Flourescent Sunrise: A CFL / HPS Adventure


Well-Known Member
thats big bang.. they are sweet.. the buds are definately big,.. i got 2 of them that weighed in over 25 grams each after dried... but im just not over all to hyped about this strain.. the phenos i got from the 5pack were not what i was lookin for.. they will do until i get the others ( black rose, white widow, and chrystal ) up and going.. im gonna germ some WW and chrystal tonight.. the BRs are already rolling... thanks for stoppin by koosh..


Well-Known Member
they are doing great... i just cloned them a couple hours ago.. i cut 6 clones total.. 2 BR, 2 WW, 2 Crystal.. .. im going to throw them in the flowering room and see what i come up with next weekend.... havent been on here much, for a while i was real busy.. i just left my job that ive been workin for a long time, and went to a new company for more $... so u know how that goes... hows your grow going? im gonna go check u out in a few.. im updatin the movie thread right now.. i got a good copy of Iron Man on there!


Well-Known Member
i might take a couple pics in a lil while and post em. . everything is growin nicely..i lost most of the clones i cut a couple weeks ago ( i think i cut them too soon after giving them a nitrogen-heavy feeding, which i heard prevents them from rooting ) so i just flushed and gave straight water for about 10 days before cutting new ones... i have 6 mothers and 2 clones from each that i cut last saturday.. next saturday they should all be rooted well ( they have small roots already ) and i will be firing up the HPS to flower them so i can see whats what...


Well-Known Member
heres how they are doin in veg chamber... they were started from seed on or around 4/20...

as you can see, they are labeled on the fronts of the pots..
A,B,E= Nirvana Crystal
C,D= Heath's Black Rose
F= White Widow

i lost 2 of the three white widow seedlings due to PH fluctuation... the third one was looking HORRIBLE and was on its last leg so i did a few things to help stabilize the PH in the water i use...

i got a big trash can (brand new) lightly bleached it, rinsed it out thoroughly, then i filled it with tap water. Let it sit for 48 hours with no lid (just some mesh screen to help keep out anything that might fall in) .. then i PHed the whole 30 gallons.. then i took out a gallon of that water and added my usual nutes to it and checked the ph.. i measured 4 ML of PH up, and that brought it back to exactly the same PH as before i added nutes (now i know that everytime i water, my ph will be perfect, and that everytime i use nutes, i just have to add 4 ml per gal to correct the PH..) this will save me some headaches!!! (previously i was balancing the PH on every water/feed)

ok so that worked out the PH.. but the WW was so torn up it was in shock and wasnt getting ANY new growth and every bit of existing growth had turn black/brown/yellow/spotted/curled.. it was UGLY!! sort of like that mutant at the beggining of this journal that i canned... anyway, i flushed it and after a week there was no signs of healing.. so i tried something out.. my usual nute mix is (per lucas method) 7ml GH Flora Micro, 14ml GH Flora Bloom per gal... so i flipped it around.. 14ml Micro, 7ml Bloom..
and what do you know, 2 days after giving it some of that, 4 brand new shoots emerged all green and vigorous... well.. heres the pics// one of the black rose plants is very thirsty! she got feed today while i was taking pics so she will bounce back up! disregard her droopyness



Well-Known Member
Damn Dert those are some bushy bitches, nice job.
So where did you come across the Black Rose and did you start them from seeds or clones?
Keep up the great work.:weed:


Well-Known Member
hey big guy... well let me first explain.. this thread that your in now has been abandoned for quit a while... i havent posted in this thread since the black rose got about 3 weeks old.. therefore i havent taken any pictures since they were seedlings... Dr Chronic sent me the BRs as a freebie along with my order of Nirvana Crystall and White Widow... if u go back a couple pages in this thread u will see the seedling photo of my BR mothers ( both females, both healthy... just waiting to see if they are both Purple pheno... )

i also have a WW and Chrystal mother, but im just filling up my flowering room with BRs at the moment.. in 2 week intervals, straight from clone.. (i let them root for two weeks, then straight to 12/12.. i put 4 in the flowering room at a time.. )
its taken a little bit of time to get everything running the way i want it.. but im about 6 weeks away from the first harvest that will be followed every other week by what i hope is a duplicate yield... we'll see...

but yeah.. i havent taken any pics of the BRs since they have started flowering, but i will take a pic or two tonight to show u how im doin... i cant wait to see the purple.. im hoping that my high temps wont make it not turn purple.. that would suck...


