The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
On agora hashishin (google that name had some fucking read on it..well cool lol) is selling 100g for 235e that's like 195..ish sterling so ur gonna profit either way here we pay from 35e for soap bar or 50e for quality hash all @3.5g an eight...weeds 2.5 for 50e


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how I can covert my missus to weed lol .... she doesnt smoke , hardly ever drinks but she suffers from terrible migraines that can last days n days n imo she would be alot better off with the occasional bit of green.... any ideas how I can slowly convert her ....


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how I can covert my missus to weed lol .... she doesnt smoke , hardly ever drinks but she suffers from terrible migraines that can last days n days n imo she would be alot better off with the occasional bit of green.... any ideas how I can slowly convert her ....
get avolcano digi vape, worked for me


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how I can covert my missus to weed lol .... she doesnt smoke , hardly ever drinks but she suffers from terrible migraines that can last days n days n imo she would be alot better off with the occasional bit of green.... any ideas how I can slowly convert her ....
Get her a nice pink girly vape and get her a really nice fruity strain to go into it that works well for migraines, then when she has a really bad migraine whip it out ( the vape not your penis) and just say to her something like " look its obvious your in pain, would you at least try it for me please and if it doesnt help with your migraines ( dont say "if you dont like it") after you have tried it properly then ill chuck it in the bin

You have to get the idea into her head that its no different to paracetamol, if its effective she should use it regardless of how it tastes

Also show her shit like this--


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how I can covert my missus to weed lol .... she doesnt smoke , hardly ever drinks but she suffers from terrible migraines that can last days n days n imo she would be alot better off with the occasional bit of green.... any ideas how I can slowly convert her ....
My missus doesn't smoke either n I'm ttotal but I'd suggest using extracts n do a lil baking

Actually robbie..u like ur 90s tunes..know of any kinda tribal shamanic chanting throat singing kind mixes... Really tippy ones.. kinda like this, youd easily zone out for ages smoking to this
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Well-Known Member
Get her a nice pink girly vape and get her a really nice fruity strain to go into it that works well for migraines, then when she has a really bad migraine whip it out ( the vape not your penis) and just say to her something like " look its obvious your in pain, would you at least try it for me please and if it doesnt help with your migraines ( dont say "if you dont like it") after you have tried it properly then ill chuck it in the bin

You have to get the idea into her head that its no different to paracetamol, if its effective she should use it regardless of how it tastes

Also show her shit like this--
Just then psychotic episode but migraines go lol


Well-Known Member
On agora hashishin (google that name had some fucking read on it..well cool lol) is selling 100g for 235e that's like 195..ish sterling so ur gonna profit either way here we pay from 35e for soap bar or 50e for quality hash all @3.5g an eight...weeds 2.5 for 50e
That's expensive mate lol 50e for a 2.5 fuck that for shit & giggles


Well-Known Member
That's expensive mate lol 50e for a 2.5 fuck that for shit & giggles
Tis ireland mate n it doesn't get cheaper the more u get unless u get it off someone who grows... if I sell it off fast 350 an oz ... Sucked balls to when I didn't grow but it's fucking sweet now man lol


Well-Known Member
Tis ireland mate n it doesn't get cheaper the more u get unless u get it off someone who grows... if I sell it off fast 350 an oz ... Sucked balls to when I didn't grow but it's fucking sweet now man lol
if u can crop over the leccy bill that is


Well-Known Member
Tis ireland mate n it doesn't get cheaper the more u get unless u get it off someone who grows... if I sell it off fast 350 an oz ... Sucked balls to when I didn't grow but it's fucking sweet now man lol
Could make a fucking fortune out there at them prices . I bet your buzzing with then prices lmao


Well-Known Member
Leccy bills about 90-100 a month but the gfs obsessively clean so most of that's down to excessive hoovering n washing. Yeah but im green so I'm planning to sell just enough to cover costs so just 2.5g deals to 4-5 close friends a week n sell about 3oz n keep the rest lol


Well-Known Member
Im gonna get a volcano fuck it lol .... ill force her to try it lol .

just making a massive batch of organic spider mite , thrips and aphid killer if anyone is interested. I can send the lads 100ml out concentrated... should make about 8-10ltrs worth. Use it as a spray or as a feed... plants love it and you can use it all way through to chop lol :)

Fuck chemicals .....


Well-Known Member
Once I remember where I got my volcano vape I'll link you it was the cheapest online had a discount n all.


Well-Known Member
u will get thru a ton of weed on it, ive tossed kilo after kilo of vape poo out lemme tell u its a security concern of its own, but the flav and its actually healthier than not vaping a being strait the whole f time