Berkely, stealing another 2% from dispensaries


Well-Known Member
If you cared about how much it us took to get here, including my jail time for it, you would be mad with joy that a municipality in the USA is finally GIVING AWAY POT for compassion.

I sure am.
So, your jail time should make me happy about the reduction in liberties of another group of people?? Maybe I am high but that makes no sense.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If you cared about how much it us took to get here, including my jail time for it, you would be mad with joy that a municipality in the USA is finally GIVING AWAY POT for compassion.

I sure am.
Except the pot does not belong to "the municipality" does it?

Compassion is demonstrated by an individual or a group of individuals acting in a voluntary way. Forcing others to give things away is not compassion. It is simply forcing others to give things away.

Please don't make excuses for government theft. it's like saying you bought your girlfriend dinner after beating her.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you to a point. If the corporation holds a monopoly on a certain business then I believe that they should have to abide by civil liberties because there is no other source to obtain said product or service. A private utility corporation for power, water or other services is a good example. However, if the business does not hold a monopoly, any exclusionary practice they are stupid enough to adopt is going to have a competing company fighting for that niche business.

Reality is that the government uses race to pit different groups against each other in America. They do it to divert from the real issues like government overspending. So there is no incentive for the government to stop it. The more the government insinuates that minorities are incapable of advancement in society without assistance the more dependence government creates which it lives upon.

If we really wanted to eliminate racial problems we would eliminate identification by race on all public and private forms. We would eliminate quota's and affirmative action and treat each citizen the same in terms of benefits and opportunities. Then we could go back to basing things on achievement and not skin color.
the $29B diversion:



Well-Known Member
Except the pot does not belong to "the municipality" does it?

Compassion is demonstrated by an individual or a group of individuals acting in a voluntary way. Forcing others to give things away is not compassion. It is simply forcing others to give things away.

Please don't make excuses for government theft. it's like saying you bought your girlfriend dinner after beating her.
+rep :clap:


Well-Known Member
and big pharma picks and chooses which meds it gives out at no cost, which usually are meds with no generic equivalent.

you can't just go requesting anything you want.

i used this before i had my health insurance this year and could only get certain meds.

i hate those type of drug dealers too..the rippers.
Like an IUD?


Well-Known Member
Except the pot does not belong to "the municipality" does it?

Compassion is demonstrated by an individual or a group of individuals acting in a voluntary way. Forcing others to give things away is not compassion. It is simply forcing others to give things away.

Please don't make excuses for government theft. it's like saying you bought your girlfriend dinner after beating her.
I showed an armed mugger "compassion" once. of course....he had a gun.


Well-Known Member
i didn't know you were in jail, doer.

tell us if you can.
I've told my stories. Rather boring to be in jail. I was never roughed up much. I was the guy carrying the "Buddhist bible." I never called it that, but I had a book of Tibetan scripture. I soon found it had a powerful, protective superstitious effect, to be that guy.

The screws caught me trading food....a big no no. :( I thought I was in trouble with my good time days. I was trading the meat for cheese or desert. Apparently, there was a bit of friction going on, about who I would trade with....first come, first serve, not the hierarchy :)

I was vaguely aware there were a few incidents about it, but I always looked away from fighting, to not be part of it.

IAC, me, back handcuffed in the, turned around chair, the watch Captain told me, I had to knock that off. But since I was just trying to be a Veggy, and didn't know they were required to give me a Veggy meal, I was off the hook about the GTDs.

From then on, if they got 6 oz of meat I got 12 oz of cheese. For their serving of veggies I got a double serving. If they got an apple, I got 2. Now that is a great deal in jail!
2 other guys decided the food was better and they would be Veggies, also.

The only time I was attacked was at the volleyball net. An opposing team, very large dark fellow, spiked the ball against the mid-net, right into my nose, quite purposely. His face was very aggressive. So, I just said, <blink, blink> "thanks, gotta guard the face, right? Good one."

Damn, I thought, even that came out too snarky. Sure enough right after yard, he jumped in line in front of me, and turned around, collar bone to my nose. Not a kind face.

I looked up, and said, "here bro, check this out." I read him a short Buddha quote, at random, to seize the moment. He growls, "give me that!" After a brief hesitation to check his eyes, I did. (that is very tough decision right there, in jail. Am I now his bitch?) I was sure he was gonna bust me in the head with it, IAC.

