Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Most of these idiots will not be happy until Israel lowers it's defenses and allows itself to be overrun and destroyed by the religion of peace...
nuhh uhh!

israel should extend citizenship to every dickhead from sandland squatting in gaza and the west bank, then let "democracy" decide how the jews will be exterminated.
Whoa guys. Dr. Kynes and I agree. Israel really has been trying to give away the West Bank, because they don't want it. Your confusion lies in the question what actually constitutes the "West Bank?"

You see, the land that Israel wants to keep is called "Israel." The land that Israel doesn't want to keep is called "West Bank" or "fried chicken" or something, that part isn't too important. The important part is which parts belong to Israel. It's pretty easy to tell: if, by whatever point in time you make the determination, Israel has built a wall around it and/or there are a lot more Jews than Undesirables living there then it is part of Israel.

So Israel includes: East Jerusalem, Modi'in Illitt, Beitar Illit, Maale Adumim, Ariel, Kiryat Arba, the Jordan Valley, etc...

Not In Israel: Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarm, Jenin, Qalqilya, etc...

I know many of you might not be familiar with the various places I'm talking about so I've attached a handy map to help you visualize it.


After looking at that map, you can understand what kind of irrational foes Israel faces. Over and over, Israel generously offers them the remaining scraps of their land and what does she get in return? Rockets and rhetoric about Israel's destruction. Well, it's no wonder Israel has to turn up the screws and settle more land because Pallystinians just can't take a hint: they aren't wanted and need to get the hell out of Palestine and go back home to Poland, Germany, America, and everywhere else.
Whoa guys. Dr. Kynes and I agree. Israel really has been trying to give away the West Bank, because they don't want it. Your confusion lies in the question what actually constitutes the "West Bank?"

You see, the land that Israel wants to keep is called "Israel." The land that Israel doesn't want to keep is called "West Bank" or "fried chicken" or something, that part isn't too important. The important part is which parts belong to Israel. It's pretty easy to tell: if, by whatever point in time you make the determination, Israel has built a wall around it and/or there are a lot more Jews than Undesirables living there then it is part of Israel.

So Israel includes: East Jerusalem, Modi'in Illitt, Beitar Illit, Maale Adumim, Ariel, Kiryat Arba, the Jordan Valley, etc...

Not In Israel: Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarm, Jenin, Qalqilya, etc...

I know many of you might not be familiar with the various places I'm talking about so I've attached a handy map to help you visualize it.

View attachment 3204609

After looking at that map, you can understand what kind of irrational foes Israel faces. Over and over, Israel generously offers them the remaining scraps of their land and what does she get in return? Rockets and rhetoric about Israel's destruction. Well, it's no wonder Israel has to turn up the screws and settle more land because Pallystinians just can't take a hint: they aren't wanted and need to get the hell out of Palestine and go back home to Poland, Germany, America, and everywhere else.
youre a retard.

they have been forced to occupy the west bank (all of it) for 60 motherfucking years, with no end in sight.

jordan wont take it back, just as egypt wont take gaza back, so they are left as the de facto owners, if they choose to displace the foreign squatters and install their own people, well, after 60 years, of trying to give it back, why the fuck shouldnt they do so?
why are the Palestinians firing rockets into Israel ? the millions of people that live in gaza didn't always live there they were pushed there by illegal jewish settlers through terror and violence, they are refugees and Israel keeps stealing land everyday even more during peace talks so the Palestinians can either do one of two things submit or resist they choose to resist they are freedom fighters, most of you would resist also.

so its not just 3 kidnapped and murdered jewish boys and hundreds of rockets

Its thousands of murdered Palestinian children and a stolen state

all Zionist lies are being exposed that's why Europe does not support Israel anymore , United States is starting wake up mostly with the college kids but that where it starts

Time is running out for Israel either do right by the Palestinians or your on your own no support from anyone
why are the Palestinians firing rockets into Israel ? the millions of people that live in gaza didn't always live there they were pushed there by illegal jewish settlers through terror and violence, they are refugees and Israel keeps stealing land everyday even more during peace talks so the Palestinians can either do one of two things submit or resist they choose to resist they are freedom fighters, most of you would resist also.

so its not just 3 kidnapped and murdered jewish boys and hundreds of rockets

Its thousands of murdered Palestinian children and a stolen state

all Zionist lies are being exposed that's why Europe does not support Israel anymore , United States is starting wake up mostly with the college kids but that where it starts

Time is running out for Israel either do right by the Palestinians or your on your own no support from anyone

cuz their arab supporters dont supply the pallies with rockets, guns, explosives and moral support to encourage their shenanigans, and the pallies havent broken every deal they ever made with israel.

dolts like you who decry every attempt by israel to stop the violence, and propegate the mem that all israel is "occupied palestine" are part of the problem.
why are the Palestinians firing rockets into Israel ? the millions of people that live in gaza didn't always live there they were pushed there by illegal jewish settlers through terror and violence, they are refugees and Israel keeps stealing land everyday even more during peace talks so the Palestinians can either do one of two things submit or resist they choose to resist they are freedom fighters, most of you would resist also.

so its not just 3 kidnapped and murdered jewish boys and hundreds of rockets

Its thousands of murdered Palestinian children and a stolen state

all Zionist lies are being exposed that's why Europe does not support Israel anymore , United States is starting wake up mostly with the college kids but that where it starts

Time is running out for Israel either do right by the Palestinians or your on your own no support from anyone

Every time Israel makes concessions for peace the other side breaks their word. This has been going on for centuries.

