Flowering data-base


Well-Known Member
Here is an idea I would like to try, I thi nk it would be cool to have a thread where peopl could post when they start flowering this year. It will help the noobs like me and give everyone else an idea about flowering time around the country/world.

Here's the info you should included.

Your approxmate Latitude (not to accurate of course) and Longitude if you want

Your elevtion makes a differance so add that

And of course what your growing since that makes a difference too.


Well-Known Member
I think this is a great idea. no flowering yet at roughly 36 degrees north - central U.S., elevation 1322. bagseed. Curious to see others


Well-Known Member
im at the 42 paralell north just a few pre flowers still veging. all indicas and about 1200 to 1300 feet this is a good idea


Well-Known Member
my grow started april 4 and she started preflowering july 16 this has been a forest grow so i think the trees have restricted the light thats why it flowered so early


Well-Known Member
Latitude- 39N
Elevation- 165
Strain-Papaya (7-9wk)
12/12 started on-5/29
Expected harvest date- 7/26

Bud pix below at 47 days



Well-Known Member
Im at 36 degrees myself
5500 feet above see level
longest day of the year was about the 24th of june
not flowering yet though havent checked in about a week and half


Well-Known Member
I have about 10 strains all are early finishers like swiss mist, early misty t-44, Purple plant, Pure power plant, hollands hope, and Im growing in the western U.S.

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok i dont know my latitude n whatnot and im to damn lazy to find a map and check, i live on long island in NY, so my elevation is like 20 feet, i planted on 4/20.

most of the plants are in very early pre-flowering, i have 24 plants, and as of today was able to tell the sex of about half of them


Active Member
I have 1 plant of bagseed planted in mid april and i dont no wat the lattitude is im in northern california.no flower yet


Active Member
live in Cali and have 2 badseed plants ( sativa & a indica dominant) that are about 3-1/2 ft. Started in mid March. Showed sex on both plants in late April but not flowering yet.


Well-Known Member
your plants showed sex so early, I think because they were planted so early and it might have been cold. Wtch them , they have a greater chance of going hermie if they are females


Well-Known Member
are any outdoor growers past pre sexing and into full on flowering yet or does anyone have males showing their balls?