avg return per oz?

starting material, and tube efficiency play huge factors

non winterized, I've hit as low as 4%

best trim, blasted twice, I believe it was 18%

best run ever 26-27%

avg??? Hello no. Its everywhere . If your material is dry, and you squish a ball of it in your hand, and it stays a sticky ball, then I would predict over a 10% return.
so one question I have, when they outlaw open extraction will everyone move to closed systems or back to Icewater ??

can you provide a link to where you heard this? because when i was up there a couple of weeks ago talking with people they didnt say anything of that nature
everything i have read say they will ban the making of BHO all together not the method in which they make it....

or was this just something you heard from someone?
everything i have read say they will ban the making of BHO all together not the method in which they make it....

or was this just something you heard from someone?[/QUOTE

if I remember correctly it was a post on westword about city council measures being worked on and state level rules for extraction . let me see if i can find t
and hell i dont mind a closed looped extraction device, all of them just seem to be flawed in one way or another, the guys out at pinks in Denver even use tubes because they didnt like the closed looped extractors that are on the market right now

yea if you could find something regarding state level, because some citys have already ban all butane extractions
As long as fuck-holes quit blasting inside their fucking apartments and endangering the lives of themselves and every one around them BHO will not be banned in our beloved state.

It don't matter anyhow; Cali banned BHO production long ago, do you think the dispensaries quit selling/and making it?...nope, all they gotta do is drop the ” B” out of BHO...

They call it Shatter, Honey Oil .etc...

Closed loop systems are great for recycling the solvent, but as stated by Twitch...

Many many peeps spend lots o cash on closed units and end up going back to standard column extractions.

Back to banning...

The Nation banned cannabis right?...surely once they ban it....we all listen and abide?

What I fucking hate is when fuckers do blow shit up indoors, the cannabis community starts getting the same rep as meth labs and the like.

Butane will always be produced and people will continue making it regardless of legal status.
As long as fuck-holes quit blasting inside their fucking apartments and endangering the lives of themselves and every one around them BHO will not be banned in our beloved state.

It don't matter anyhow; Cali banned BHO production long ago, do you think the dispensaries quit selling/and making it?...nope, all they gotta do is drop the ” B” out of BHO...

They call it Shatter, Honey Oil .etc...

Closed loop systems are great for recycling the solvent, but as stated by Twitch...

Many many peeps spend lots o cash on closed units and end up going back to standard column extractions.

Back to banning...

The Nation banned cannabis right?...surely once they ban it....we all listen and abide?

What I fucking hate is when fuckers do blow shit up indoors, the cannabis community starts getting the same rep as meth labs and the like.

Butane will always be produced and people will continue making it regardless of legal status.

Washington State has closed circuit BHO written into their regulations. No open blasting.

Yeah, we had to take a step backward, before advancing the state of the art using closed circuit systems. It is always more comfortable to drop back to the tried and true, when the new results don't work out as planned.

I am far from an expert, but see some fine extracts on this forum and other, plus we have a steady stream of students at various levels of expertise dropping by samples that are top notch, besides having judged concentrates in a major cup competition, so I get to see and sample a good cross section of what folks are making. I offer a standing challenge to anyone who can make a better extract, by pouring off the butane before it is recovered, and finishing off outside the Terpenator, than we can inside the Terpenator.

Not saying that we are the very best, only that we are not chopped liver either and make a first class concentrates operating the Terpenators as designed, that most producers would be proud to claim as their own. Instead of giving up and entrenching with the older methods, consider charging forward into new territory.

85F extraction-1-1.jpgBrown sugar-1-1.jpgWax-1-1.jpgWax-1-2.jpgVacuum purged at 29 hg & 115F-1-1.jpg
I should have been more specific when utilizing the general term of” Closed Unit System”

I have yet to hear of anybody disappointed with the results of the coveted Terpenator units.

It's the other popular closed loop systems.

The MK-IIIa that I ordered for my dispensary has yet to be used do to a financial set-back in budgeting...
A few more things are necessary in order to get the Terpenator off the ground.