Until the Palestinians stop attacking the Israelis then I will never side with them, it is insanity.
i dont know if you just cant comprehend english, or if you are simply a retard.

history did not start the day you were born.

West Bank: in 1948 israel GAVE the west bank to jordan in exchange for peace, jordan borke the deal and joined the arab legue in their ill fated war. israel took that shit by force in a defensive war, then israel made the offer again, west bank for a peace treaty and recognition of israel, jordan refused. then there was another war, the deal was offered again, jordan refused, another fucking war, and israel said "Just Take It We Dont Want It!", jordan refused again. israel is now the defacto owners of the west bank, but they cant use it, live in it, or eject the squatters, cuz fools like you think israel is the bad guy in this scenario.

jordan will not take the west bank, they want to use it as a tool to destabilize israel

gaza: in '48, egypt lost gaza to israel in a defensive war. l;ater when egypt started another war, israel too the sinai desert all the way to the suez canal. israel and egypt negotiated, and egypt got back the OIL RICH sinia desert, but refused to take back gaza.

gaza is, like the west bank, a 5th column of militant moslem theocrats lurking in israel's back yard. they cant give these areas back to the arabs, cuz the arabs wont take it. they cant just pull out cuz then it would be a lawless no-man's-land right on their borders with total deniability for the arabs, and soon israel will be taking silkworm missiles instead of shitty russian rockets.

the arab world rejects "palestinians" and refuses to let them come to their original homelands. they must stay in the pressure cooker to continue their role as a fistula on israels ass.

israel has been bending over backwards to get peaceful relations with the arab league, and the arabs are jerking them around.

How does a country give something that ISN'T theirs to give? The Brits told the Palestinians to accept the Israeli and Jordanian states annexation of parts of the west bank in '48. Jordan hasn't wanted the west bank back since circa 1974. What decade are you living grandmaster?

What Jordan did was never considered legal - just as the international community does not regard Israeli settlements in that area legal.
youre a retard.

they have been forced to occupy the west bank (all of it) for 60 motherfucking years, with no end in sight.

jordan wont take it back, just as egypt wont take gaza back, so they are left as the de facto owners, if they choose to displace the foreign squatters and install their own people, well, after 60 years, of trying to give it back, why the fuck shouldnt they do so?
Are you a nationalist?

Why not go back to the UN borders? How about 1967 borders? The Palestinians have a right to exist.

If the Israelis do not want to end up like white South Africans, then they have to give the Palestinians back their land. Apartheid was and shall always be wrong.

If land is to be given back then the Babylonians have title I believe. Lets just give it all back to them and let them sort it out.

Now, if you want to pick an arbitrary time to set borders... Lets say just after the Israeli's kicked ass and vanquished all of their neighbors when they tried to kill them.... I like those borders.
If land is to be given back then the Babylonians have title I believe. Lets just give it all back to them and let them sort it out.

Now, if you want to pick an arbitrary time to set borders... Lets say just after the Israeli's kicked ass and vanquished all of their neighbors when they tried to kill them.... I like those borders.
Phoenicians, not the Babylonians. Not that you know or care.

If the land belongs to those who conquered it, I guess it belongs to Arabs or Romans since Israel was granted to the Jews by UN mandate. But I'm not a nationalist so I think the Palestinians should have their state.
How does a country give something that ISN'T theirs to give? The Brits told the Palestinians to accept the Israeli and Jordanian states annexation of parts of the west bank in '48. Jordan hasn't wanted the west bank back since circa 1974. What decade are you living grandmaster?

What Jordan did was never considered legal - just as the international community does not regard Israeli settlements in that area legal.
youre still an idiot.

the ottoman empire backed germany in ww1, and lost. in order to get the brits to stop kicking their asses, the ottomans ceded the levant (including jordan, and much of syria, lebanon etc) to the british crown.
the BRITISH gave the levant to the jews, who established israel in THEIR land, while respecting the ownership of the existing largely arab population, PROVIDED THEY COULD PROVE IT

unfortunately, various british politicians decided to screw with the promise they made the jews, and churchill gave "transjordan" (what is now The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) to abdullah who styled himself "king" thereafter, as a consolation prize since they gave arabia to the house of ibn saud.

further, AFTER announcing that the jews would be receiving the levant, provided they respect the ownership of the arabs, a FLOOD of landless arabs from all over the moslem world dashed in to cop a squat and claim their mud huts had been there since the time of abraham. meanwhile the british mandatory authority severly curtailed jewish immigration, while completyely ignoring the influx of hundreds of thousands of landless squatters from egypt, arabia, syria, etc etc etc

the area known as "the west bank" was almost entirely devoid of population, and it belonged to the new state of Israel, who then gave it as a bribe to abdullah (the self-styled king of jordan) in exchange for a promise to NOT attack them.

