Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Great news man. Congrats!! I'll have a drink to you and your fully functioning sperm this weekend!!

How you feeling bout it? I'm shit with commitment. Scares the life out of me if I'm honest. I was going to get a dog but the realisation they can live to be like 12-13 and the thought of hairs everywhere was just too much to take. Now I think about it, I'm prob not the best person for advice on pending fatherhood. Pleased for you though.
We're really happy about it. We've been trying since we got married - 2 years. In one sense it all seems quite normal but then I realize that I am wrong. I dunno why I think it is so strange... Perhaps it has something to do with my alienation with this place at this time. Plus, I had pretty much given up any real hope of having functional sperm. This child will either be blessed or cursed.

I'm kind of easy on commitment. I've had a total of eight cats in my adult life. And three wives. But I never lost a cat. Never.


Well-Known Member
Really pleased for you both. Sure it'll be like second nature when it happens.

One of the best things I've heard on fatherhood was someone saying it's like having a dog that you love to bits that slowly learns how to talk to you. Doesn't sound as daunting when put like that.


Well-Known Member
True but I'm left handed! I would be wouldn't I ? Lol

I haven't got enough experience to comment yet but I prefer the gear knob in my left hand. ;)
Lefties unite! I'm left handed too. Do you find that your brain has to constantly adjust to right handed thinking? For example she someone says "line Up" or something, I join the line from the wrong side. and Clockwise and C.clockwise always confuse me.


Well-Known Member
Lefties unite! I'm left handed too. Do you find that your brain has to constantly adjust to right handed thinking? For example she someone says "line Up" or something, I join the line from the wrong side. and Clockwise and C.clockwise always confuse me.
Omg! I was saying that to my bf 5 mins ago. Yes definitely agree, I make joints with the filter on the left as I was shown by right handed smokers. I think that's right? Also, the scissors dont work unless we cut at a certain angle. Lots of things! Lol :)


Well-Known Member
We gotta mention @srh88 and @ClaytonBigsby. Then you got your @Garden Boss. And, @Yessica... has been practicing real hard. All way better at graphic replies than me. They all look way better naked too.
I'm buying a laptop!!!! I may soon be into the Good Internet Fun like the rest of you nerdos!!!!!!!!!

Or....my head might explode because of TOO MANY INTERNETS...

Either would be sweet!