I for one am super excited to utilize said unit.

I've only heard great things, so I should have specified the closed units I was speaking of.

Ok Im currently on "dont get excited" "don't get agitated" due to having a seizure on the 26th, but since my fever broke 2 hours ago I'm ready bite on a subject.

Fade those extraction reg's are they outright targeted at butane? or are they loosely targeting extractions? I had a more complex question but I need to stay calm.
MMJ has taught us lot's about grey zones, and I'm all for No "Open" butane blasting. But I don't use butane and I don't blast I vac extract open. I know what i'm doing with the limonene ain't on nobody's radar.
But let's say this year I'm saving my money to make sure I can enter the PNW secret cup. I see so many people working so fucken hard to get these med's out by legitimate means I respect the shit out of that community zeal, I guess it's why i feel so guilty for no soapboxing my methods. Where would a food grade non polar extraction fit into the current structure? am I in trouble for open blasting? have i just stepped over it all by being so insignificant?

I really hope im not more dislexic after this recent neuronal electrical breakdown.....
Ok Im currently on "dont get excited" "don't get agitated" due to having a seizure on the 26th, but since my fever broke 2 hours ago I'm ready bite on a subject.

Fade those extraction reg's are they outright targeted at butane? or are they loosely targeting extractions? I had a more complex question but I need to stay calm.
MMJ has taught us lot's about grey zones, and I'm all for No "Open" butane blasting. But I don't use butane and I don't blast I vac extract open. I know what i'm doing with the limonene ain't on nobody's radar.
But let's say this year I'm saving my money to make sure I can enter the PNW secret cup. I see so many people working so fucken hard to get these med's out by legitimate means I respect the shit out of that community zeal, I guess it's why i feel so guilty for no soapboxing my methods. Where would a food grade non polar extraction fit into the current structure? am I in trouble for open blasting? have i just stepped over it all by being so insignificant?

I really hope im not more dislexic after this recent neuronal electrical breakdown.....

Closed circuit butane............
Ive been running personal through a turkey baster, 2 grams at a time with california orange seems to make me a stoned monkey for a couple days. Im looking forward to building a larger apparatus so i can run a pound of trim at a time. Anyone else running quantity like that have any pointers? Thanks
Ive been running personal through a turkey baster, 2 grams at a time with california orange seems to make me a stoned monkey for a couple days. Im looking forward to building a larger apparatus so i can run a pound of trim at a time. Anyone else running quantity like that have any pointers? Thanks
Closed loop or several tubes. Extractionexperts.com has some good tubes but a glass blower could do them much cheaper.
2 grams of KIND gets me 1/10 to 2/10 of a gram. Averaging 15% return with it. Shitty bud produces an ok oil just not much of it
75% of the bud on the market has no place in oil.. that's why its still flowers.. honestly.. trim larf.. and then crops that were grown strictly for bho.. usually are the only things worth blowing honestly.. unless u find a strain that yields incredibly for bho.. then making bho in areas were ozs of top shelf still go for 300.. and grams of oil don't go above 60.. then just sell the bud.. lol

u gotta grab a stainless steel turkey baster.. they fit 14-20 grams.. use that u determine which strains to grow for bho .. then u can maximize your bho.. ive heard of 20%.. ive only seen 18% on nugs but also I don't run it forever I don't like sappy products.. the longer u blow. the sappier it gets. use multiple pyrex dishes to collect the better stuff separate.. kinda like u use bubble bags. .
ive heard of 20%.. ive only seen 18% on nugs but also I don't run it forever I don't like sappy products.. the longer u blow. the sappier it gets. use multiple pyrex dishes to collect the better stuff separate.. kinda like u use bubble bags. .

i pulled 26.4 % off my last run and 22% or 21.95 on the run before that. posted them in the hash oil picture thread and they are actually available in the springs area. one was 2 ounces i used 2 cans and with my qp tube i used 3 cans and they are shatter and cleaner on your nail then anything in any shop
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