Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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aww duzzums feel ways about thing cuz im such a meanie?

duzzums want biddy?
duzzums need a nap?

i dont give a squirt of piss about "innocent children" who catch a missile in sandland, cuz dollars to doughnuts those "innocent children" were the same sort of "innocent children" that got their ride to paradise with al alawaki jr in his immaculate Incineration.

you bleeding heart lefties ALWAYS call any member of your chosen victim class "innocent children" and call their death "brutal and vicious murder" even when they are 25 year old gangbangers who die in a shootout with the cops in LA.

al alawaki wasnt an "innocent child" nor were his carpool buddies, hamas junior trainee jihadjis who die in a shootout with the IDF dont become "innocent children" if their buddies scurry away with their AK's before the news crews get to the scene, and would-be suicide bombers arent "innocent children right up to the point they shout allahu ackbar, push the button and receive their 72 virgins and 18 smooth young boys.

i dont know who those "children" are, and i frankly dont care.
considering the track record of the IDF at snuffing real bad guys without scuffing up the passers by, i suspect the israelis had a darn good reason to drop some ordinance in their vicinity.

when compared to the pallies' track record for lying, murdering their own and blaming the jews, announcing the deaths of persons still living, and manufacturing fake funeral processions with live hadjis under the sheets, it's a good bet that whatever the pallies CLAIM happened, the opposite is true.

but if you really want to rend your garments, tear your hair and wail in anguish, you go right ahead.

funny how when it comes to hadjis murdering ACTUAL innocent children in a preschool in france for "the cause" you are silent.
amazing how the kidnapping and murder of three israeli children goes unremarked by you, since youre too busy blaming Das Juden for all the unrest in the region (cuz the middle east was so peaceful, democratic, and liberal and shit before the jews started coming back... )

i really could not care less about what you think is "cool" or not.

you are less important to my world than the "children" who got blowed up by israel, for what was likely a damned good reason.

edited for grammar...
Maybe everyone stop killing and fucking over everyone else?

Instead of taking sides, we should all tell them to grow up, or theyre collectively getting nuked.

We could sent them a letter:
Dear Israelis/Palestanians,

Get the fuck over yourselves, you little bitches. We're all sick of your bullshit, and will turn both of your desert shitholes into glass in 7 days unless yous live side by side in peace.

Rest of the World
I'd snap your neck like a
Maybe everyone stop killing and fucking over everyone else?

Instead of taking sides, we should all tell them to grow up, or theyre collectively getting nuked.

We could sent them a letter:
Dear Israelis/Palestanians,

Get the fuck over yourselves, you little bitches. We're all sick of your bullshit, and will turn both of your desert shitholes into glass in 7 days unless yous live side by side in peace.

Rest of the World

lol........the Swiss, or Dutch, or Americans............would have killed every last Pali imposter by 1950.

if people in Winnipeg were lobbing rockets into the US, you;d be able to see the pile of burning Canucks from space.

thats a great theory canada.

unfortunately, once israel is "lifted/cleansed from the pages of time", the jihadjis will start to work on europe and the rest of the west in earnest.

letting the barbarians crush another land and another people under their heel is unacceptable.

Right. With all their rocks, and sticks and stuff, they pose an imminent threat to people everywhere!!

Give me a break. We could turn the entire Middle East into a parking lot if we so chose to. I'm not really worried about a bunch of Neanderthals with low-tech weapons
i dont know if you just cant comprehend english, or if you are simply a retard.

history did not start the day you were born.

West Bank: in 1948 israel GAVE the west bank to jordan in exchange for peace, jordan borke the deal and joined the arab legue in their ill fated war. israel took that shit by force in a defensive war, then israel made the offer again, west bank for a peace treaty and recognition of israel, jordan refused. then there was another war, the deal was offered again, jordan refused, another fucking war, and israel said "Just Take It We Dont Want It!", jordan refused again. israel is now the defacto owners of the west bank, but they cant use it, live in it, or eject the squatters, cuz fools like you think israel is the bad guy in this scenario.

jordan will not take the west bank, they want to use it as a tool to destabilize israel

gaza: in '48, egypt lost gaza to israel in a defensive war. l;ater when egypt started another war, israel too the sinai desert all the way to the suez canal. israel and egypt negotiated, and egypt got back the OIL RICH sinia desert, but refused to take back gaza.

gaza is, like the west bank, a 5th column of militant moslem theocrats lurking in israel's back yard. they cant give these areas back to the arabs, cuz the arabs wont take it. they cant just pull out cuz then it would be a lawless no-man's-land right on their borders with total deniability for the arabs, and soon israel will be taking silkworm missiles instead of shitty russian rockets.

the arab world rejects "palestinians" and refuses to let them come to their original homelands. they must stay in the pressure cooker to continue their role as a fistula on israels ass.

israel has been bending over backwards to get peaceful relations with the arab league, and the arabs are jerking them around.
Israel can't give back what they never "owned", and by any surrounding Arab country accepting Israel's proposals for a land exchange, it would legitimize the claim by Israel that the land was truly theirs to barter with. Your statement that the Arab world rejects "Palestinians", is pure drivel by the way. The surrounding Arab nations have always accepted the refugee's CREATED by Israel, hoping for the day they can return to their birthplace, just like Palestinians hope that the Jews in Israel return to their birthplace, which until 1948 was Europe, not Palestine. Also, Palestine by the way is what every map in the world called that area until 1948. There was no such place called Israel.
yes, the pallies have a right to exist, in their OWN home countries.

like jordan, egypt, syria, lebanon, etc.

the ACTUAL arab citzens of israel are quite well treated for a minority in that part of the world, while the assholes in the occupied territories are treated like pampered princes compared to how the regimes of the region generally treat dissidents, foreign insurgents, spies and saboteurs.
your stupid little propaganda picture makes the assumption, that there was EVER a "palestine" or a "palestinian" people, there wasnt.

the levant was almost entirely state property, from the ottomans to the brits to israel, with very few private landholders, the ottomans dont own it no more, and the jews dont feel like rentin out their land any more, so the tennants gots to move, tough shit. they can either go back to egypt jordan and syria, or move into the occupied teritories and live in squalor with their pallie bretheren and make shitty pipe bombs and grand schemes. .
You should have thrown that acid you took in the shitter, because it fried your brain if you really believe that line of shit you espouse.
and the cheyenne got their asses beat and then were shuffled off to reservations, any other irrelevant parts of ancient history you feel like dredging up?

israel is NOT apartheid, only the occupied territories do non-israelis have to pass through checkpoints and show papers at every crossing.

the occupied territories are OCCUPIED TERRITORIES the people there are NOT ISRAELIS they are subject to a MILITARY OCCUPATION, and as such are not accorded the same rights as israeli citizens.

you must be fucking retarded.
Why do you insist on using that word retarded so much? Do you have a mirror above your keyboard?

you cant understand a compound sentence.

the pallies do not want a "right of return" to the occupied territories, they want the right to flood into ISRAEL so they can "democratically" transform israel into "palestine" and install a moslem government which will then join up with jordan.

it's not a secret, they say it openly.

further, UN resolutions mean nothing.

their non-binding resolutions are as pointless as your argments.

the UN pasing resolutions is almost as retarded as libya being the head of the human rights commission.
Here you go again with the retard shit. You really should move that mirror.