Gb 2014

Every lawn mower sounds like a chopper. And every car door or car w/ squeaky brakes sounds like the boys in blue lol.
Hahaha exactly dude u shoulda saw me the other night I was trimming and all of a sudden saw red lights out in front of my house flashing and I glance bam cop cars I'm like fuck fuck fuck what am I ganna do I start trying to throw these branches in a box to bring to the back and my house. And set my rig and shit below the table cause it was all out, so I'm all fricken out for like 2 minutes then think

Wtf !
There not here for me if they were they would busted down this front door with no warning haha no lights no nothing like that.
haha so I look again and they got this car full of cholo Mexican tweaker looking dudes, that te cops were just taking their sweet ass time to approach haha

I had a pretty hard laugh at myself and so did my cousin who saw it all hahah!
Had them fly over once here on july 4th. Was inside my greenhouse and they hovered for a good couple minutes. Was too scared to walk out of it and see if it was cop chopper or not... but who else would it of been, ya know? I'm 22 plants under my count though so hopefully they don't wait until the end of season to fuck with me.
Hahaha exactly dude u shoulda saw me the other night I was trimming and all of a sudden saw red lights out in front of my house flashing and I glance bam cop cars I'm like fuck fuck fuck what am I ganna do I start trying to throw these branches in a box to bring to the back and my house. And set my rig and shit below the table cause it was all out, so I'm all fricken out for like 2 minutes then think

Wtf !
There not here for me if they were they would busted down this front door with no warning haha no lights no nothing like that.
haha so I look again and they got this car full of cholo Mexican tweaker looking dudes, that te cops were just taking their sweet ass time to approach haha

I had a pretty hard laugh at myself and so did my cousin who saw it all hahah!

LOL I'm glad you didn't start flushing shit down the toilet!
Jbird is correct I believe. We all have a convo going on on PMs and I had forgot what he said to us privately about this week. Thanks for the reminder Jbird.