Well-Known Member
Just curious how people feel about this number that is always fed to us by the mass media. I question the legitimacy of the number for one main reason. I've read several articles on the subject over the last few years and on more than one occasion there have been surveys at the bottom of these articles that ask if you support legalized marijuana. Now you would think the survey results would be close to that 54% number we're always fed, but on more than one occasion the survey results showed approval actually hovering in the high 90's. Some may argue, well it has to do with the type of people that would be reading that article they would probably all be stoners eager for legalization. That argument might make sense, but I've also seen articles with identical subject matter that had reader surveys with results that matched that 54% approval mark. It leads me to believe that these pole numbers are being manipulated by people in control of mass media to match a hidden agenda. I know some may think that a conspiracy to manipulate popular opinion is a stretch, while others will think it's just another day in mind controlled America. Anyway, tell me how you feel about this number that is fed to us. Is it a lie or is it the truth? Here is a link to a recent US News and World Report article with a survey that shows reader approval hovering at around the 97% mark to help you decide whether there is manipulation at play.