Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Blow the piss outta all of 'em. Problem solved:)
If anyone of those four boys would have been one of my children it would've been tits up already.
It takes alot of hatred to pull off 911. Only dead babies rile people to do these types of horrendous acts.
"Think" before you shoot so you and your country are not involved in murderous acts.
If the Jews would've nuked Germany in 1945, would they have been considered terrorists?
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All I can say, if somebody had their boot on my neck, now for decades, I would sure as shit try to cut it off. That is what is going on, has been for a lot longer than Hamas even existed, and will continue to be the case until there is a place called home for the PEOPLE you refuse to call Palestinian. Say, and believe what you want, there will be no peace as long as the Chosen act like barbarians, and treat the indigenous people like dog's. Actually, worse, unless the dog is Korean. There, they eat them after the slaughter

LOL.................How about for FOURTEEN CENTURIES???
you retarded-ass motherfucker. suck the little brown babies from my blow-hole, and taste the difference pareve makes. been drinking wheat grass-lime smoothies........enjoy. :)
Another dis"like" for the US.
THE CIA WAS TOLD TO REMOVE THE CHILDREN FROM THE DAYCARE PRIOR TO THE ATTACK. They chose to ignore this but did advise all of their agents to vacate the twin towers.
People have to get their priorities straight and "think" of the children first.
Violence begats violence and that is a proven "here" for some two thousand plus years.
We...the free world...which includes the former Soviet Union...China, and all countries should iron curtain the entire zone as weapons free.
The US should annex the western portion of said land mass and the former Soviet Union can control the eastern portion of said land mass,
A large barricade will be constructed to seperate east from west.
Another dis"like" for the US.
THE CIA WAS TOLD TO REMOVE THE CHILDREN FROM THE DAYCARE PRIOR TO THE ATTACK. They chose to ignore this but did advise all of their agents to vacate the twin towers.
People have to get their priorities straight and "think" of the children first.
Violence begats violence and that is a proven "here" for some two thousand plus years.
We...the free world...which includes the former Soviet Union...China, and all countries should iron curtain the entire zone as weapons free.
The US should annex the western portion of said land mass and the former Soviet Union can control the eastern portion of said land mass,
A large barricade will be constructed to seperate east from west.

Oh sure, and the phone call came from your house to frame you. You are on the run and they have a TV crew looking for you night and day.
except for the MIRV's......LOL. lots of bodies, glowing oil, and melted ice caps. we'll give ya something to hate Jews about.

See, I knew we'd regret helping them. George Marshall was right !!!

May 12, 1948: President Truman meets in the Oval Office with Secretary of State George Marshall, Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Counsel to the President Clark Clifford and several others to discuss the Palestine situation. Clifford argues in favor of recognizing the new Jewish state in accordance with the United Nations resolution of November 29, 1947. Marshall opposes Clifford's arguments, and contends they are based on domestic political considerations. He says that if Truman follows Clifford's advice and recognizes the Jewish state, then he (Marshall) would vote against Truman in the election. Truman does not clearly state his views in the meeting.
See, I knew we'd regret helping them. George Marshall was right !!!

May 12, 1948: President Truman meets in the Oval Office with Secretary of State George Marshall, Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Counsel to the President Clark Clifford and several others to discuss the Palestine situation. Clifford argues in favor of recognizing the new Jewish state in accordance with the United Nations resolution of November 29, 1947. Marshall opposes Clifford's arguments, and contends they are based on domestic political considerations. He says that if Truman follows Clifford's advice and recognizes the Jewish state, then he (Marshall) would vote against Truman in the election. Truman does not clearly state his views in the meeting.

that was Penny Marshall that said that.
See, I knew we'd regret helping them. George Marshall was right !!!

May 12, 1948: President Truman meets in the Oval Office with Secretary of State George Marshall, Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Counsel to the President Clark Clifford and several others to discuss the Palestine situation. Clifford argues in favor of recognizing the new Jewish state in accordance with the United Nations resolution of November 29, 1947. Marshall opposes Clifford's arguments, and contends they are based on domestic political considerations. He says that if Truman follows Clifford's advice and recognizes the Jewish state, then he (Marshall) would vote against Truman in the election. Truman does not clearly state his views in the meeting.

anti-Semites in government? unheard of..........
Hey, Don "The
LOL.................How about for FOURTEEN CENTURIES???
you retarded-ass motherfucker. suck the little brown babies from my blow-hole, and taste the difference pareve makes. been drinking wheat grass-lime smoothies........enjoy. :)
You are a credit to your race,
Blowback , pffft ! As some members allready know im married to a highly educated muslim woman with strong family ties to the region , My inlaws eat sleep & drink this issue for decades on end , to the point i have to get up & leave im so sick of hearing it but im worried about blowback from a forum , double pffftt !

A simple question that allways lies at the heart of any middle east US policy discussion was asked & you cant give an answer , that would be too easy & not leave you free to argue , you dont want to debate , you want to argue & throw google links around , like a link somehow makes you right , again pffft ! on your google wisdom , again i ask have you ever been to the region ? I have & people are different in person .

I asked two questions & you think im worried about blowback from google lecturers , my opinions on middle eastern affairs are based upon my visits to several countries in the region & my views are based on shit i saw 1st hand , as well as being married to a Lebanese woman for 30 plus yrs , you keep posting your links that bolster your stance, you'll show us the light about somewhere you've never been to .

If it weren't for Israel ( Happy now with my spelling Ms UB ) my wife & her entire family would of been murdered by Hezbollah death squads , her own fukin people .

Your marriage doesn't concern me in the slightest, her intelligence doesn't bolster yours. And yes blowback. When the US fucks around with countries that don't concern it, inserting itself into domestic policies of states, supporting regime change and fostering militantism this is the end result. This is the result of Empire sickness. A never ending war of vigilance.
But, that is not what is going on here. HAMAS has the boot on the neck of Gaza. HAMAS orchestrates the suffering of it's war slaves and calls for the destruction of a Western Democracy. They won't compromise on that. You won't ask the Muslim if they will compromise on Conquest.

So, you buy in.

Jim, you are new and don't know the details of the capitulation Zion has attempted with these Islamist dogs.

You don't dig into Israel's view point.

When Israel had Gaza it was beautiful. When HAMAS strong armed the poor war-slaves into "voting" them in, the Jews left. OK, fine.

The shit hole you see today, is HAMAS attempting to kill Israel.

You are new. This is an old conflict. There is only one Nation here and it has been under constant attack since Day 1, 1947.

How come you don't get it?

How long has Israel claimed the Palestinians don't exist?
so we should take lessons from terrorists, and submit to their demands if they pull off a scuccessful attack? sure, thats good thinking.

You have.

it is set by AMERICAN opinion, and most of america doesnt agree with your cowardly chickenshit submission to terrorism.

Wrong again.

President George W. Bush said on Wednesday he is leaving to his successor a stronger anti-terrorism partnership with Saudi Arabia forged in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.


Did you vote for this guy?
Here is the deal.

The Palestinian supporters feel that it is justified to launch rockets and terrorist attacks and kill children and civilians because Israel has committed treaty violations.

The very act of launching rocket
Your marriage doesn't concern me in the slightest, her intelligence doesn't bolster yours. And yes blowback. When the US fucks around with countries that don't concern it, inserting itself into domestic policies of states, supporting regime change and fostering militantism this is the end result. This is the result of Empire sickness. A never ending war of vigilance.

You know, I would take you slightly more seriously if this war hadnt been going on FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!!

You cant blame it on America and Bush.

Unless you want to claim that without US assistance, Israel would have been destroyed in '67 and thus no longer a problem.