iv'e bought my first seed?

Read a ton on this site., devise a plan, and then post it and ask for advice. I assume you are planning to grow indoors if this time of year. So you need a grow area. You need lighting. You need ventilation and odor control eventually. You need to pick a grow medium. There are some starters to research...
What strain is this "first seed?"

Do some research honey.
Like GrowinDad said, you need all those things he mentioned, AND read a lot on this site.
Overall you grow it just like any other plant. To really make it thrive, study!

Good luck. If you need advice, just ask. Myself and many other experienced growers will be glad to help.
Welcome to RIU!

I would start at the following page, and read through the how-tos there: http://www.growweedeasy.com/basics

Then, go through all of the 'sticky' posts in the Newbie section here at RIU. After that, you'll have a wealth of knowledge to get going, and start asking questions here :)

Happy growing!

Do you plan to grow indoors or out, soil or hydro? your question is a little too general, if indoor hydro there's a lot to learn, indoor soil, just treat it as a regular house plant, outdoors your left to nature to take it's course, however you probably should of started with bag seed, buying a seed for the first time is a little risky, what if it's male or dies?
Do you plan to grow indoors or out, soil or hydro? your question is a little too general, if indoor hydro there's a lot to learn, indoor soil, just treat it as a regular house plant, outdoors your left to nature to take it's course.
i like the sound of this hydrotherapy thing?
I'm questioning whether your boyfriend is really worth all the effort required to successfully grow good marijuana for the first time. So is he marriage material or what?
hey!! he does me good in bed,, and i don't think its up to you to judge my bf,,,hell kick your ass,,hes a cagefighter and a good one,, so fuck you needle dick