He quickly thumbed thru the double columns of text on each page, and I am aware, now, of 2 other large black men aside and behind me. <gulp>

"holy man, you can't play volleyball for shit."
"I know"
"you are so damn scrawny"
"I know that"
"why don't you lift weight?"
"I don't know"
"hey, he says, let's show this scrawny holy man!"
(yeah, mutter mutter, stupid scrawny cracker, mutter, don' know shit about, do he?"
"here's yor book back, bring it tomorrow" (slams into my scrawny chest)

By bring it, he meant to the weight pile. But they had to come get me. I was pretty nervous. But, they got me on the road to strength training, and sort of made me the scrawny, holy man of the yard.

The rest was nothing but nothing.


Well-Known Member
I've told my stories. Rather boring to be in jail. I was never roughed up much. I was the guy carrying the "Buddhist bible." I never called it that, but I had a book of Tibetan scripture. I soon found it had a powerful, protective superstitious effect, to be that guy.

The screws caught me trading food....a big no no. :( I thought I was in trouble with my good time days. I was trading the meat for cheese or desert. Apparently, there was a bit of friction going on, about who I would trade with....first come, first serve, not the hierarchy :)

I was vaguely aware there were a few incidents about it, but I always looked away from fighting, to not be part of it.

IAC, me, back handcuffed in the, turned around chair, the watch Captain told me, I had to knock that off. But since I was just trying to be a Veggy, and didn't know they were required to give me a Veggy meal, I was off the hook about the GTDs.

From then on, if they got 6 oz of meat I got 12 oz of cheese. For their serving of veggies I got a double serving. If they got an apple, I got 2. Now that is a great deal in jail!
2 other guys decided the food was better and they would be Veggies, also.

The only time I was attacked was at the volleyball net. An opposing team, very large dark fellow, spiked the ball against the mid-net, right into my nose, quite purposely. His face was very aggressive. So, I just said, <blink, blink> "thanks, gotta guard the face, right? Good one."

Damn, I thought, even that came out too snarky. Sure enough right after yard, he jumped in line in front of me, and turned around, collar bone to my nose. Not a kind face.

I looked up, and said, "here bro, check this out." I read him a short Buddha quote, at random, to seize the moment. He growls, "give me that!" After a brief hesitation to check his eyes, I did. (that is very tough decision right there, in jail. Am I now his bitch?) I was sure he was gonna bust me in the head with it, IAC.

He quickly thumbed thru the double columns of text on each page, and I am aware, now, of 2 other large black men aside and behind me. <gulp>

"holy man, you can't play volleyball for shit."
"I know"
"you are so damn scrawny"
"I know that"
"why don't you lift weight?"
"I don't know"
"hey, he says, let's show this scrawny holy man!"
(yeah, mutter mutter, stupid scrawny cracker, mutter, don' know shit about, do he?"
"here's yor book back, bring it tomorrow" (slams into my scrawny chest)

By bring it, he meant to the weight pile. But they had to come get me. I was pretty nervous. But, they got me on the road to strength training, and sort of made me the scrawny, holy man of the yard.

The rest was nothing but nothing.
why were you in jail? how long were you there? does that mean you are a felon?


Well-Known Member
Forget that marijuana has any medical purpose right now... it is treated like any other good for sale and taxed over the counter. Some places without doctors approval anymore.

So you as a buisiness owner are told to pay extra electric bill,rent for extra space to provide the free meds, employees to track those plants, cameras to watch them, food to feed them, employees to train them, employees to trim them ect. Why is it that other buisiness are not help to the same exact standard?

People need to grow up and think bout why there is mysteriously extra 25% tax just for it being marijuana and why another % should b given out for no reason. Where is that money going that your buisiness must pay a huge percent more than the next?

Get real... if weed were really goong to ever be treated and respected for its medical purposes then the gov. Will have complet control of it and it will be in capsule form since the organic version has less potent effects.

This is being used clear as day as a tax revenue and thus should be treated like any other business tax wise.

When thehype of legalization wears down, you will see the gov crack down of laws and corps take over with pharmaceutical companies who line politician pockets. Then these small companies wont keep up with corps who are not subject to giving away majority of what they work for.

Im all for legalizing and not arresting marijuana related things but we are allowing the gov to control this plant because everyone is "settling" with unfair rules just so they can say they can smoke... yes its gotta start somewhere but dont let them start us off with so little just so they can take more away later on.

Keep in mind, legalization is 100% coming. Anyone who think different is blind. We need the tax revenues badly and the feds backing down is clearly showing that they want to see how this pans out and finacially what its capable of... so we have that to bargain with and we dont need to just accept what they give us when its our right to have more.

