Outdoor/Light Dep Season 2014 in Norcal


Well-Known Member
no anger here.. its a part of the game we play, just sad to know that no matter waht YOU CAN GET FUCKED WITH... i just want to know WHERE can i go to NOT get FUCKED with? honestly just bummed i lost my genetics.. i can never get that TANGIE or KRYP and unless i get gifted the CP thats gone too. tough time for my lady as well..


Well-Known Member
no anger here.. its a part of the game we play, just sad to know that no matter waht YOU CAN GET FUCKED WITH... i just want to know WHERE can i go to NOT get FUCKED with? honestly just bummed i lost my genetics.. i can never get that TANGIE or KRYP and unless i get gifted the CP thats gone too. tough time for my lady as well..
OK I just looked...& it looks like I DO have a CP cut that has just rooted, and also.......wait for it..........a KRYP!:grin:.........but they have just rooted. :weed:I can have clone mothers for you at the BBQ....(:


Well-Known Member
Mofoo I dont know you personally but I feel like my plants just got chopped down wow I am shocked and really really feel for you.I would be suicidal right now ,good for you for keeping your cool it is the best way.That is easy for me to say I know .I have a terrible temper and can only imagine what my reaction would be .I know there is nothing I can do for you but say I feel your pain and I have cuts of Tangie,I am in so oregon so we really are not that far apart if you need them I got them for you,keep your head up buddy.


Well-Known Member
Man this sucks hardcore... I'm sorry this happened to you. It's looking like I should be extra paranoid this year.

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Active Member
The fucked up part is there won't be any notice of this in the news. People won't hear about it. There's no reason for them to show up and just cut down on their own. They are not supposed to be able to year everything down, you should be able to keep your 300ft at least, that's be like 4ish plants

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Well-Known Member
Mofoo I dont know you personally but I feel like my plants just got chopped down wow I am shocked and really really feel for you.I would be suicidal right now ,good for you for keeping your cool it is the best way.That is easy for me to say I know .I have a terrible temper and can only imagine what my reaction would be .I know there is nothing I can do for you but say I feel your pain and I have cuts of Tangie,I am in so oregon so we really are not that far apart if you need them I got them for you,keep your head up buddy.
damn man i just read this post thats very respectable much appreciated!! thanks goodness i gave my good friend 2 cuts he gave me 65 in return all TANGIE! soo i guess ill be just doing a couple deps this year


Well-Known Member
its crazy i never realized how big my plants were until they were chopped.. 3-6 lbs? planted the last week of JUNE. im on it!!


Well-Known Member
im so disheartened RIU... makkes me not even want to replant this year... so sad i invested to much passion into my new property. whos to stay they wont come back every year from now on? such a beautiful property to waste. its crazy to think i can stare at a garden across the way, extremely less developed and less kept up and 24 more plants JUST BECAUSE HES A "LOCAL" what some shit. do i comply by all guidelines except this 300sqft rule (which ive only seen maybe 1 garden that has EVER come under compliance to this) and try to replant next year? or did i move on to other locations in another county? I OWN 3 properties ...2 of which i dont grow at because i dont/didnt need too. i RESPECTED the county so much for being a developed community mainly supported by pot growers vs the triangle and other "grow countys" shasta is imo a little more updated/cityish. pretty crazy its been a long year, might just say peace and outs for the res t of the year