Bad year for Malaysia aviation.

That video is worse than liberal American news.
This recording was supposedly made a day before the tragedy.
It is possible that the Ukrainians shot, they have these weapons inherited from the USSR, and qualifications of their army is very degraded.
There are reported data exchange between air defense systems of Ukraine just before the attack.
Who knows what happened. we can but speculate for the moment. We could argue that it might very well have been Ukraine because we've all seen what a shitty job they're doing at attempting to get rid of a bunch of rebels, and unfortunately the situation as it is, or was, did not allow any possibility of foreign involvement of the variety required by Ukraine to achieve their goals.
more Russian weapons, bough by General Obama, and transferred to Ukrainian Nazis, to cause an incident, to continue the Neocon agenda of pressuring Russia.
The propaganda mill (inadvertently or not) is in full gear.
Already in this thread there are 3 scenarios:
1) Russian wannabes (or imports) shot it down because they are that dumb
2) Ukraine shot it down in an elaborate scheme to drag others into this
3) Russia shot it down so they could blame it on Ukraine and create confusion (for what...?)
4) Because Obama...

What's the most likely scenario? Refuting that one first before getting too lateral is probably a good procedure. Is there evidence to suggest "rebels" did it?
Is there evidence to suggest they didn't? Perhaps, but it is about as loose as the rest of the "evidence".
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The biggest piece of evidence (outside of the crash site) I've seen is a couple different pics of a BUK system in transit supposedly in the Ukraine. No info of dates or locations...
That's what fuels lateral thinking; a lack of data...and weed certainly doesn't prevent it. :lol:
They thought they shot one of these down:

Now if they managed to shoot one of those down earlier in the week, do you think they have some technology at their disposal to suggest they aren't as backward as some would try to make others believe?

Hamilton Burger, the witness is yours to cross-examine
In addition to what has been said in the video, now in Russia reported that 777 received from the dispatcher command and flew below the standard height.
Was repeated that the Russian radar tracking stations recorded activity of Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles "BUK (beech)" in the area of the crash site before the attack.
Ukrainian army in 2001 has already shot down a civilian aircraft with passengers who flew from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk, that time by mistake during a training exercise.
There is an audio tape of Pro-russians admitting to shooting down the plane.

Russians claim that the Ukraine was trying to shoot down Putin's plane "who just happened to be in the same area at the same exect time!!". *yawn*... ON his way back from the BRICS meeting in Brazil.

There is also video of Pro-Russians moving AA missiles back to Russia.

Near a 100 AID's researchers on the plane.

The pilot diverted his own flight INTO the "danger zone of Ukraine".

Let's face it, that plane would have landed in Malaysia if Russia wasn't in Ukraine, and the "Pro-Russian Rebels" didn't exist.
And here to represent the Alpo, John McCain!
According to his intelligence :lol: this happened because the Ukrainians aren't well enough armed.
There are moments where one can almost see the wheel turning in his head.
But then one realizes, the hamster is dead.
God bless his pension!!! (Salute ala Benny Hill)

seriously, has there ever been a "Good Year" for malaysian aviation?

who in their right mind flies a passenger plane through airspace where russia is making war?

who in their right mind flies on malaysian airlines?

who is surprised when airlines get shot down by the russians?

so much fail, this thread is DOA

With the cost of fuel these days every saved mile counts!!
who in their right mind flies on malaysian airlines?
have you been to malaysia, it's has a beautiful!, awesome rain forest!!! it's a huge tourist magnet. my sister told me about all this mess. she didn't know if there were any americans. i knew there would be.
And here to represent the Alpo, John McCain!
According to his intelligence :lol: this happened because the Ukrainians aren't well enough armed.
There are moments where one can almost see the wheel turning in his head.
But then one realizes, the hamster is dead.
God bless his pension!!! (Salute ala Benny Hill)

I really liked McCain years back but now it seems like he doesnt give a fuck and hasnt met a war he didnt like or want to fund on one side or the other. He has checked out IMO.
i agree nlx, it seems repubs love war. you know, war is good business, and in dollars and cents, he's right. i don't think it's very smart to call a sitting prez. a coward though, amazing...
i agree nlx, it seems repubs love war. you know, war is good business, and in dollars and cents, he's right. i don't think it's very smart to call a sitting prez. a coward though, amazing...

The president is a coward. Obama has never learned to be a leader at anything. He rules by polls and politics. The problem with that is if you sit around long enough to find out what is popular, many times the issue has passed you by and you become irrelevant. You cannot lead by checking polls and Obama is no leader.
i don't know. maybe he's thinking that another war, is just not something that american citizens are willing to embrace. if they filmed "every," american casualty, and showed it to us, we may decide that we don't want more vegetables imported from s.w. asia...
The president is a coward. Obama has never learned to be a leader at anything. He rules by polls and politics. The problem with that is if you sit around long enough to find out what is popular, many times the issue has passed you by and you become irrelevant. You cannot lead by checking polls and Obama is no leader.

the KKK sympathizing snitch has weighed in.

NLXSK is so brave that it took him several years to own up to his racism.
The president is a coward. Obama has never learned to be a leader at anything. He rules by polls and politics. The problem with that is if you sit around long enough to find out what is popular, many times the issue has passed you by and you become irrelevant. You cannot lead by checking polls and Obama is no leader.

What more is he supposed to do re: Russia/Ukraine apart from a direct military response? Through NATO he has deployed fighter wings to eastern Europe, had the military involved in the largest ever war games in the arctic region and the smaller exercises in the black sea. Beefed up military ties with Poland and Baltic states and increased sanctions on the red menace.

In all honesty not sure if the rest of the world would follow the US into a major ground conflict considering it would be the 3rd in just over a decade. The cash and the resources aren't there atm...
What more is he supposed to do re: Russia/Ukraine apart from a direct military response? Through NATO he has deployed fighter wings to eastern Europe, had the military involved in the largest ever war games in the arctic region and the smaller exercises in the black sea. Beefed up military ties with Poland and Baltic states and increased sanctions on the red menace.

In all honesty not sure if the rest of the world would follow the US into a major ground conflict considering it would be the 3rd in just over a decade. The cash and the resources aren't there atm...

Agree to restore the missile shield to Poland. That would be one thing.

He has got to stop acting like a spiteful little kid by putting sanctions on individual Russians. With the resources of the state behind these people they could give a shit. And if they dont have the resources of the state behind them do you think Putin gives a shit? The guy just took a whole country. He could give cities away as favors... Do you see the scale of ridiculousness yet?