1st Gow 14 days Vegging/ Do they look Ok?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone this is my first grow atempt.

Here are the specs:

Burmese Pure Sativa from Vancouver Seed Island

Grow tent with ventilation holes

150 HPS Light with Separate Ballast.

Humidifier (on timer)

Oscillating fan for stem stregnthing.

Fans and Light are on with 18/6 Light Cycle

CO2 with Sugar and yeast pumping into a plastic cup with water (24r)

Some organic mix with worm castings.

These flowers are on there 2 weeks they just dont look right to me the 1 is much larger than the other 2, the 2 little seedlings you see are only 3 days old but the other 2 are about 14 days from poppin out of soil.

Let me know what you think. Thanks.


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Well-Known Member
Those look fine.
My plants are a little older and there a bit taller..
Probably a different strain aswell.


Well-Known Member
Sweet I got some Iguina Juice comming its from advanced nutrients. Do you think i can start adding Furtz yet? I dont want to kill em. Mmm Sativa will be Nice! Do you think a 150 Watt HPS for 5 Plants is Good enough/. HPS the whole grow...All been HPS so far... Thanks man.

How is it that some peoples plants at 2 weeks are way bigger than mine, or am i just being impaitient? Here is another Pic of my largest "Girl" Hopefully!! Any advice will help. Thanks!!


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Well-Known Member
be patient. mine were that size last month- now they are pushing 2 feet tall.

I would wait on the nutes. The reason i say that is because I used nutes at that stage and burnd the leaves which made it take even LONGER to get big.

When you do start using nuters(say once you have 6-8 branches) make sure you use only a percentage of what the nutes call for- i.e. 20% on first use, 40% on second, 60% on third, 80%, then 100%. This way if you see it beggining to affect them negatively you can keep the mix stable before going higher.

150 HPS is good for first grow. Although more light always better. Just depends how crazy you want to get.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the encouragement maybe if i do well and want to do even better next time i can always upgrade right. to like a 400 Watt HPS i think would be awesome for that grow tent.

Anybody ever grow Pure Burmese Sativa or smoked it? Should be awesome! Or any sativa in general i grew up getting whatever bags of weed never really had strands lol. Sad so Sad.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone this is my first grow atempt.

Here are the specs:

Burmese Pure Sativa from Vancouver Seed Island

Grow tent with ventilation holes

150 HPS Light with Separate Ballas.

Humidifier (on timer)

Oscillating fan for stem stregnthing.

Fans and Light are on with 18/6 Light Cycle

CO2 with Sugar and yeast pumping into a plastic cup with water (24r)

Some organic mix with worm castings.

These flowers are on there 2 weeks they just dont look right to me the 1 is much larger than the other 2, the 2 little seedlings you see are only 3 days old but the other 2 are about 14 days from poppin out of soil.

Let me know what you think. Thanks.
I think you're doing a great job!! They look short and stocky - it's what I aim for.. You can start your nutes as soon as you see about 3 sets of leaves since photosynthesis will really start to pump.

I also like to crack the hurd at every internode to slow vertical growth while making a busier plant with an even canopy but that's just my method.. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I guess i just want to really do a good job, keep posted for progress!! I will post pics. :Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
i think they look great.... when u do your nutes, try to start with 1/2 the recommended, and always measure.... since your using soil, just remember with each application those nutes/salts can build in your soild rather rapidly, so each time u add, existing nutes/salts could be in the soil...... what you add now will also add later.. i hope i'm making sense lol

but they look great.... congrats


Well-Known Member
Ok so right now would you say i have like 3 branches? Should i move the light up to make them a little taller? One of them got stressed i think its the smallest one cuz it fell over when it was about a week old. But its doing good now all by itsself we just propped her up and moved the light closer cuz all of them were kinda stretching. I have to wait for like 6-8 before Nutrients?

Some of my leaves are spotting yellow like in the middle and some of leaves is this ok? Just paranoid, lol.



Well-Known Member
try and be gingerly with em and if they are spotting, try not to jump in and ferilize.. research and check your ph in the soil etc..... its easy to make a fert/nute error so be very cautious...


