Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey jig I'm gonna be moving soon and thinking about buying just a tent frame would having them 12/12 now and then putting them on 18/6 once I get my new spot set up affect them too bad ?


Well-Known Member
Finished my first harvest tonight! Post harvest tent pic. The grow was 3 plants, 5g fabric pots, earth juice nutes, one 600w, and probably just shy of 1lb going into jars and around 8oz wet popcorn and small buds for hash. Any recommendations on bubble bags?View attachment 3212379
Check out Bubbleman....Bubbleman fresh headies. He's the man/has all the equipment and will help you along the way of needed. You can follow/ask questions/order bags etc...from him on Facebook, he's posts hash making techniques all day. and growing for most resin production (for hash). Just throwing it out there. I learn a lot from his Facebook everday. Mad giveaways too. Won a lot of good seeds lately.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on flowering my whole shed for a big christmas harvest. Then I'm starting over so I'm not spending the money heating it in jan and most of feb. I'll just take a couple of clones for moms. This should help out with the winter electric bill considering we heat with electric. I have 3 600 and 1 1000 wich should cover my 9x9 shed fairly good. I'm not sure how many strains but have 2 months to build up for flip.


Well-Known Member
Friday off has been, looking after my son until the wife got back from an appointment at 1, it was my turn to do breakfast, then rushing out to the shops to get storage bags, then back and had some work to do, then out in the pissing rain for another errand, then home and finally a JOINT!!!!! DOG! fuk me I could go back to bed.....looks like it will be a rather sleep Friday night in. Roll on 420 for a beer and joint! Half an hour to go, should I go out in the rain and grab more beer, or wait until I have finished the last 2 beers, then go out and grab more....oh these questions, lol....what's that noise? Oh yes, FUK ALL, the house is empty and "Friday off day" has finally started.:)


Well-Known Member
haha, now there's no surprise, encouragement to get on it coming from, Don:) Yer probably right lad, t'is why I have a zatte sitting in front of me already....couldn't even wait another 18minutes, haha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
would my answer ever be any different man?!?

i'm going to a new boozer/restaurant opening tonight at 7 so i've been told to stay compus. :roll: not sure what i'll do for the next 3 n a quarter hours. might even have a nap. if i drink through they'll probably knock me back lol


Well-Known Member
1/ it would be nice to be able to go to sleep for the next 3 1/4 hrs, and 2/ it wouldnae be too bad going out to a new restaurant tonight either! saying that, baby sitter is booked for next week!


Well-Known Member
Wish i were there(U.K.). I'm in the U.S.....And here are a few reasons why: E's...,;) music: got turned on to sex pistols "never mind the...." (sid & nancy) movie in the 80's, discovered ska/roots/Pato Bantan, (skankin) early 90's (modern day also). Your Weather: I like season change and love rain. it's summer year round here (gets old). Great Cinema, i can't watch an American film on Netflix anymore. The Independent films make London seem killer, and surrounding countryside. It appears that many interesting cultures rooted there. E's*....I read mdma has been decriminalized in London (no arrest for small amount/personal use?) Same article stated the going price right now in u.k. is: 3 for £5. I would be unstoppable/until ya'll kick me out of Great Britain. I know this is lame/I've been awake gardening and at the dispensary for 30? Hrs:) working/puffing. I also have a high school friend/drummer originally from Scotland got arrested in Chicago (heroine etc..) was then deported and resides in London. FISH/CHIPS, all right this must be completely lame for anyone reading this (sorry U.K. residents) I really am trying to show my love. I'll post thus then remember the cool stuff I was gonna say:) This "Fire OG, bubble hash is working". I don't drink anymore and already feel like I'm gonna regret posting on no sleep/hash bound. Thanks for bearing with me.


Well-Known Member
Dam they look like happy tree's, and a Happy whodat (under that hat I imagine).
Yes indeed, D. While being toured around the garden I stopped for a minut to check out a particular plant and soon realized I got separated and kinda lost lol
Shouting "I can hear you but I'm lost" haha Never imagined I'd get lost in a big canna garden! I was grinning ear to ear.

Alright out to work folks, have a good one all.
