Note to self thread

Just wanted to let you know something !
That if you are indeed a stand up comic I envy are doing something that I would absolutely love to do.....and think I could pull it off with the exception of one thing( failing) I live my life now and always try to make people laugh because if they're laughing they're not worrying about life of their problems..... I love to make peope laugh many times at my own expense........its just something about the power that comes from the ability to make people laugh........!Just wanted to throw that out there to you !!

Yes I am indeed one.

If laws weren't so stupid about this plant I'd gladly invite some of you to my shows.

You can't be afraid of failure, do what you love and the rest will follow
Rosey :) Good to see ya! I like to think that it was another learning experience.

Ain't nothin but a thang ;)

NTS: get better gloves for trimming because my nails always poke thru tips before I can finish harvesting.
It's Friday sweetheart, light up some of that magical garden herb and repeat after me: HELL YEAH ITS FRIDAY!

NTS: It's Friday. Time for another volcano bag.

Long as you are happy then its a big old congrats on the Divorce. Have you a big old party honey!
It's Friday sweetheart, light up some of that magical garden herb and repeat after me: HELL YEAH ITS FRIDAY!

NTS: It's Friday. Time for another volcano bag.

Long as you are happy then its a big old congrats on the Divorce. Have you a big old party honey!

I would if I had it! got it coming, waiting on delivery ;)

But yes, I am THRILLED!! very very happy about it, gonna go hang with my friends for a bit. Enjoy that volcano bag! :D
Good morning Beech I hope this finds you doing well buddy! Sending you good thoughts this am! *hugs* Holler at me anytime you need to talk.

Very very very important Note to self: When filling a new mini washer with water to make hash with, make sure the drain hose is hung up and not pointing down when filling the washer. A gallon of water in the floor was time consuming to clean up with a beach towel while the trim was ice washing! On a positive note the floor got mopped, the hash turned out well and I am baked on it this morning!
NTS...Say good mornin/afternoon to Beech n friends :)

Good morning Beech I hope this finds you doing well buddy! Sending you good thoughts this am! *hugs* Holler at me anytime you need to talk.

Very very very important Note to self: When filling a new mini washer with water to make hash with, make sure the drain hose is hung up and not pointing down when filling the washer. A gallon of water in the floor was time consuming to clean up with a beach towel while the trim was ice washing! On a positive note the floor got mopped, the hash turned out well and I am baked on it this morning!
Just bought me a giant mop for my huge floors :D finally can get something done around here! Enjoy that hashish :)
Morning guys!!

NTS-appreciate good friends because they are rare.
You got that right brother ;) don't know how I'd of gotten through this last year without my friends here at RIU. Ya'll rock!
NTS - Party hard when you have the chance, we only live once.
I'm down with that! gonna be partying hard on Sept 2 bro :D