Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
No hon, that wasn't a shot at ya....curious as to what that red thing is next to the tray of meat in your pic

Some kinda weird knife block?
I was calling ME rude, for interrupting the talk of how to properly safeguard your electronics against the dreaded ectoplasm...

"Did you see the spooky Ghost? It was ectoplasm...I've been slimed."

I wish I could link. The interweb up here in the middle of nowhere, is like dial-up. And I think I made it angry by interneting too much...


Well-Known Member
I love it!
Check it out on internet - I gotta say, out of everything I have ever bought for cooking - I get the most compliments on that.

I know they have them on the line somewhere. If you buy stuff from "the line" that is...

"the ex knife holder"

Or maybe it's called "Fuck you Brian, I don't give a fuck that you left me, I am stabbing you every day, preparing for the real thing...."

Someone who invented this thing was PISSED. hahahaha - it's very cathartic though...