2nd attemp at a 1st grow!! All advice welcome


Active Member
Hi everyone again, my last grow attempt was a disaster but hopefully learned something from it , all I got was stunted runts that never got more than 2 "

My setup was a
60 60 140 gro tent.
1 x Znet4 200w LED light
Soil mix (I just took ones that were light and recommended for tomatoes i think as language problem a big factor where I am )
Ph indicator and acid/alch sachets.
2 fans

Ok so I think I completely burnt the wee girls and probably over watered them too boot, plus my PH indicator was cheap and nasty.

OK onwards and hopefully upwards!!.
The tent, lights, fans I will keep the same for now.
I tried growing Autos Sin TraBajo and Malana Bomb.

I will now try Lowryder as I have been told they are a little forgiving for dumb asses like myself.
I have now got Coco Coir from a company call GALUKU if anyone has heard of them?
and I plan to mix with 30% perlite,I understand that its very hard to over water Coco? and there is no nutes whatsoever so I should burn the roots this time? Is 10 L pots ok for this? Should I put few stones in the bottom of the pot mixed with perlite for better drainage ?
I understand that Autos MUST be germinated and planted in the Pot they will spend their short life (not as short life as the last time!)
I know people told me no need to feed for first couple of weeks , is this true with Coco?
I managed to source sensi grow A&B and sensi bloom A&B in small 500ml and also have a 100ml of Big Bud if I ever get near to using that .
I have ordered PH 6.5 water but ive been told I will have to buffer that to 6.
I am looking at a fan intake and out and should get that soon as well as a carbon filter but I will leave that until I get some results .

I have pics on my last thread, but heres one from last time.

Cheers guys

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Listen mate don't take this the wrong way I was following ur thread the last time and just wanted to give a bit of advice I no u r a carefull person but please do everything and I MEAN everything to stay under the radar in the country u r in even for a small amount of weed will get u years in the locker only a bit of friendly advice mate.
I agree with greenhouse! You cant survive if your country do honor the Healing Plant. Which i know the government is controlling. I would find anither hobby.
Hey man I'm on my first grow too and have made plenty of mistakes so don't feel 2 bad. Hope this one works out for ya
No guys the reason for my informal warning is because he is in china the rules as regarding mj r 10Times worse than anything In the uk or usa 10years if ur caught with a growing set up that's why the subtle warning...
Greenhouse cheers for that mate I know your being stand up on this subject but I got it covered and stealth is the name of the game and just keeping it too myself.
Perfect mate just felt it had to b said.i wish u all the luck and goodwill in the world and I'll keep an eye and c how u get on mate:bigjoint:.
China unless ur doing autos and I don't think u r start with small pots then medium then into the 3 gallons it will save u a lot of work in the full process plus money u can keep a closer eye on them as they progress through their cycle and c wot stages their at esyier aswell..
Yea Autos , last time was malana bomb and Sin TraBajobut been advised to start this time with Lowryder as they are meant to be more forgiving
For a first time grower I thought u would've stuck with short flowering photos but hey ho it's down to how ur preferences...related
I know now mate but I got a load off dif autos and I might as well try ... I have decided to stay in the same gaff mainly due to stealth so will start quick smart , hopefully get better results this time, using coco {well washed} and 30 percent perlite in 12L pots which is roughly 3 gal. Plant from seed in pot and try not too over water , only really want to grow one but will keep a sister to the side for back up as my previous nongrow was so shite and I have no idea of the coverage from lights , will keep led about 18 to 20 inches above seedlings , dunno if that right but as usual any advise is good. Fuck me those LED lights after a minute or so I just see yellow so now I swith off before tampering ! :roll:
Never seen them before but they look like good pots don't no so much about how the bottom on them would affect the drainage u should do a dry run with them no seed just soil and c how long it takes to dry out only a suggestion mate...