Doubletakes 2014 adventures


Well-Known Member
. What goes around comes around, A lesson hard learned in life. Might be lost plants, could be lost eyes, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man rabbits can be a bitch too I had a few of my guerrilla girls get wiped out by those last year.
I got to pull him out of his hole then we can really see how big he was!

ya we get them fucking rabbits that just bite the plant off about 2 ft up the stock and just leave it laying there i had one on a deer cam stand up and bite it off to suck the water out the stock at least that look like what he was doing other than killing my plant !! deer aren't a problem guerilla growing as much as rabbits are


Well-Known Member
ya we get them fucking rabbits that just bite the plant off about 2 ft up the stock and just leave it laying there i had one on a deer cam stand up and bite it off to suck the water out the stock at least that look like what he was doing other than killing my plant !! deer aren't a problem guerilla growing as much as rabbits are
Yeah man Defenetly got to build sturdy cages around them they got me when I did t build anything, very ameture mistake haha
Thats kinda funny hoe the rabbits do that just like "mmmhmmm (: Water canes" iv noticed when I top it's gushes out some water so it's probley perfect for thiese little bastards hah


Well-Known Member
Have you had any issues with mites? I feel like there's been more this year due to the heat / dry conditions. I've been waging war for the last few weeks to knock down their population before flower. I'm pretty happy with this at this point but damn it's been crazy.

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Well-Known Member
Have you had any issues with mites? I feel like there's been more this year due to the heat / dry conditions. I've been waging war for the last few weeks to knock down their population before flower. I'm pretty happy with this at this point but damn it's been crazy.

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Yeah man iv never really had then outside and I just started spraying neamn like 3 weeks ago once a week but still saw in a couple Lower leafs the white spots so idk what the hell to do Mabey up the dose or do twice a week.
What have u been doing to fight them?


Well-Known Member
Neem and avid.
Funny thing is I don't have any mites on my indoor... it's pretty odd really lol.

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Well-Known Member
Neem and avid.
Funny thing is I don't have any mites on my indoor... it's pretty odd really lol.

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That is odd hah be carefull I feel like there kinda easy to wipe out indoors but man I let them get out of hand like this once and it was super gross.
Im scared of them getting my outdoor buds like that I need to spray tonight ha.image.jpg