not want to stagnate and repeat the same old song like a stuck record. They want you to tell them where they are lacking, and they want to sharpen up.

Of course many things influence a plant. But the goal is to not create expectations that can possibly not be met. As a customer, this just sucks. As the guy selling, not really something you enjoy hearing either.

So overall, all points duly noted, and being worked on. Let's see what happens with the NEXT drops then shall we?... The current one has MANY people pleased as hell already.
I think this is very important. The more accurate the descriptions on possible effects and smell/tastes the better for the consumer and seller.

You would really need the opinion on smell/taste from as many people as possible.

I think it was in the bodhi thread we were talking about how people percieve smells differently.

One thing I noticed, my patient's girlfriend and I could smell the berry in my goji but my patient and husband could not.

But I really like this description:
Gage Green Seeds Grape Stomper (aka Sour Grapes) BX (Grape Stomper x Chemdawg-SourDiesel “Snowman”)
Good to excellent yield. Very strong medicine for pain and relaxation.
The illustrious Grape Stomper (seen in High Times and winner of 3 Cali cups) gets dusted by our chemdawg-sourdiesel “snowman”. They’re counting on bigger yields with some variation as there is much to be found and most of all it should be wonderful.
Look for AAA quality and yield. Gage Green Seeds was averaging 1.75 grams per watt and knows its capable of larger crop numbers.
^^ off of attitude.

Tells me of the variation and possibility of finding a large yielder. Research into the parents will give me an idea of possible smell/taste.

I personally popped them now because I was looking for a pain strain. I hope I get lucky on my 1-2 females.


Well-Known Member
One thing I think that hampers us with regards to locking down specific traits is that we often assume, perhaps wrongfully, that the trait we desire is a single allele trait. More likely, some of the traits we are looking for are multi allele specific traits. Add in the consideration that we are dealing with polybyrids, and it makes sense why it can be difficult to find a specific trait. I do like when breeders have a good list of expected traits.


Well-Known Member
If fellas could kindly refer a couple of pages back, I already mentioned that the whole 'descriptions are off' thing is being worked on as we speak. Guys are aware of your complaints and are working on it, to the level of engaging directly with customers that hold specific standards.

It is VERY much about the GENETICS in the eyes of the breeders! This is why constructive feedback is appreciated. These guys do not want to stagnate and repeat the same old song like a stuck record. They want you to tell them where they are lacking, and they want to sharpen up.

Of course many things influence a plant. But the goal is to not create expectations that can possibly not be met. As a customer, this just sucks. As the guy selling, not really something you enjoy hearing either.

So overall, all points duly noted, and being worked on. Let's see what happens with the NEXT drops then shall we?... The current one has MANY people pleased as hell already.
I like this right here. This what I wanted to hear.


Well-Known Member
I just touched base with m4k.

He was positive. He values people's opinions. He admitted faults about jo and how they are working on descriptions.

I really like the conversation. Instead of saying im wrong, or im a shitty grower, or I don't take the plants to their genetic potential he listened to my criticism and agreed there is room for improvement.

Im watching and waiting. Thank you ggg crew.

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
what's wrong?

indica & sativa are very different are they not?

that convo was about a said cross...grown in a good room vs a bad room.

again what's your point?..other than trying to find something to be upset about.
I don't think he is getting upset buttercup, he just thinks your full of bullshit and said it as politely as any gent could. Genetics are what effects all those things not what the grower puts into his grow.

Yes you can feed it right, you can keep the environment right and she will turn out better. However you can do a true test of genetics and throw two plants in a grow room feed one your regular nutrients and give the other one tap water. I have done it and yes indeed it is genetics not nutrients that give you what you want.


Well-Known Member
this is all to funny to me...
show me one post talking/calling anyones plants shit(kgp) show post of me even interacting with you on these last few pages..calling you a shitty grower.

show me a post,of me saying one way of growing is better than another way....

who puts these genetics that us "GROWERS" grow,together?.....another grower right?..if that GROWER/breeder/ect...did not make the seeds..
are breeders not growers?

show me one post of me saying nutes change how your plant smells/taste.

and back to the plants...4-5 week 12/12 tray of fortune..

bigger fortune in the back...
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