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way to check the PH i have a meter but it does not seem to work that well says its in between 6-5 and 7. Hmm. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Whats the best way to check the PH i have a meter but it does not seem to work that well says its in between 6-5 and 7. Hmm. Thanks
Well 6.5-7 is okay perfect to be honest but you can also purchase some soil test strips real cheap in a hydro store. I always start my feed with 3 alternating branches. I don't judge by height but hey that's probably just me. On another note - don't feed from the top. Just callibrate some nutes in a "clean" bowl only when somewhat dry and place your pot in it. This way you don't compact the soil letting it breath and it will never take more water than it can hold.


Active Member
I could be wrong, but in some pictures they look like they've gotten a little to much fertilizer? It slightly resembles the picture in the grow FAQ regarding fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
But all i have used so far is Miracle Grow, how can it still be over nutez?
Holy Shihtzu Vanth,
You never mentioned that b4 man... Look I have no beef against MG and I know many people use it but that stuff is strong. I generally don't recommend that until you have a well established rhizo (roots). Dude just to be on the safe side - flush it with twice the amout of water to the gallons of soil you are using.

Gently without splashing the water as to not compact the soil. Are you using liquid or powder??? Oh man in the initial post you said you were using organic mix with WC - I'm thinking something like Pro-Mix. Keep in mind that worm castings have enough nitrogen to keep you afloat for a decent amount of time. You will know when it's time to feed. It's okay though - these are our learning experiences.

I have a Kush plant I had to transplant today from a 3 to a 5gal and it's only been a month. Thing is I never though her roots would fill it so fast but they were popping out of the sides. Now I have to wait about 3 days for her to come out of shock. (Actually hoping it's a her!) The last two were the best I've ever smoked and I never cloned - this is my last kush seed and I'm shit outta luck if all this time and effort renders useless but if male I'll keep a good amount of pollen. The soil was kept together well at the bottom because I feed from the bottom. She hasn't passed the 9in mark because I won't let her - Short plants make for a nice even canopy if you keep pinching the hurd and aim for lateral branching.

Good Luck and please hit me up if you need assistance.
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Well-Known Member
So you think that Miracle Grow has too much nutrients? So whats the best way to flush? Ya i guess its all learning expierience i will never put my babies in MG ever again. I have 2 of them in MG with the organic mix on top and 1 i just transplanted yesterday with MG soil but i put it right in the middle of the Organic stuff and watered it pretty good and actually it looks better today. So i am thinking it was just the Soil. I guess we will see, is there any way once its planted to change the soil out completley without hurting the plant or do you have to take some of the crappy stuff with it? Thanks for your help. I also checked the PH of the MG soil by itself and its way low, like 6.2 where the organic mix with WC is about 6.8. So i am thinking the stuff in the other MG soil has to low of a PH what should i use to boost that? And i mixed 1/2 tsp of IGUANA JUICE by Advanced Nutrients in with a Gallon of distilled water, and it is only like 20% of the reccommended amount cuz i dont want to burn it, but tell me this why is my PH just for the fertilized distilled water way lower than 6.5? Like under 6. Thanks Alot


Well-Known Member
Hey just so there is no Confusiion I am not using MG Fertilizer just the Pre-Mixed Soil. Thanks But now i have the organic with WC about an inch over all of it. Let me know.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
sounds pretty good to me...watch your new growth...the faster it grows the paler it will be...low dose at 25 % when you see your first seven finger leaves....clean water when it is dry when yoy stick your finger in it...every time you dose it,go up another 25 %,this allows the plant to adjust to the ferts,and keeps your leaves pretty....watch your new growth closely,everthing happens there first


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks alot satman, wow i was looking at your expieriement looking awesome! If only mine will look that good someday i have good strain too BURMESE Sativa! MMM Ok so here is what i did..I took one of the smaller plants that had some issues and i added like 20% of the reccommended serviing for Nutes and i am gonna see what happens if it fixes her then i am thinking i will add the same amount to the other plants I checked the PH and the FERT level with my meter and it still shows i am in a safe zone so i guess we will see what she looks like tomorrow. Thanks alot.

Ok here are some pics. The one on the left i took a couple days ago. And the one on the right is of it today after transplanting it last nigh into the good soil and a larger pot. Does it look any better?? Let me know what you think Thanks!!


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