Doublejj I couldn't thank you more enough for the cherrypie.... Got a 200gallon dedicate to the winter BBQ...
Everyone else sorry I haven't been posting, the crew is down to me and the lady and a close buddy of mine to handle all we so is a lot!! Internet out on the hill is non existent so it's hard to post. I've made it my ladies duty to update the page with a full 20+ pic update of the garden. It's doing okay in my terms... Thank goodness for cherrypie cuts! Oh btw somehow I sneaked a dna tangie into my lineup oh boy how that's caused some drama. Anyways thanks for posting y'all it's 1:15 and in waiting for my buddy to return home safely on the train so I got to sneak to town and update!
Sorry if I missed any of your post looking good RIU fanily