Berkely, stealing another 2% from dispensaries


Well-Known Member
Gay marriage should be between the participants. You and I voting on whether the participants should be allowed to do something that doesn't involve us is a slippery slope. It could lead to things like making plants illegal.

As far as Uncle Buck goes, there's something you should know....he was found by a pack of feral gerbils as a young lad babbling incoherently wearing dirty diapers in the bathroom of fast food establishment. You should be kind to him, there's alot that he has to overcome. It's not easy when your family home is a habitrail and your best friend growing up was a street wise black gerbil.


Well-Known Member
Moving to the warmth eh? Good for you.
my people are coming for me at the end of the month. we're looking for some acres; south-facing slope, remote. gonna build a house the county can't figure out how to tax, learn desert permaculture, and grow cannabis. considering opening up a Philly steak shop, or Rita's water ice. we'll see. I just need to get out of the humidity belt, and live in a bunker; secure from my "fellow citizens." I'm designing a flame-thrower that shoots burning bio-diesel.

go green


Well-Known Member
All those fractions I will happily refund to any of those who truly are assholes....proof required, postage not included
So let me get this right, if complete strangers are unwilling to contribute to YOUR personal existence, despite the fact they have family of their own they may need to help, you believe they are assholes?

That's not selfish at all.


Well-Known Member
Gay marriage should be between the participants. You and I voting on whether the participants should be allowed to do something that doesn't involve us is a slippery slope. It could lead to things like making plants illegal.

As far as Uncle Buck goes, there's something you should know....he was found by a pack of feral gerbils as a young lad babbling incoherently wearing dirty diapers in the bathroom of fast food establishment. You should be kind to him, there's alot that he has to overcome. It's not easy when your family home is a habitrail and your best friend growing up was a street wise black gerbil.

See this is why a debate is always good when done maturely. I agree with you about the gay marriage comment. Havent thought about it that way... i think its made big deal cause many old timers are very traditional and then people are religious ect.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
as long as private companies are afforded the priveledges as any citezin (corporations) they abide by our civil liberties. As far as private business goes, if they want to discriminate and shoot themselves in the foot, ruin their public image, and just behave like asssholes....the owner should be able to make that choice.
and now youre a racist bigoted homophobe like the rest of us.

welcome to the club, we have jackets.

your membership packet is in your cubby.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right, if complete strangers are unwilling to contribute to YOUR personal existence, despite the fact they have family of their own they may need to help, you believe they are assholes?

That's not selfish at all.
You assume I am selfish, contribute nothing, and have no concern for others by getting help from an avenue that is not one you care about. I think you have no empathy, no perspective, and basically an asshole because of the way you treat a complex situation. I understand you dont care to help those in medical need and you are intitled to. Next time just keep your mouth shut and you won't be rubbing salt on a wound...that is what assholes do.


Well-Known Member
You assume I am selfish, contribute nothing, and have no concern for others by getting help from an avenue that is not one you care about. I think you have no empathy, no perspective, and basically an asshole because of the way you treat a complex situation. I understand you dont care to help those in medical need and you are intitled to. Next time just keep your mouth shut and you won't be rubbing salt on a wound...that is what assholes do.
What else can be said about being upset with individuals solely because they express a lack of willingness to work for YOUR own personal gain? Is that not the definition of selfish?

I DO have empathy, however, it is with those FORCED to work for strangers against their will when they have their OWN lives, families, and friends that may need their help just as much. I have NO problem with helping those in "medical need", however, I DO have a problem with FORCING people to render said aid against their will. Isn't that why slavery was abolished?

I don't believe in forced labor for the benefit of individuals, nor do I believe in being forced to give away a percentage of your merchandise to individuals. And I'M the asshole?



Well-Known Member
So when you are going to explain to me the difference between an actionable act of aggression and an act of indifference
actionable act of aggression: opening a store and then denying service to would be customers who are black out of racist hostility.

act of indifference: opening a store and serving all paying customers with indifference as to their melanin levels.

you endlessly defend the racist hostility.

you even delude yourself into believing that no harm came out of denying so many goods and services to so many people for so long.

you are a racist stooge.


Well-Known Member
What else can be said about being upset with individuals solely because they express a lack of willingness to work for YOUR own personal gain? Is that not the definition of selfish?

I DO have empathy, however, it is with those FORCED to work for strangers against their will when they have their OWN lives, families, and friends that may need their help just as much. I have NO problem with helping those in "medical need", however, I DO have a problem with FORCING people to render said aid against their will. Isn't that why slavery was abolished?

I don't believe in forced labor for the benefit of individuals, nor do I believe in being forced to give away a percentage of your merchandise to individuals. And I'M the asshole?

yes, you are the asshole.

no one forced you to sign that W4.


Well-Known Member
What else can be said about being upset with individuals solely because they express a lack of willingness to work for YOUR own personal gain? Is that not the definition of selfish?

I DO have empathy, however, it is with those FORCED to work for strangers against their will when they have their OWN lives, families, and friends that may need their help just as much. I have NO problem with helping those in "medical need", however, I DO have a problem with FORCING people to render said aid against their will. Isn't that why slavery was abolished?

I don't believe in forced labor for the benefit of individuals, nor do I believe in being forced to give away a percentage of your merchandise to individuals. And I'M the asshole?

I am selfish and so are you. Would you recieve the help if you needed it? What would you do? You gotta feel bad about the servitude and forcing of people to pay into your gain.