Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal


Well-Known Member
Doublejj I couldn't thank you more enough for the cherrypie.... Got a 200gallon dedicate to the winter BBQ...

Everyone else sorry I haven't been posting, the crew is down to me and the lady and a close buddy of mine to handle all we so is a lot!! Internet out on the hill is non existent so it's hard to post. I've made it my ladies duty to update the page with a full 20+ pic update of the garden. It's doing okay in my terms... Thank goodness for cherrypie cuts! Oh btw somehow I sneaked a dna tangie into my lineup oh boy how that's caused some drama. Anyways thanks for posting y'all it's 1:15 and in waiting for my buddy to return home safely on the train so I got to sneak to town and update!

Sorry if I missed any of your post looking good RIU fanily
Ah man back in action . What happened to your crew? They all seemed chill.


Well-Known Member
Sweet great crop are those 300s or 400s?Also have you run the tangie before if so what did you think thanks big as blower that will keep them dry.