Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
3rd day at my new job.

Day 1 - Saturday - 5 minutes of training on how to find items on in the back. Spent the rest of the day restocking shelves during one of the busiest days of the week, understaffed, under stocked. Ended up working an extra hour past my shift making a total of 9 1/2 hours, all on an empty stomach.

Day 2 - Sunday - No training what so ever. Twice as busy as the day before. The product report wasn't printed. Spent the first half of the day looking around the store trying to find out what needed to be restocked, while not knowing what was sold out. The second half of the day I spent trying to help customers find items they were looking for (while not knowing where anything in the store was). Management wanted me to work over, but my ride home showed up so they told me to go ahead and leave.

Day 3 - Today - Spent part of the day restocking the shelves. about 15 minutes of training on the register before being left to pretty much fend for myself. If I wasn't working the register, I was restocking the shelves, helping customers find items, helping load the heavier items into the customers vehicles, or helping customers pick the right tools they need. Worked 3 hours past my shift, a total of 8 hours. Not as busy as the previous 2 days, but still extremely busy. After getting home, management called and asked me to work later tomorrow as well.

I haven't worked this hard in a very, very long time and I must say... I absolutely LOVE my new job.
I would go crazy without a job.


Well-Known Member
Deadwood, hell on wheels, justified, the wire, carnivale, sunset beach (kidding).... but you've probably seem them, right?
I haven't checked out hell on wheels yet. I hear people talk about it all the time. Gonna check that, and the wire out. Maybe see if I can find some cartooney stuff for later. Thanks buddy.


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked out hell on wheels yet. I hear people talk about it all the time. Gonna check that, and the wire out. Maybe see if I can find some cartooney stuff for later.
We've just done in series 3 of hell on wheels. Really liked that one. my misses has a thing for Bohannan. Probably his beards.
I liked the wire a lot, not sure if it's right up there like the hype suggests, still worth a watch.


Well-Known Member
All this time off...I'm still getting used to it. It's like nutes said, you can start to go a little crazy. So, TV party! Ugh. I need a new project.
I'm thinking about setting up a vegetable garden out back. Get back into composting. Line up some rail road ties or something. That should keep me busy for a while.


Well-Known Member
All this time off...I'm still getting used to it. It's like nutes said, you can start to go a little crazy. So, TV party! Ugh. I need a new project.
I'm thinking about setting up a vegetable garden out back. Get back into composting. Line up some rail road ties or something. That should keep me busy for a while.
I'm screaming to get a poly tunnel, but first i've got to fell a load of trees and put in a new septic tank, cos that's all gotta happen before i commit that part of the garden forever. And that means money. Always with the money...


Well-Known Member
All this time off...I'm still getting used to it. It's like nutes said, you can start to go a little crazy. So, TV party! Ugh. I need a new project.
I'm thinking about setting up a vegetable garden out back. Get back into composting. Line up some rail road ties or something. That should keep me busy for a while.
Don't grow veggies or edibles inside railroad ties. They are soaked in creosote. Toxic.

*wait- what did I miss? why all the time off Pin? NOt from slicing your finger?


Staff member
All this time off...I'm still getting used to it. It's like nutes said, you can start to go a little crazy. So, TV party! Ugh. I need a new project.
I'm thinking about setting up a vegetable garden out back. Get back into composting. Line up some rail road ties or something. That should keep me busy for a while.
yeah im enjoying the time off i have but i wish it was nicer out


Well-Known Member
I had three weeks of towards the end of March because of surgery. I went to the Getty Museum like 2 days after my surgery...lol...That was a nice relaxing three weeks.

Now I have to wait till October for another decent vacation...


Staff member
I had three weeks of towards the end of March because of surgery. I went to the Getty Museum like 2 days after my surgery...lol...That was a nice relaxing three weeks.

Now I have to wait till October for another decent vacation...
the art gallery here is 5$ i might go one day when its nice :D