Well-Known Member
hey big guy... well let me first explain.. this thread that your in now has been abandoned for quit a while... i havent posted in this thread since the black rose got about 3 weeks old.. therefore i havent taken any pictures since they were seedlings... Dr Chronic sent me the BRs as a freebie along with my order of Nirvana Crystall and White Widow... if u go back a couple pages in this thread u will see the seedling photo of my BR mothers ( both females, both healthy... just waiting to see if they are both Purple pheno... )

i also have a WW and Chrystal mother, but im just filling up my flowering room with BRs at the moment.. in 2 week intervals, straight from clone.. (i let them root for two weeks, then straight to 12/12.. i put 4 in the flowering room at a time.. )
its taken a little bit of time to get everything running the way i want it.. but im about 6 weeks away from the first harvest that will be followed every other week by what i hope is a duplicate yield... we'll see...

but yeah.. i havent taken any pics of the BRs since they have started flowering, but i will take a pic or two tonight to show u how im doin... i cant wait to see the purple.. im hoping that my high temps wont make it not turn purple.. that would suck...
Thanks Dert, yeah I got my BR's as a frebie from the Doc too.
Sounds like you've come a long way from the washing machine experiment that you started with. Do you still have them in the remodeled former recording booth?
I remember browsing through this thread back when you first started it and I was very new around here. I'll be going through and reading it all later.
You must have modeled your setup after AlB.Fuct's, nice going.
As far as the color, I doubt that it will be a problem for you as this strain was developed for growing inside anyway. Can't wait to see the purple fill-in on these babys. I'm looking forward to those pics man.
Good luck and Happy Growing.:weed:


Well-Known Member
OK, it took me a good part of the day today to do it, but I just finished reading through the entire journal.
So you're cloning in the rubbermaid diy cloner, vegging in the washing machine, and flowering in the old recording booth, right?!
Nice job, +rep !!!
If you abandoned this thread, what thread are you posting in these days other than your movie thread?
I definately want to see updated pics of these Black Rose and their offspring too.
Oh yeah, and I loved the video updates and the close-up pics of your big bang harvest too.:mrgreen::peace::mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
actually.. i havent posted much in ANY thread... kind of lost interest in RIU for a while... but it seemed like time was flying when i was keeping a journal here.. and now that i havent been logging my progress, time seems to stand still.. .
i was going to take pics tonight, because i want to show off these BRs.. but i got a lil too drunk and lazy! haha.. but i promise some pics tomorrow (saturday night)... i have to give them some nutes anyway so its not like its out of my way or anything...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics Dert.:peace:
She sure does have some full hairy buds going there.
How long do you plan on flowering her?
The BR's must get there color close to the end I guess.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey masta! whats goin on bruh? good to see u..

big guy: i plan on flowering them either 8 or 10 weeks.. . being that im putting a new batch of clones in there every two weeks, i would like to have 4 sets in there at all times... so if they are done in 8 weeks, they will get pulled out.. but that would leave me with only 3 sets in there, so im thinking if they are looking like they could use a little more ripening come 8 weeks, then i will leave them the other 2 weeks so a new batch could replace them giving me 5 sets total ( 1 set that just got pulled out / 4 that are still in ) .. well see how that goes when the time comes.. i just put in the 3rd set on saturday... so 2 more weeks and i will put in the 4th... and from the looks of it i will more than likely have to go a couple more weeks.. ( the buds are still popping with white hairs and havent begun to fill out really yet )

thanks for the interest guys.. tracking progress on RIU always seems to make the harvest that much sweeter and makes the time fly by...


Well-Known Member
Heres some more flix of the Black Roses...
in the group shot i have a WW in the back left corner... its the largest.. and the ones to the right that are in black pots are Nirvana Chrystal ,, , the rest is Heath's Black Rose.. ive lost track of how many weeks theyve been flowering... but id say about 5-6 for the oldest (most developed) .. all i know is that next saturday i drop in 4 more, and then 2 saturdays from then i pull 4 out and put 4 more in... and so on... i cant wait...



Well-Known Member
Looking real nice Dert !!
Sounds like it's all working out for you.
Still not showing any purple yet?
Thanks for the pics.:peace:kiss-ass:hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nah man.. still no purp.. but, as you can tell, they are still in early development ( they are exploding with white hairs ) ,,, they havent begun to fill out yet u know? i mean, usually i get an explosion of white, that gets filled in with bud growth (thats nice and green)... but it seems like these bitches just keep exploding with white... so i can only imagine what its going to look like when the "green filler" part starts!! oh man.. i just hope they start turnin purple for me... everything else thus far has been great... i am down to only 2 BR mothers so i hope i hit the purple pheno with one of them.. i have to say that the clones that i have taken from plant C have been more of a bushier, more hair popping, low-ryder type pheno... and the ones from plant D are grow taller, faster, and have ALOT more crystalls... so i think that C is gonna be the purple pheno, we will see

ill keep my fingers crossed...

oh yeah.. and i got some other great news over the weekend...
see, me and my buddy (who lives in an entirely different state) (((we grew up together but he moved years ago))) went half on the seed purchase... i actually ended up paying for all the seeds just so i could have them shipped to an address in his neighborhood and he then reshipped half of them to me.. but being that we only got 5 black rose seeds (they were freebies) he only kept 1 of them, which turned out a male... so i gave him precise instructions on how to capture the pollen and then pollenate a couple branches of a White Widow... well, he did.. about 8 weeks ago.. and he now has the first batch of seeds and hes sending me a bunch so i can try them out.. he hasnt gotten the chance yet, but im sure as hell excited to see what we come up with... Black Widow?? White Rose? Nice Funeral? haha..