what you seem to forget is there has NEVER been a "nation of Palestine" nor is there a "palestinian people"

the west bank was Ottoman Caliphate Property, whith NO significant private holdings in the entire area, only tennant farmers and landless peasants who did NOT own the dirt they were sitting on.

after the balfour declaration, when squatters rushed in, they didnt squatt in the useless denuded scrubland of the west bank, which was unsuitable even for goat grazing, they squatter in the good pieces of israel which were Govt property from the ottomans, to the brits, and then to israel.

the squatters often tried to pass of fake deeds to prove ownership but the hope-simpson commission, and the peele commission both found that almost all the deeds presented were fraudulent.

you are an ignorant little turd.
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Phoenicians, not the Babylonians. Not that you know or care.

If the land belongs to those who conquered it, I guess it belongs to Arabs or Romans since Israel was granted to the Jews by UN mandate. But I'm not a nationalist so I think the Palestinians should have their state.

Sumerians?? There was an original civilization on the planet.

The Israeli's kicked ass and the neighbors that attacked them surrendered and asked for peace. Have we gone beyond rewriting that history?

The UN is a joke and I am surprised the Israeli's have been as tolerant as they have been but eventually they are gonna snap. If you live in a house with your family and every day someone was shooting rockets hoping to hit your house and kill your family what would you do? If it was happening to me I would go find the person that was threatening my family and kill them.
youre still an idiot.

the ottoman empire backed germany in ww1, and lost. in order to get the brits to stop kicking their asses, the ottomans ceded the levant (including jordan, and much of syria, lebanon etc) to the british crown.
the BRITISH gave the levant to the jews, who established israel in THEIR land, while respecting the ownership of the existing largely arab population, PROVIDED THEY COULD PROVE IT

unfortunately, various british politicians decided to screw with the promise they made the jews, and churchill gave "transjordan" (what is now The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) to abdullah who styled himself "king" thereafter, as a consolation prize since they gave arabia to the house of ibn saud.

further, AFTER announcing that the jews would be receiving the levant, proviuded they respect the ownership of the arabs, a FLOD of landless arabs from all over the moslem world dashed in to cop a squat and claim their mud huts had been there since the time of abraham. meanwhile the british mandatory authority severly curtailed jewish immigration, while completyely ignoring the influx of hundreds of thousands of landless squatters from egypt, arabia, syria, etc etc etc

the area known as "the west bank" was almost entirely devoid of population, and it belonged to the new state of Israel, who then gave it as a bribe to abdullah (the self-styled king of jordan) in exchange for a promise to NOT attack them.

what you seem to forget is there has NEVER been a "nation of Palestine" nor is there a "palestinian people"

the west bank was Ottoman Caliphate Property, whith NO significant private holdings in the entire area, only tennant farmers and landless peasants who did NOT own the dirt they were sitting on.

after the balfour declaration, when squatters rushed in, they didnt squatt in the useless denuded scrubland of the west bank, which was unsuitable even for goat grazing, they squatter in the good pieces of israel which were Govt property from the ottomans, to the brits, and then to israel.

the squatters often tried to pass of fake deeds to prove ownership but the hope-simpson commission, and the peele commission both found that almost all the deeds presented were fraudulent.

you are an ignorant little turd.

It was actually the influx of Jews into the region that is recent, not the Palestinians. Palestinian Christians have been there a very long time, in fact.
Sumerians?? There was an original civilization on the planet.

The Israeli's kicked ass and the neighbors that attacked them surrendered and asked for peace. Have we gone beyond rewriting that history?

The UN is a joke and I am surprised the Israeli's have been as tolerant as they have been but eventually they are gonna snap. If you live in a house with your family and every day someone was shooting rockets hoping to hit your house and kill your family what would you do? If it was happening to me I would go find the person that was threatening my family and kill them.

The Boers kicked ass and neighbors attacked them and surrendered for peace... Was apartheid correct?
Are you a nationalist?

Why not go back to the UN borders? How about 1967 borders? The Palestinians have a right to exist.

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yes, the pallies have a right to exist, in their OWN home countries.

like jordan, egypt, syria, lebanon, etc.

the ACTUAL arab citzens of israel are quite well treated for a minority in that part of the world, while the assholes in the occupied territories are treated like pampered princes compared to how the regimes of the region generally treat dissidents, foreign insurgents, spies and saboteurs.
your stupid little propaganda picture makes the assumption, that there was EVER a "palestine" or a "palestinian" people, there wasnt.

the levant was almost entirely state property, from the ottomans to the brits to israel, with very few private landholders, the ottomans dont own it no more, and the jews dont feel like rentin out their land any more, so the tennants gots to move, tough shit. they can either go back to egypt jordan and syria, or move into the occupied teritories and live in squalor with their pallie bretheren and make shitty pipe bombs and grand schemes. .