How do I start growing Vert??


Active Member
Hey guys I can't really find anything about how to start very growing, what do I need? How much more does it yield? How much space does it take? Is it harder? Etc.. I have a 3x3x6.5 tent
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The answer to the OP's question is very simple; don't top. Then the fun starts!

It's a technique like anything else, it takes practice and some effort to learn.

As for yield, I wouldn't go back to flatlander grows if you paid me- and soon, it will be obsolete to grow indoors that way, anyway.
heath robinson is like the king of vertical. just take the socket out of your hood or wing and dangle that bitch vertically. as for the going vert with one plant it kinda defeats the purpose of the whole concept because your trying to get everything you can out of a limited space, hence the growing on the walls. ive done single plant vertical scrogs before that increased yields drastically. just rigged a 2 ftx2ft 1/2 inch pvc frame ,with chickenwire, attatched to a 5 gal great
Just averaged 2# a plant on the last run. Vertical bulbs, plants in square cages, checkerboard style. I have a thread with pictures somewhere.

Vertical is easy and VERY effective.

Bulb in the middle with cage around it and a fan on the floor .

Your cage should be about 18" from the bulb. If you have the headroom I would REALLY advise you to hang the cage from the ceiling in order to be able to climb into the cage and train the plants.

Also, top your plants early and get multiple branches. Bend, break, "LST" whatever gay name you want to call it to keep the branches even. We grow trees and cut almost all the secondary shoots off the first foot or two of the main branches.

Use beneficials, keep the heat on check and DON'T over feed them and you will be really happy.