Theres going to be a time in next decade where you are able to buy outdoor weed sprayed with pesticide and mold resistant chemicals for maybe 250-300 oz plus tax and premium indoors for maybe 400-450oz plus tax. Black market will come back with vengeance cause only commercial genetics will be used. Public will be allowed 1oz maybe and tops 2-3 plants indoors... for anyone who actually need this plant for medicl purposes and wont be able to afford store marijuana already knows 2-3 plants do absolutly nothing to keep you medicated. We can all look back and safely say, wow they manipulated the crap out of us.
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desert dude

Well-Known Member
"2%" and "everything" are two completely different things.

perhaps a remedial mathematics course for white supremacists is what you need.
Stealing a little bit is still stealing. Perhaps an ethics class is what lazy progressive such as yourself is what you need.


Well-Known Member
I was in for being a big time, bale importer moving weight to Boston. If they had found out the true extent, I might still be in there, Not just jail, but on to prison. As it was, by throwing in Lawyers, Guns and Money, I was out of one State, where I got popped with 75 lbs in the trunk, in one month. (I landed a mob-connected Defense Attorney and paid some "charitable" payola, etc.)

And with more LGM, I was able to convince FL, I was a simple college kid, mule. The 150 more pounds I was caught with in FL were also, just part of my youthful indiscretion. I got 3 months in jail there, minus good time of 2 weeks. (in those days)

I hate labels. :)


Well-Known Member
I was in for being a big time, bale importer moving weight to Boston. If they had found out the true extent, I might still be in there, Not just jail, but on to prison. As it was, by throwing in Lawyers, Guns and Money, I was out of one State, where I got popped with 75 lbs in the trunk, in one month. (I landed a mob-connected Defense Attorney and paid some "charitable" payola, etc.)

And with more LGM, I was able to convince FL, I was a simple college kid, mule. The 150 more pounds I was caught with in FL were also, just part of my youthful indiscretion. I got 3 months in jail there, minus good time of 2 weeks. (in those days)

I hate labels. :)

4 months total for 225 pounds? How many people did you take down with you?


Well-Known Member
I was in for being a big time, bale importer moving weight to Boston. If they had found out the true extent, I might still be in there, Not just jail, but on to prison. As it was, by throwing in Lawyers, Guns and Money, I was out of one State, where I got popped with 75 lbs in the trunk, in one month. (I landed a mob-connected Defense Attorney and paid some "charitable" payola, etc.)

And with more LGM, I was able to convince FL, I was a simple college kid, mule. The 150 more pounds I was caught with in FL were also, just part of my youthful indiscretion. I got 3 months in jail there, minus good time of 2 weeks. (in those days)

I hate labels. :)
nice, doer..thanks for sharing:smile:


Well-Known Member
Forget that marijuana has any medical purpose right now... it is treated like any other good for sale and taxed over the counter. Some places without doctors approval anymore.

So you as a buisiness owner are told to pay extra electric bill,rent for extra space to provide the free meds, employees to track those plants, cameras to watch them, food to feed them, employees to train them, employees to trim them ect. Why is it that other buisiness are not help to the same exact standard?

People need to grow up and think bout why there is mysteriously extra 25% tax just for it being marijuana and why another % should b given out for no reason. Where is that money going that your buisiness must pay a huge percent more than the next?

Get real... if weed were really goong to ever be treated and respected for its medical purposes then the gov. Will have complet control of it and it will be in capsule form since the organic version has less potent effects.

This is being used clear as day as a tax revenue and thus should be treated like any other business tax wise.

When thehype of legalization wears down, you will see the gov crack down of laws and corps take over with pharmaceutical companies who line politician pockets. Then these small companies wont keep up with corps who are not subject to giving away majority of what they work for.

Im all for legalizing and not arresting marijuana related things but we are allowing the gov to control this plant because everyone is "settling" with unfair rules just so they can say they can smoke... yes its gotta start somewhere but dont let them start us off with so little just so they can take more away later on.

Keep in mind, legalization is 100% coming. Anyone who think different is blind. We need the tax revenues badly and the feds backing down is clearly showing that they want to see how this pans out and finacially what its capable of... so we have that to bargain with and we dont need to just accept what they give us when its our right to have more.
as i've mentioned several times before..the government holds patent for all things THC.

pages upon pages upon pages..check it out sometime:wink: